Chapter Fifteen: Then The Hurricane Hits

Liam Carter's POV

Brothers always stick together, that's what I believe. Lucas and I, we've had each other's backs through thick and thin, supporting one another, even in the worst moment of truth.

Until that night.

"What happened to him?" I asked, observing my brother from a distance.

He appeared vacant, lost in his own world. There was no flicker of emotion in his face, and his eyes lacked their usual sparkle.

We visit him at the treatment facility regularly, but he hasn't spoken a single word since his therapy began.

Weeks have passed, but it feels like an eternity. Whenever we try to engage with him, he avoids eye contact. He's become lifeless, like a wilted flower.

"He's suffering from major depressive disorder," asserted Doctor Solomon, prompting Dad and me to turn towards him. "It's a condition characterized by a loss of interest in activities and a pervasive feeling of sadness, leading to significant impairments in daily functioning."

I crossed my arms and rubbed my temples, exhaling a disappointed sigh. Is he truly getting better, or getting worse?

"Don't worry, we're ensuring he takes his medication. Major depression is a serious but treatable illness. With proper care, we can slow down, halt, and even reverse the damage it has caused to his brain and body."

"I don't understand... why is my son going through all this? The doctor said his amnesia isn't severe," Dad swallowed hard, struggling to accept the situation. I felt the same way.

"There are various factors that can contribute to it. Life changes, such as moving or the loss of a loved one, can trigger depression. Others may have a family history of the condition. Those individuals may experience overwhelming sadness and loneliness without a discernible cause," explained Doctor Solomon. His words were difficult to digest.

We returned home, filled with apprehension. Silence enveloped us; words failed to escape my lips as thoughts consumed me.

Seeking solace, I made my way to the terrace, taking in the cool night air while gazing at the shimmering stars above. Without Lucas, the house would never be the same. I yearned for a return to normalcy, longing for the days when everything was good—our bonds, the laughter, the joy.

Dad joined me on the terrace, his presence a comforting one. I could tell sleep eluded him as well. How could any of us find solace after everything that had transpired? "This is all my fault," he confessed, standing beside me. "If Allyna were still here, none of this would have happened. I don't know how to be a proper parent." His voice quivered in the breeze. Cricket chirps filled the air as I lowered my head, trying to maintain a composed exterior.

"You know, Dad," I began, shifting my weight. His eyes met mine, a glimmer of hope visible. "When I first found out about your other family, I wanted to hate you. But when I met Lucas... something changed. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm grateful." Memories of our first meeting flooded my mind. "I never wanted a brother or a sibling, but when I met Lucas, everything shifted. He means the world to me. He's not just my brother; he's my best friend, my constant companion." I added, a faint ghost of a smile forming on my lips. It warmed my father's heart to know his sons getting along.


Dad and I exchanged glances, our brows furrowing in surprise. We weren't expecting anyone at this hour, so the visitor caught us off guard.

"Daisy?" I called out as we opened the gate. She seemed visibly distressed, her nerves frayed.

"It's late. What brings you here? Isn't your father looking for you?" Dad inquired, a hint of concern in his voice. Daisy cleared her throat before speaking.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I need to talk to both of you," she stammered. My eyes narrowed, sensing that something weighed heavily on her.

"About what?" I asked, curious about the turmoil she carried.

"Lucas," she replied. It wasn't entirely surprising to me; after all, she often discussed her friend with us. "And Eliza." The mention Eliza caused my eyes to widen.

"What about my mother?" I almost choked on my words. The revelation jolted me.

We settled on the terrace, a mixture of anticipation and unease filling the air. Daisy struggled to meet our gaze directly, her inner turmoil apparent.

"I can't keep this secret any longer," she began. "I've been hiding something."

"Hiding what?" I faltered, sensing the weight of her confession. I didn't want to intimidate her, but my emotions were on edge. What had she been keeping from us?

Why had she concealed it for so long?

Dad placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, silently urging me to remain calm. I glanced at him, silently acknowledging his presence.

"I was there. I know who did it."

My eyes froze.

My jaw dropped.

Resignation washed over me, my shoulders sagging in defeat.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The truth slowly seeped into my consciousness.

Did I hear correctly?

What was happening?

"You know," I whispered, struggling to comprehend. "YOU KNOW WHO KILLED MY MOTHER?" Anger surged through me as I raged, slamming my hand on the table as I rose to my feet. My teeth clenched, and my eyes bore into her with an intense gaze.

"Son--" Dad tried to interject.

"My mother bled to death, and we've been watching my little brother suffer in that damn hospital, clueless about who did this to them. And you knew all along?" Tears welled in my eyes, disbelief and confusion warring within me. She attempted to defend herself, but her words caught in her throat. "Tell me... who killed my mother? TELL ME!"

"I-It was Lucas."

My eyes blinked rapidly, my mouth agape. I stood frozen in place, staring at her in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" I faltered, my mind struggling to process her revelation.

I wished it were all a lie. I wished I never knew. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of betrayal.

"It's true! I was there when Lucas and Eliza were lying on the floor, bleeding. Lucas pushed her in self-defense. He ran away, and I tried to chase him, but..."

"What!?" Dad scoffed, rising to his feet. Even he struggled to comprehend the shocking truth.

"Sir, I'm telling you the truth," Daisy cried out, her eyes shimmering with tears. "Eliza had been hurting Lucas. I always wondered about the bruises, the scars he had. You've seen them too, right?"

"No... no... my mother couldn't do that!" I protested, shaking my head vehemently. My heart skipped a beat, unable to accept the notion.

I desperately wanted to believe that Daisy was weaving a web of lies, that she was mistaken. But I was the one deceived.

"I witnessed it with my own eyes! How she hurt Lucas... if I hadn't seen it, he would never have told me!"

"Why didn't you tell us in the very beginning?" Dad stammered, his voice filled with anguish. My chest tightened, the confusion overwhelming.

"I wanted to, I swear," Daisy replied, her voice attempting to provide solace. "I was afraid for Lucas."

"You liar!" I erupted, unable to contain my anger. I didn't appreciate her coming to the house and thrusting her accusations upon us. I didn't want to believe it. I needed time. "Let's say what you're claiming is true. B-But Lucas... he still took my mother's life... he fucking killed her!"


I turned away, unable to bear the torrent of emotions rushing through me. I retreated to my room and leaned against the door as I slammed it, shutting out the outside world.

"I assure you, we will seek justice for Eliza," Lucas's voice echoed in my mind.

Fury coursed through my veins as I clenched my fists. It's when the hurricane hits.
