Chapter 47&48



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel




  ✮(𝓘 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾)✮

"Barbie, hand me my whip" Harmony said, glaring at Winter who's eyes widened.

"No... Please" Winter muttered stepping back but Barbie pushed her forwards before handing Harmony her whip.

"Eww you stink! I don't know what stinks more, your personality or the rotten fruits on you" Barbie squeezed her nose.

"Don't you dare touch me! Do you know who I am? I'm the daughter of this school's owner, I can- Argh!!?" She cried out painfully when Harmony landed on lash of her whip on her back.

👥 Harmony!!

👥 Harmony!!

👥 Harmony!!

The students who gathered around cheered loudly as Harmony lashed it out on Winter who began crying loudly.

"Next time, f**king use your 1% brain capacity to think before acting. How does it feel to being bullied in return huh!! Huh!!" Harmony shouted in anger as she lashed it out on Winter.

"Please!! Stop!! Help!! Help!!" Winter cried out in pain

Brandon and Angelo who were walking while chatting saw the way the hallway was crowded with people chanting Harmony's name

"F**k!" Angelo immediately rushed to the crowd and his eyes widened when he saw Harmony dealing with Winter.

"Argh!! Please stop!! Help!!" Winter cried 

"Candy!" Angelo rushed to them and lifted Harmony by her waist.

"I'm not done with that girl!! She needs Jesus in her life and if she doesn't want to let Jesus in her life the calm way, it'll be the hard way!!" Harmony kicked her feet in the air.

"Candy, that's enough. You will get into trouble with the school" Angelo carried her away as she kept kicking her feet in the air.

Cassidy stood up and made to walk away but Barbie grabbed her wrist

"Come with us" She said and began dragging her as they followed Angelo who carried Harmony away.

The students continued laughing while taking pictures of Winter

👥 Eww she smells gross!

Winter glared at all of them then she screamed loudly

"Stop!! Stop taking videos of me!!!" She screamed out loudly, scattering her hair.


"Are you now calm?" Angelo said to Harmony who still looked very angry.

"Calm? How can I be calm? Did you see what she did to Cassidy. I saw the look in Cassidy's eyes, she was terrified of Winter. Who knows what she has been going through . Gosh I just want to disfigure her face completely. How dares she?! Who does she think she is!! Just because she's-" Harmony paused when she noticed Angelo was smiling while staring at her.

"Okay, why are you smiling. Did I say something funny?" Harmony frowned.

"Not really, it's just that..." Angelo paused and held her waist, pulling her closer.

"You look super cute with that frown on your face" He whispered and Harmony blushed immediately.

"R.. Really?" She muttered and Angelo raised her head up by her chin.

"More than cute" He muttered and pecked her lips

Just at that moment, Brandon walked in with Barbie and Cassidy.

"C'mon... Spare us this disgusting view" Brandon sighed and Harmony and Angelo disengaged from each other.

Harmony walked to Cassidy and took her hand. Her eyes couldn't help but widened when she saw the bruises and red marks on Cassidy's arm, the one she did to herself in the bathroom.

"Who did this to you?! Winter!!" Harmony asked, anger already boiling in her veins.

Cassidy slowly removed her hands from Harmony's grip.

"I did it myself..." She muttered and took in her lips.

"You.. You shouldn't have defended me earlier. Winter, she'll now be furious at me and might leak out my secret" Cassidy said slowly.

"What secret?" Harmony asked 

"I need to go now" She said and turned to leave but Harmony grabbed her wrist.

"You need to start fighting back. You can't just let than spoilt brat treat you the way she likes" Harmony said.

"I'll try, thanks for the advice" She smiled lightly before leaving the room.


Dennis finished wearing his swimming suit before he locked his locker. He stood up with a poker look on his face.

That's how his mood has been since he broke up with Kelly and since then she wouldn't stop begging him to take her back.

He walked out of the closet and began heading to the swimming pool. He got in and his mood changed when he saw Kelly waiting for him there.

"Babe.." Kelly immediately stood up and began walking to him.

Just then Barbie emerged out from the water and she walked to the table she kept her bottle of water.

Dennis immediately walked up to her and then turned her to him. Barbie got startled but was more startled when Dennis lifted her up, placing her on the table.

"What do you think you're-"

"Just help me out by playing along" Dennis whispered and his hand went to his hair.

He pulled her closer and immediately slammed his lips on hers. Barbie's eyes widened.

