The One With The Finale

Min Hwan-Woo

"Do you have to leave? It's my wedding."

"I can't stay here now, and you know that. Staying here feels..." Kim Ha-Jun drawled as he tried to figure out the perfect word to express his emotions.


"Yeah," Kim Ha-Jun agreed. "Overwhelming."

"If you're determined, at least tell everyone goodbye. They deserve that."

"I'm sorry, Hwan-Woo."

Hwan-Woo sighed.

Kim Ha-Jun became a beautiful disaster. Even though Blue did not say it in words, her smile was enough for him. It was always Sung-Hoon. Strange how he thought he could ever win her heart. Like most heartbroken men, he could've chosen to pursue her relentlessly until she chose him. However, he stepped back. He might've been able to force her, but he could never get her to love him back. Besides, the man he was pitting against was his best friend. Because of Blue, he did not wish to ruin their friendship.

"It's best if I leave." Kim Ha-Jun forced a smile while patting his shoulder.

"Who's going to be my best man then?"

"Sung-Hoon," Ha-Jun said without missing a beat. "You can even ask Jessica to choose Cheon-sa as her maid of honor. It'll give those two a moment to dance on the dance floor, as per traditions."

"Nah, Jessica already asked one of her best friends."

Silence fell over them. Min Hwan-Woo tried to stop one of his closest friends from leaving but failed miserably. There was no way Kim Ha-Jun would be persuaded. He was just as stubborn as his best friend. Internally, Hwan-Woo respected him for his actions. Not everyone would make the wisest choice to distance themselves from their potential failed mate; he did. Even though he would not be unable to distance himself forever, it was the right choice for now.

Kim Ha-Jun cleared his throat. "Hwan-Woo."


"Thank you."

Hwan-Woo furrowed his eyebrows. "What for?"

"For not letting me go all berserk crazy three days ago. For being there for me when I needed a friend," he gave him a genuine smile. "I'm happy for those two. Unfortunately, I can't help but feel a tinge of envy."

"My pleasure, brother," Hwan-Woo chuckled. "As much as I hate to see you go, I'm quite impressed with your maturity. I'm glad you're letting her go."

"It hurts, sure," began Ha-Jun. "But even I know relentlessly stalking her is a terrible idea. Not only would I be invading her privacy, but I would also be destroying my friendship with Sung-Hoon."

"I might be heartbroken, but I refuse to resort to anything that hurts them."

A proud smile made its way onto Hwan-Woo's lips. He pulled his friend in for a bear hug. Color him impressed. Ha-Jun hugged him back. They stayed like that for a minute before they pulled apart.

"I would ask you for a wedding gift, but," paused Hwan-Woo while he attempted to wipe off his tears. "You already gave me the best gift."

Kim Ha-Jun gasped. "Me leaving is the best gift for you? How could you say that to me? How dare you!"

He punched Hwan-Woo's shoulder, which caused him to stumble backward. Hwan-Woo laughed heartily.

"I didn't mean that, you idiot!" Min Hwan-Woo punched back. "I meant your attitude towards the whole thing. It's impressive."

"Oh, stop!" Ha-Jun waved his hand dismissively. "You're just saying that."

"No, absolutely not. I mean that."

Kim Ha-Jun stared at him weirdly, hoping that would bring the truth out of him. When he got nothing, he sighed.

"Fine, I believe you."

"Anyway," began Hwan-Woo. "How long are you staying in the US for?"

"I'm not quite sure," replied Ha-Jun. "Maybe a couple of years. I'll stay there long enough to remove my emotions toward Cheon-sa. Although I can't steer clear of her, I understand that being friends isn't an option. So, I have to figure out a way to stay in the same room as her without feeling weird."

"Good morning, passengers. This is the final boarding call for the passenger, Kim Ha-Jun, booked on flight A388 to Los Angeles. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed, and the captain will order the doors to the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Kim Ha-Jun. Thank you."

Ha-Jun forced a smile. "It's time. I should go."

Hwan-Woo let out a breath and hugged him once again.

"Have a safe flight, Sunshine," said he. "Come back soon."

Kim Ha-Jun grinned, pulling apart. "Tell those lovebirds not to get married before I return. I ain't skipping out on his wedding."

Hwan-Woo chuckled and shook his head. "You will never change."

Kim Ha-Jun winked. "Never in a million years!"

With that, he walked out of their lives.

Even if it was just for a while.


"I hate you for not choosing me as your best man," pouted Song Jun-Seo. "And I hate you for not stopping him. What the hell were you thinking?"

