Chapter 45&46



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel




✮(𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮 𝓜𝔂 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓹)✮

"Say your last prayers, bàstard!!" Brandon pointed the gun at his forehead.

Marco stared at him in horror...

Brandon made to pull the trigger but he began hearing the police siren.

"Must be the night time patrol" He thought and hissed before facing Marco.

"The next time I see you on my way... I'll waste you" He muttered and rushed to Kaylee then carried her in his arms before leaving.

Marco stood up too and with great difficulties he began running away before the cops could get at him.

"What just happened?? How the f**k did she get involved with that girl and now my boss's son?? What is happening??" Those were all the question that ran through his mind as he began crawled away like like a snake.


Cassidy could be seen in her bathroom. She was sitting in the bath tub, scrubbing her body vigorously.

For almost 6 hours now, that's what she has been doing and her body was so red now due to the excess scrubbing. Each time the memories of how those guys touched pops in her mind, she just feels so dirty

She continued scrubbing her body with tears in her eyes till a wince escaped her lips when she bruised her arms.

She dropped the sponge and began crying loudly..

"Why I'm I so weak? Why I'm I so scared of Winter? Why can't I be like Harmony?" Cassidy cried loudly.

After some few minutes of crying, she wrapped a towel round her body before leaving her bathroom.


"Ouch..." Kaylee winced when Brandon treated her wounds.

"I'm sorry, just endure while I'm at it" Brandon said and a moment of silence issued between

Kaylee couldn't even look at Brandon because she was sure her face looked ugly as hell with the way Marco took it out on her.

"I'm done" Brandon said and looked at her.

"Tomorrow, before I go to school we're going to the hospital to make sure if you didn't sustain any interior injuries" Brandon said and stood up.

"There are three rooms in my apartment, you can stay here for tonight... Goodnight" Brandon made to leave but Kaylee held his hand.

"Do you have... Something to ask me" Kaylee spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me that bàstard was the reason why you had to hide your identity? Why do you always like keeping secrets from me? I thought we were friends? Must I always find out by myself? What if I hadn't run into you" Brandon said sternly and Kaylee swallowed hard before looking down

"I'm sorry... I'm just,, scared of him" Kaylee said.

It was time she admits that she's actually scared of him. Everytime, she always keeps up a daring face before Marco when deep down she's scared,, really scared.

Brandon crouched down and cupped her cheek. Her eyes widened as that just made her heart flutter.

"I'm someone who value friendship more than anything and trust me when I say I'll never let him lay his hands on you" Brandon said and Kaylee bit her lips trying to fight back the blush.

Brandon smiled and patted her hair.

"You must be feeling sleepy, go on. Go to sleep" Brandon said but she held his hand, stopping him from going.

"Brandon.." She called and bit her lips.

She had tons of questions to ask him too. Despite the fact that she was barely conscious back then, she saw the way he nearly kílled Marco without any hesitation and the look of fear in Marco eyes was something she has never seen before.

That got her wondering... Who is he?

"Never mind" She muttered and released him.

Maybe it was better she stuck with the Brandon she knows rather than finding out something that will change her whole perspective of him.

Brandon smiled.

"I'm the Brandon you know, the proudest peacock you'll ever see and that's all what you need to know for now. I don't want to endanger you by telling you more about myself but I'll eventually tell you one day... I know it might seem out of context but please, don't fall for me, you'll only get hurt in the end." Brandon said and stood up then left

Kaylee's eyes stayed wide for a while. Did he just told her not to fall for him?

"What if I'm hopelessly in love with you??" She muttered to herself.


Angelo's car stopped in front of the mansion and he sighed sadly.

"Can't believe I won't be seeing you for a whole night" He pouted and Harmony chuckled.

"C'mon we'll see each other tomorrow in school" She chuckled and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"How about I sleep over?" Angelo said.

"What? What do you think my parents will say?" Harmony chuckled and pecked his cheek but Angelo grabbed her waist and then kissed her lips.

