Chapter Fourteen: Desperate Escape

Liam Carter's POV

Life is a constant struggle, filled with suffering. But despite the hardships, is there a way to find meaning in it? Even when hope seems distant and we feel lost, we still find ourselves desperately holding on.

"Doc, please do everything you can. Save my son," my father pleaded with the doctor.

There's always a risk. Things can be going well, and then suddenly everything turns upside down. One day everything feels extraordinary, and the next, sleep eludes you.

"Lucas will undergo electroconvulsive therapy," Dr. Solomon explained. "Don't worry, it's safe and non-intrusive. We'll take care of him during the six to eight sessions, but it means he'll have to stay here for months to ensure he takes his medication." Dad and I exchanged glances, uncertain of what to expect. Despite our reservations, we wanted my brother to get better. "Lucas will be put to sleep, and then we'll begin addressing his imbalances."

"Could he regain his memory?" The question slipped out before I even realized it

"It's possible."


Lucas Carter's POV

"How are you feeling right now?"

I feel... when it's all over, it seems like the memories only linger for a moment. They come rushing back like a whirlwind of colors. But I'm not sure if the significance attached to each color will ever truly reveal itself.

"I-I'm scared," I stammered, my chin trembling slightly. They held me as I leaned against the chair, trying to stay composed.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt. You won't feel a thing."

As they attached something to my head, I sensed a swirling sensation in my mind.

"Son, welcome to your new home," Dad said as we entered the house. I glanced around, and then my eyes met those of a boy slightly older than me. He rushed over with an ear-to-ear smile. "This is your brother, Liam." I forced a smile, not wanting to reveal my unease.

It feels like my world is expanding too rapidly, burning too brightly.

"Hello, brother! It's great to meet you. Finally, someone to play with!" The boy babbled. I didn't anticipate such a reaction. He seemed genuinely happy to see me.

"Son, I know you're still coping with your mother's death. But from now on, we'll take care of you."

I narrowed my eyes, fighting back tears, and simply nodded.

"Excuse me?" We turned to the voice, someone I never expected to see again.

"Good morning, Mom!" my brother greeted the woman descending the stairs. I couldn't be mistaken; it was her...

As things charged through my head, I tried to move from where I was sitting...

"If you think you'll be happy here, you're mistaken," Eliza snapped, gripping my arm while my father and brother were away. Her gaze was unsettling. "Remember, you'll never be a part of this family. You're just an illegitimate child."

"S-Stop..." I groaned, pain coursing through me, struggling to escape her grasp.

"If you dare tell your father or brother about this, I'll kill you."

My body trembled, frozen in place... what was happening?

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" Eliza saw me accidentally bump into a vase, causing it to shatter on the ground.

She picked up a shard of broken glass...

"P-Please, d-don't... I-I didn't mean to..."

"YOU ARE DEAD, YOU SHIT!" she snarled, gripping my wrist and forcing my chin up. "SHOULD I SHOVE THIS IN YOUR MOUTH!?"

"N-No, please... n-no!"

A tear streamed down my face. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't...

All the memories flooded in—each cheap shot, every slap and pain. They consumed my mind.

She hurt me.

Somehow, I sensed it would happen from the moment I met her. It wasn't just what she said or did; it was the feeling that followed. The worst part is not knowing if I'll ever experience that feeling again, because I never wanted to. It's like having a dagger plunged into your back, killing you before you even realize it.

You keep wiping away the blood that drips, and it all begins with that fear.

"LUCAS!" I jolted from the couch as I heard her menacing voice. "Where's my money? Tell me!" she hissed.

I couldn't utter a word. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and I instinctively stepped back.

"I-I don't know... pl-please stop!" I pleaded, my back against the wall as she advanced. Her eyes bulged, finding amusement in my fear.

"Do you really want to get hurt? Maybe it's better if you die, because I'm sick and tired of your presence here, understand?"

"N-NO! PLEASE, NO! S-STOP! STOP IT, PLEASE!" I yelped, my knees shaking. No one could hear me.

She moved the knife closer...

"I will kill you."

"N-No... NO!" I squealed.

In that moment, I summoned all the courage I had. I knew she intended to harm me; I guess I just lost control.

"LET GO OF ME!" I shouted, struggling to grab the blade from her. We became predators fighting for survival, and though she was stronger, I refused to let her win.

Everything happened so fast... As she tried to break free, I mustered all my strength and pushed her with all my might...

"E-Eliza..." I whispered as her head struck the wall and she sank to her knees.

My heart skipped a beat.

I trembled like a leaf.

Blood trickled from her head, and her eyes slowly closed...

I clutched my hair, shivers running down my spine.

What have I done?


I retreated...

"L-Lucas... what in the world happened here!?" Daisy stammered as she saw Eliza unconscious and bleeding on the floor. She rushed to her side. I didn't know what to do.

"Lucas, she doesn't have a pulse... What is this!? What did you do!?"

"I-I... I-I didn't mean to..." I trembled. "S-She was going to kill me--"

"Lucas... we need to tell your father about this--"

"NO! PLEASE, NO!" I erupted, unable to contain the turmoil inside me. My blood ran cold. "PLEASE, NO!"

"Lucas, it was an accident... you just have to tell them the truth."


Next thing I knew, I was driving recklessly, gripping the steering wheel tightly while frantically dialing my phone.

"D-Dad..." I sobbed as he answered. My jaw quivered, sweat pouring down my face as tears welled in my eyes.

"Hello, Lucas?"

My chest tightened, and I was overwhelmed. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"D-Dad, I-I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." I cried. My vision blurred. I had no idea where I was going.

"Where are you? What's happening? Tell me!"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I shouted in despair. There were no other vehicles in sight, and the sound of my pounding heart filled the air.

"Lucas... please calm down and tell me where you are," my father's voice pleaded, attempting to soothe me. But I felt lost, unsure of what to do next.

"AHHHHHH!!!" I threw my phone away, feeling weak and defeated. My body slumped, weighed down by the enormity of the situation.

"Lucas? Lucas!?" my father's voice echoed through the distance.


Reacting on pure instinct, I yanked the steering wheel, desperately swerving as a truck materialized before me in a flash.

The car crashed into the road's railing, the impact causing it to tear through and plunge over the cliff.

I slowly opened my eyes, disoriented and dazed.