Hwan-Woo rolled his eyes at Jun-Seo's reflection in the mirror while fixing his tie. They were at his hotel room getting the groom ready. Meanwhile, Lee Sung-Hoon was engrossed in his phone as usual.

"That's because Ha-Jun-ah asked me to choose him," said Hwan-Woo. "Besides, he's a good friend of mine as well. He's known me for a long time. You can be his best man."

Hwan-Woo pointed at Sung-Hoon.

Jun-Seo rolled his eyes. "As if Ha-Jun Hyung will let me."

"Sung-Hoon-ah," Hwan-Woo called out, his eyes glued to the mirror.

"Yeah?" replied Sung-Hoon while still immersed in his phone.

"Do you have something to say about Ha-Jun's sudden departure?"

"He did what he felt was right," said he as he placed the phone on the table. "Although I don't like that he had to leave the country and stay away from us, I understand his reasons. He's a good best friend."

He got up from his seat and fixed his blazer. He donned a plain white tee underneath a navy blue blazer and a pair of denim jeans. Hwan-Woo donned a stylish black suit, whereas Song-Jun Seo sported a baby pink suit with a white tee underneath.

"I did tell him to tell everyone goodbye before he left."

Lee Sung-Hoon waved his hand dismissively. "That's okay. He wanted to leave quietly without making a big deal out of it. He promised to return. If he doesn't keep his promise..."

"We'll take a flight to Los Angeles and drag him back," Jun-Seo finished his cousin's statement with a wide grin.

Hwan-Woo inhaled deeply. "Everyone, ready?"

"We should be asking you that," smiled Sung-Hoon. "Are you ready to get married?"

Hwan-Woo grinned.

"I've never felt more ready in my life."


Lee Sung-Hoon

"Jessica MacDonald, do you take Min Hwan-Woo as your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward, to love him and protect him, comfort him and cherish him, trust him and honor him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in life's good times and bad times for as long as you both shall live?"

The bride looked up at Hwan-Woo with a smile that could light up the whole world. She gently squeezed his hand.

"I do."

The Officiant smiled before facing the groom.

"Min Hwan Woo, do you take Jessica MacDonald as your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward, to love her and protect her, comfort her and cherish her, trust her and honor her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in life's good times and bad times for as long as you both shall live?"

Hwan-Woo looked at her with a wide grin.

"I've never wanted to say 'I do' more than I want right now. With me by your side, you will always receive abundant love, unwavering protection, complete trust, and unparalleled comfort. My loyalty to you is steadfast and will never falter."

The entire crowd was mesmerized by his words. They went, "Aww."

The Officiant continued. "May the rings continue to remind you of what you promised today and help strengthen your relationship and guard your journey from this day onward."

The rings were handed to the bride and groom, and they swiftly exchanged them.

"Now that you've proclaimed your undying love and commitment towards each other in the presence of your loved ones and the Almighty, by the power vested in me by the state of Seoul, it gives me immense pleasure to pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Hwan-Woo grinned before leaning in for a gentle kiss. The crowd cheered and clapped for the newlyweds. The cousins smiled and joined in the cheer.

The cheer died down soon enough and was replaced with music. Everyone in the audience came onto the dance floor to dance with the bride and groom. Jun-Seo immediately left his hyung's side to play the DJ for the night. Sung-Hoon rolled his eyes. He was never one to stick to one end of the room. He had to do something to grab everyone's attention. No one was happier than he was that night. He even surpassed Hwan-Woo in that!

Sung-Hoon's eyes noticed a familiar face in the crowd.

"Lee Sung-Hoon," the man called out with a grin. "Who dragged your ass this time?"

Sung-Hoon rolled his eyes. "Can't I willingly show up at weddings?"

"I haven't seen that happening in the last two decades."

"Shouldn't you be in the military? And what's with the military jacket?"

"I am done with my service," replied Dae-Jung. "Plus, I've got to show off a little! Hell, I've just survived military life."

"Anyway," smirked Sung-Hoon. "Do you wanna get a drink?"

Dae-Jung suddenly remembered what happened the last time around. Knowing Sung-Hoon, he wasn't kidding. The blood drained out of Dae-Jung's face, leaving him a pale white ghost.

Lee Sung-Hoon chuckled. "Don't worry. I ain't spiking your drink this time."

Sung-Hoon walked over to the bar and ordered his usual. While left with his own devices, his mind raced with a million thoughts. One of which reminded him that this was the same hotel where he met Blue. A feeling of gratitude filled his heart, and he couldn't help but smile. It is only appropriate to express gratitude to Ha-Jun for insisting on his attendance at his sister's wedding. His unwavering insistence has undoubtedly made the occasion all the more special and memorable.