"No!! Dennis stop it!!" Kelly screamed out but Dennis grabbed Barbie's waist, pulling her closer.

"Dennis please.." She began crying already.

No, it's impossible. He can't move on just like that,, he still loves her a lot.

Her expectation took a huge blow when Barbie's hand went to Dennis hair and she began kissing him back.

"No! Stop!!" She screamed out.

"Baby..." Barbie moaned out in the kiss.

When Kelly couldn't take it, she ran out of the room in tears. 

Barbie immediately pushed Dennis off and landed a slap on his face.

"That's for kissing me unaware" She said, wiping her lips with the back of her palm.

"You kissed me back too"

"Yeah, because I figured out what was happening. So... You've finally found out that she was cheating on you, and I who wanted to give you an award for the most stupid man of the year" Barbie laughed.

"It's not funny" Dennis said coldly.

"Of course it is! Who in this school doesn't know that girl is a b*tch" Barbie laughed.

"Can we continue pretending whenever she's around" Dennis asked.

"Lemme see.. What will I gain in it" Barbie said.

"I'll give you anything you want" Dennis said

"Anything? So if I ask you to cut off your d*ck and give it to me you will do it?" Barbie smirked.

"Are you crazy?" Dennis raised a brow and she chuckled.

"Of course I'm crazy" Barbie said and got down the table.

"Catch you around" She patted his back as she walked away.

Dennis turned to look at her.

"Oh and if you wanna move on quickly, start by being back yourself. Stop sulking over it, you're not the first person who got cheated on" Barbie winked before leaving the swimming pool


Angelo's car stopped in front of the company hosting the survival show. He looked at Harmony who was literally biting her nails.

"Are you nervous?" Angelo asked and she nodded immediately.

"I'm terrified.. What if I flop? What if my voice cracks?" Harmony muttered, already breathing heavily due to how panicked she was.

"Hey, hey Candy" Angelo turned her face to him

He cupped her cheek, rubbing her earlobe soothingly.

"Listen, I believe in you and I know you'll make it pass the first round. I'll be there watching you, just look at me everytime you feel panicked and I promised you'll be fine" Angelo smiled.

Harmony rubbed his hand on her cheek and smiled more. No doubt that she was feeling more relaxed now

"Thank you" She smiled.

Angelo smiled and kissed her lips briefly before they got down the car. They intertwined their hands and began heading to the entrance

Winter who was just coming out of her car couldn't help but glare at her. She was putting on a long coat to conceal the bruises she got from Harmony.

"You can beat me all you want but you'll never beat me in this show. I'm born to be a star and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen and I mean whatever it takes" She grinned sinisterly then brought out her phone

She went to Marco's number and then stared at it. She actually took his number during their encounter at the restaurant


She texted and pocketed her phone before walking in the company.


"Welcome back sir" The clan's member greeted as Brandon got in the clan.

He didn't spare anyone a glance as usual, he just walked straight to his father's room since he knows that's where he would be.

He got in to meet Mamba receiving a blowjob from one of the clan's b*tch.

"Son" He smiled and ushered the lady to continue her job.

"Mind joining me?" Mamba smirked.

"Where's my mom Diego, you said you'll let me see her today" Brandon said icily.

There was no traces of warmth or smile on his face unlike the way he used to be in school. It was just as if he was two person.

"You know I always stick to my words" Mamba clicked a button and a secret door opened.

Brandon immediately walked to the door and his eyes brightened when he saw her.

"Mom!" Brandon immediately ran to her

"Son? Son!" Matilda immediately hugged him tightly without hesitation, she immediately began crying in his arms.

How many years have passed since the last time she saw her son.

"Son,, you've grown so much... Just look at you, you're a man now" Matilda said, her tears pouring out. She just couldn't contain the joy she was feeling at that moment.

Her son is alive... He's alive!!

"Mom.." Brandon smiled, fighting back his tears.

"I'm sorry son, it's all my fault. If I didn't accept my parent's desire for me get married to that monster, we wouldn't have been here. I'm really sorry son, I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life any mother would want for her son... But it's not too late, run away don't care about me son" Matilda said tearfully.

Brandon shook his head immediately.

"No mom... I'm never going to abandon you, I promise I'll get you out of here... I promise you that mom, just hang in there" Brandon took her hand despite how dirty it was, he kissed it.

"Son" Matilda cried loudly and hugged him tightly...

"Time's up!" Mamba said from the door.

