"And if I am not able to pay you back in this life time, I will surely pay you back in the next, I promise," Ming pleaded, and showing her sincerity, she came down from the chair with her hands clasped together. "Just help me this one last time."

"This is too shocking to take in. I will have to investigate on my own before I help you. Have you let Lixin know about it? You have lived and served him for almost nine years, he won't be cruel to understand. Lixin is very understanding...Believe me and it's not because he is a close friend of mine."

"Will you help me or not?" She sounded a bit offended by his words. Yes, next year would be the ninth year of serving in the Mu house, but still I don't want to let him know. He has Li Jiein his hands, I want him to plead guilty for her"