An argument pulled him out of his thoughts. He glanced over the two familiar men engrossed in a heated discussion. He approached to see what was up.

"No, that's not how I look at it," argued Song Jun-Seo. "The wedding was beautiful as it was. Everything about it was perfect. Women even swooned at Hwan-Woo's words! Aren't I right?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Yes, but-"

"What on earth are you two fighting over?"

Baekyun's eyes widened. He leaned in and flicked Sung-Hoon's forehead to check if he was real.

"He's real," said Jun-Seo.

"And he's interested in the conversation?"

Song Jun-Seo nodded.

"And you're not even the least bit surprised?"

"Meh," shrugged Jun-Seo. "I've gotten used to this new behavior of his. Trust me. I've heard some crazy stuff from his mouth that definitely would cause you a heart attack!"

Baekyun gasped; his hand covered his mouth.


Jun-Seo aggressively nodded.

"Men," Sung-Hoon tried to grab their attention but was silenced by the two.

"Not now, Sung-Hoon," said Baekyun. "Tell me more, Jun-Seo."

They walked away like two high school girls gossiping about the most nonsensical stuff on the planet. Sung-Hoon sighed and rubbed his forehead. Maybe he should stick to staying in the shadows. Just then, someone chuckled.

"What are you doing here?"

Blue grinned. "I should be asking you that."

"It's my friend's wedding," began Sung-Hoon. "I wanted to be here on his special day."

"Aww," said she. "Since the celebrations are somewhat over, do you wanna get some fresh air?"

"Wouldn't anyone notice we're gone?"

Blue shrugged. "If they notice, let them."

Sung-Hoon seemed unsure about the idea.

"But if it makes you feel any better, I have a few friends covering for us," Blue quickly said.

"Alright," smiled Sung-Hoon. "After you."


The skies were painted in pitch black. Twinkling stars filled the skies with their light. A cool breeze blew; trees swayed along with them. Time came to a standstill for a brief moment. There was nothing in the world that worried the two. They were free to be themselves as they enjoyed their time together. A thought crossed his mind.

Would it be the right time to tell her how he feels?

He was unsure.

Moments later, Blue broke the silence. She stared at the sky and spoke.

"Sung-Hoon," she softly spoke. "Do you know why I called you here?"

The man shook his head, even though she couldn't see it. Nevertheless, she continued.

"Do you remember how we met?"

The man chuckled. The memory was clear as day.

"I bumped into you at Aera's wedding and spilled my drink on your coat that I offered to remove."

"I wanted nothing to do with you other than get my coat back," said she before turning to face him. Her gaze softened.

"As we continued to interact, I found myself wanting to spend more time with you. It seemed ridiculous at first, but when we went out for dinner and found out we both loved trivia, I knew I wanted to keep you in my life somehow. Eventually, I realized that I had developed feelings for you, and those feelings have only grown stronger with time."

"I don't expect you to reciprocate the feelings, Sung-Hoon-"

Before she could finish, Sung-Hoon cut her off.

"I like you too."

"Are you sure you aren't saying it because you feel like you have to?" Blue asked; voice laced with concern.

Sung-Hoon shook his head with a chuckle. "Absolutely not."

He swiftly moved to close the distance between them. "I've liked you for a while now. I didn't know how to tell you or whether I should even tell you. You'll find it ridiculous but that car accident and Ha-Jun's feelings for you made me realize that I should confess."

It was Blue's time to chuckle. "So if you didn't go through that, you wouldn't have ever confessed?"

"Hmm," Sung-Hoon pondered on the question. "Maybe not."

She looked up at the sky with a grateful look. "Thank the Lords, then!"

"Anyway, uh," began Sung-Hoon as he rubbed the back of his neck. "What now?"

"Hmm," thought Blue. "How do you wish to move things forward?"

"Why don't you decide?" suggested Sung-Hoon.

Blue shook her head. "I shouldn't be the only one to decide things. You should be involved in decisions too."

Sung-Hoon rubbed his chin with his index and thumb. Moments later, he snapped his fingers.

"Hey, Blue?"


"Remember that evening we planned?"

Blue's eyes lit up. "What about it?"

Sung-Hoon smiled. "The night's still young; why don't we follow through with that for now and then plan the rest of things along the way?"

"Hmm," she smiled. "That sounds nice. We have a lot of time to decide how we wish to proceed."


"YA!" Jun-Seo's voice broke the moment. "Are you two done? Dinner's about to be served!"

Sung-Hoon and Blue bid farewell to the event, their hands locked in a firm grip as they shared a significant look. The air was charged with emotion as they took off, each carrying with them a memory that would linger long after the night had ended.