85. A Visit

"Miss Zhou, we officially meet. I am Tang Songyun; you must have seen me during the bidding ceremony. It was a coincidence to meet you here. I had a business meeting along the roadside and branched here to see you."

Songyun brought out her hand for a shake at the perplexed Mingxia. When her warm gestures were not reciprocated, Songyun snarled internally. A minute had passed, yet none of the ladies had spoken to each other. Being so, Songyun climbed down from the car with the help of some aids and stood right in front of her, beaming graciously. Her elegant nature was another nature.

"It is noon, and I guess you haven't had lunch. I will treat you to a meal; meanwhile, there is also something I want to talk to you about." Songyun said, signaling her guards to open the car door for Mingxia. "Let us talk in a café. I will drive you there."