"The 10 minutes I gave you is over" He smirked

Brandon turned then glared at Mamba so much. The amount of hatred he feels for this man had no limit.

"I promise you this Diego... I'll kíll you with my own hands, mark that!!" Brandon said with bloodshot eyes

Mamba just laughed it off..


The first round of the survival show just finished and the 20 participants stood on the stage, waiting to hear the first three people who be eliminated.

Harmony bit her lips nervously as she fidgeted on her spot. She glanced at Angelo who smiled and gave her thumbs up.

"So the results are out and before we announce those who got eliminated, here are the three people the judges were really impressed with" The host said

"3rd runner up, we have Elsa Moore. Your cover of the song Symphony was really good but you lacked a little bit slow in the rhythm. Nevertheless congratulations, we look forward in hearing from you" The host said and a short haired girl named Elsa nodded happily as the audience clapped for her.

"Now our second runner up is Winter Anderson! Congratulations, the judges were really impressed with your vocals but sadly you lacked consistency. You still slayed nevertheless." The host smiled as the the audience cheered for her.

"Thank you" Winter smiled widely.

"Then our winner of today's round is... Harmony McGwire!! Congratulations Harmony, your name is just the perfect description of the song you sang for us. You have good rhythm and vocals but you seemed a little bit nervous. Nevertheless you still slayed, the judges were really impressed with you and they want to hear more from you" The host said.

Harmony's eyes widened and the first person she looked at was Angelo who gave her the "i told you so" smile

"I'm.. I really don't know what to say, thank you so much!!" Harmony smiled and bowed respectfully.

Winter couldn't help but glare at Harmony. She stormed out of the stage before those who were eliminated could be announced.

The host announced those who got eliminated before the other qualified participants left the stage.

"Doll!!" Harmony immediately ran to Angelo's arm. He lifted her up and twirled her around

👥 She's dating the popular Angelo?

👥 Gosh! She's so lucky!!

👥 I couldn't even take my eyes off him when I saw him among the audience. He looks more handsome than on TV.

👥 I heard he had photoshoots today but he made his manager reschedule it just to come and encourage his girlfriend. OMG!!

"I told you you could do it" Angelo pinched her nose.

"I'm so happy!! Can't wait for round 2, I'll give it all my best that's for sure" Harmony said, with determination clear in her eyes.

"Thank you so much Doll!! I love you!!" Harmony gushed and pecked his cheek.

"That's not what we call a thank you kiss" Angelo pulled her closer and claimed her lips immediately, not minding the crowd looking at them.


Kaylee smiled as she finished setting the table for dinner before she lit up the candle.

Since Brandon suggested that she stays with him for the meanwhile, it will be really ungrateful of her if she doesn't do something to show she's really thankful so she decided to help him with the house chores

She cleaned every room in the house, washed the dishes and even dressed his room and now she made them dinner.

"Why does this look like a romantic dinner date! What if he starts thinking I'm into him" Kaylee whined and made to blow off the candle but the door to the entrance opened.

"He's back!" Her eyes brightened and she immediately rushed to the entrance

"Brandon! I made dinner for us and I-"

"I'm not hungry, just eat without me..." Brandon said coldly, heading to his room.

"But I really put effort in it Brandon" She held his arm.

"I said I'm not hungry!!" Brandon yanked her hand off harshly and yelled.

Kaylee flinched at that before looking at his eyes. She could see a tint of sadness hiding behind those angry eyes.

"Kaylee, just... Let me be" He said more calmly and turned to leave but Kaylee hugged him from behind.

"You're sad... What happened? You can confide in me" Kaylee said

Brandon's lips began trembling and before he knew it, he finally let the tears he's been holding.

"I miss her... I miss my mom so much!! I miss seeing her smile, I miss seeing her happy. After several years, I finally saw her today. She lost so much weight, she looked so unkempt, her beauty faded. You know the worst of all is that I always say I'm going to save her yet I still can't anything!! I did things I never wanted do to, I became a monster I never wanted to become because of her yet I still can't protect her.. I'm useless,, I'm a failure!!" He poured it all out as tears cascaded down his cheek.

"You're not a monster, you'll never be a monster" Kaylee whispered. Though she couldn't grasp a single thing of what he was saying but she could feel how pained and angry he was.

It made her wonder how does he always manage to keep all that anger and sadness bottled up in him.

Kaylee closed her eyes and rested her head on his back.

"I love you..." She breathed out without thinking.

Brandon's tears immediately stopped and his eyes widened.

✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