147 She is the reason for the fued between you two

"Truth be told, you ain't taking us on a goose chase Miss Zhou!" Yichen's statement threw them off balance, despite that, Mingxia maintained her composure.

'He has really taken this too far'

She growled internally, her face swelling up in red.

"Okay, you are going to explain why you hate me so much. What did I ever do to you in this lifetime?" She had to open up today what has been bothering her about Yichen.

It is impossible just to dislike one to the extreme based on their family's background, there was more to it.

"If I don't hate you, what do I do to you?" He snorted and kept his lips tightened after receiving a stern glare from Lixin. "Fine, you claim so, then prove it." Though he was unsatisfied with how Lixin protected Mingxia at every slight chance, but then, he was powerless when he came to Lixin.