She smiled and reciprocated it before breaking it shortly. Angelo let out a disappointed groan at that.

"Love you!" Harmony said cutely before she got down the car.

Angelo sighed loudly again, already missing her. The car door opened again and Harmony got back in

"What are you-"

"One more time" Harmony said and kissed him.

Angelo smiled as he reciprocated the kiss


"Marco!" Glen exclaimed when Marco crawled in the house.

Thankfully, nothing happened to her..

"F**k!! It hurts" He cried out, blood was still oozing out of his shot leg.

"Marco, what happened? Who did this to you?" Glen knelt down next to him.

"Stupid woman!! Go get me the first aid kit!" He shouted and Glen immediately ran off to get it

He struggled till he sat down on a chair, his leg was hurting him hellishly.

"F**k! If I get my hands on you Kaylee, you won't live another day to tell what I'm going to do you" He growled painfully.


Harmony walked to the dining room while hopping happily. She was putting on a white cargo pants and a black crop top with a black jersey jacket. Her hair was packed up in a ponytail.

She didn't understand why Angelo texted her to wear this but nevertheless she still loved the feeling of it.

"Woah! My baby is looking so pretty!!" Mrs McGwire exclaimed.

"Good morning mom! Good morning dad!" She pecked their cheeks respectively before sitting down

"You're glowing today.." Mr McGwire said.

"Something beautiful happened to me last night but I'll tell you later. I have something else to tell you, so I wanted to keep it a secret from you guys but I don't want you finding out from another person" Harmony said the explained to them how she worked part-time job so as to register herself for the survival show which will begin to air today.

"OMG! Why did you tell us? We would have spared you the stress of working part-time job" Mrs McGwire said

"Can't believe my baby wants to become a star... I know you'll win it, you have such a talented voice" Mr McGwire pinched her cheek.

Harmony smiled as she stared at them. A part of her really wished these two are her real parents.

They began eating their breakfast and once she was done, her driver drove her to school

"Come pick me up by 1pm" She said to the driver who drove off.

"Baby!" Barbie walked to her and they hugged.

"Can't believe I'll be saying this but I missed school" Barbie said and Harmony laughed.

"Where's Kaylee?" Harmony asked.

"I'm not sure she'll be in school today. She texted me she wasn't feeling okay" Kaylee said

Just at that moment Tasha bumped her shoulder with Harmony.

"Sorry I didn't see you standing there with how skinny you look" Tasha smirked before walking away


Harmony stopped Barbie before she could speak.

"Just let her be" Harmony said.

Almost immediately, a red sport's car drove in the school. Who wouldn't recognize the car

👥OMG! It's Angelo!

👥 Finally!! I missed seeing his face!!

👥 How I wish he was in our department!!

Angelo got down the car and the screams doubled when they saw him. He was wearing white cargo pants with a black top and black jersey jacket.

He washed the dye off his hair, bringing back the darkness of his natural hair. His long hair fell freely on his face, making him look s*xy at the same time cute.

Angelo just smiled slightly at his fans and he began walking to Harmony who's gaze was fixed on him.

She couldn't help but wonder. Is she really dating this embodiment of cuteness, handsomeness and s*xiness? Is she having him all to herself?? Alone??

Angelo was still walking when he bumped on Brandon and silence immediately descended upon the students at the campus.

👥 Oh no... They're going to fight.

Brandon glared at Angelo then he looked at his neck to see he is wearing their friendship necklace.

"Good thing you retrieved it back" Brandon smirked.

Angelo smiled and they bumped fists.

"Wassup bro?" Angelo said.

"Was heading to our hall" Brandon said.

"Alright, catch you later.. Brany" Angelo smirked

"Sure... Crybaby" Brandon smirked too

👥 What is happening??

👥 Did they reconcile??

👥 OMG!!

👥 Is it end time??

👥 I'm surely dreaming

👥 Who I'm I??

The murmurs kept going on and on till Angelo walked to where Harmony was standing.

