148 My mother has been mentally ill since childhood

"Enough Yichen, I know what I am doing..." Lixin shut him up and went back to the place where he stood. "Let's get this over with, is that the flower you want so much?" He pointed over to the blooming flower on the rock, distances away from them.

"Go get it!" Xiang Qi leaned her head over to the area where the flower could be seen beautifully. Seeing Lixin go there without hesitation, her shoulders raised high thinking she had gotten everything right under her nose.

As soon as he reached her, he gave her the flower and walked backwards in a cold, ruthless gaze.

"So this is what victory tastes like?" A smirk formed on her face and Xiang Qi retreated away from where she previously was, examining the flower. At every instant of time, she plucked it's petal one after the other and before she could be alert of what was going on, her color was pale. "What did you put in this?"