136. Pay you back in the next life

She was dimbstrucken with what he said. To surprise her, he really outdid himself and for that, she was touched to the extent of tears flowing out. No one not even Yuxuan nor her father ever did this for her.

She held back her tears in, fanning her red, tearing up eyes so no tears would fall.

"Are you hearing me? Did something happen to you? Where are you now?" Lixin questioned, paranoid why Mingxia wasn't replying to him. He didn't know if it was the gift she didn't like or the breakfast. Frankly speaking, he made the breakfast from scratch to finish which was why he had arrived so late to work. "Do you not like the gift? If you don't, I will take it back."

His ego and mood worsened saying those words.

"I am fine, I am about to cry..."

"Why do you want to cry? Are you not happy with the gift?" He became even more anxious.

"Lixin, have I ever told you that you are the best thing that have happened to me?"