"Miss Su, we haven't met officially. I am Mu Lixin, Mingxia's boyfriend." He extended his hand to Su Mei and with all pleasure, she shook it, smiling brightly but in her mind, petrified of this news.

How long were they dating?

"I will explain everything to you." Ming replied and turned back to Lixin, raising his arm and putting it over her shoulders. She leaned into his embrace. "How did you know...? How...? I really need to learn from you, Master Xin."

She teased and both talked as they walked into the inner chamber where Kilun and the man was kept for interrogation.

"My Mingxia is too nice. She must serve her punishment although she isn't the mastermind. She had the heart to do it so she must have fun." He cruelly disregarded her pleas for Kilun to be set free. He put her down on a chair and ordered for Kilun to be brought in.