86. I want Liao dead

"Old Master Song, Liao is hell-bent on killing the Mu. He won't succeed either and would only spoil our plan. Do you want our men to assassinate him before the next day?"

"Carry on. We can't deal with two burdens on our path. Liao has to die one way or another if you get what I am saying." Fuchuan grinned heavily. He sat upright and squinted to see a perfect image of the butler.

"I will see to your request and ensure he is dead by tomorrow."

"I trust you won't disappoint me." Fuchuan ended his conversation with the butler and wheeled himself into the room. It was only a matter of waiting and getting back to his feet. The Danxia flower was certainly in the Tang Coalfield, and being so, the cure for his cancer was very sure.

Soon, everyone would bow down to him.


Haoru's apartment,