"OMG!! You guys are wearing matching outfits!!" Barbie gushed.

"Wait.. Is it-"

Angelo pulled Harmony closer and then slammed his lips on hers. Harmony's eyes widened .

👥 Ahhh!!!!!!!!

👥 They're dating!!! It's confirmed!!!

The students kept taking photos and videos non stop. Tasha stared at the scene with wide eyes.

"No... No!!??" She screamed loudly.

"Ahhh!!!" Barbie screamed excitedly, jumping on her spot.

Angelo broke the kiss to look at Harmony who was now looking down shyly.

"I missed you" He smiled

"Did you have to kiss me right here? They're all looking at us!" Harmony bit her lips

"I hate hiding things... And I wanna flaunt my cute and hot girlfriend to the whole world so get ready coz I'll spoil you till you've had enough" He muttered and held her hand, then they began walking to their lecture hall.

"I'm a spoon!!! A plastic spoon!!" Barbie exclaimed, wiping her fake tears as she walked behind them

In just few minutes, the video of them kissing became the hottest topic in the school blog.


"What!! That old rag did that to you!!" Juliet exclaimed.

She was just waking up from sleep when she got a call from a strange number that turned out to be Kaylee.

"Yes, but I'm fine now. I just called to let you know that I'm not sure I'll be coming back home anytime soon sis so please take care of mom for me okay?" Kaylee said.

"Why? Where are you?" Juliet asked.

"I'll tell you later. Don't worry about me I'm in good hands, bye sis" Kaylee hung up before Juliet could say another word.

Juliet sighed and ran her hands through her hair

"That bàstard" She muttered and sat back down on the bed.

"I heard you speaking on the phone. What's wrong?" Romeo asked, coming out of the bathroom while fixing his tie

"It's my dad.. My family is really f*cked up especially my dad, I don't know what issues he has with my sis that sometimes I wish she was never born in my family... And I'm never there to protect her" Juliet said, fighting back her tears.

Romeo sat down next to her and pulled her to his arms.

"It's okay... You can bring her over here if you want. There's space in this mansion for many people" Romeo said

Juliet looked at him and smiled lightly before placing back her head on his shoulder.


Cassidy clung tightly onto her books as she headed to the cafeteria. As usual she spaced out, thinking about all sort of things.

Her eyes widened when she tripped on the stairs and before she could fall off, Brandon pulled her back and she crashed on his chest.

Just at that moment, Winter was coming out of their lecture hall.

Anger consumed her when she saw them in such comprising position.

"I'm.. I'm sorry" Cassidy muttered.

"Watch it" Brandon muttered and walked away.

Cassidy made to move further but her eyes widened when she saw Winter in front of her. What she did to her last time flashed in her mind and she became paralyzed with fear.

"Win... Winter, I- Arrhh!!" She exclaimed when Winter began pulling her hair angrily

"You b*tch, are you trying to steal Brandon away from me now!! Cheap whóre, I'm gonna make you regret that" Winter said and pushed her down

People were already gathering to watch what was going to happen, already feeling pity for Cassidy.

Tears escaped Cassidy's eyes and she looked up at Winter.

"Why do you hate me that much? What have I ever done to you?" Cassidy cried

"Because you're poor and I hate poor things like you" Winter said without hesitation and made to slap Cassidy but someone grab her hand.

She turned only to see it was Barbie. A hot slap landed on Winter's cheek and she staggered back.

"Yunno? You should carry a plant with you all time so as to replace the oxygen you're wasting every time you open that smelly hole of yours. I know being useless is your hobby but why not take a day off huh?" Barbie smirked.

Before Winter could speak, Harmony dumped a bucket of rotten fruits on her head and people began laughing hard.

"Time to have a taste of your own medicine" Barbie smirked, rolling up her sleeves.

"Barbie, hand me my whip," Harmony said, glaring at Winter whose eyes widened.

"No... Please"

✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂』
