Ch. 51 - Corona Kingdom is under attack!

[Would you like Fiona to be included in the harem? I mean, she's an ogre and I kinda don't like her personality so I think I wouldn't include her in the harem. I apologize for those who were expecting her to be included in the harem.]


"I do! Yes, I do!" Rapunzel quickly answered as she jumped and hugged his neck.

'I can't believe that worked!' Jin was speechless. He's actually expecting Rapunzel to be angry or even slap him but she agreed so quickly, as if she didn't hear that he just said he's married to someone.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Tigress was peeking at the door and after watching their interaction, she smiled to herself in satisfaction.

'I'm both a good wife and a good friend.' Tigress said to herself as she patted her back.


After getting Rapunzel's answer, Jin went back to his room and saw Tigress sitting on the bed with something different in her eyes.

"What's up?" Jin asked as he noticed this.

"Get on the bed, it's time for our 'workout'." Tigress answered as she removed her night dress.

"I love this workout." Jin muttered as he also undressed himself.

For the entire night, almost all animals in the Kingdom heard a loud howl in the castle!

Making everyone in the kingdom wonder if the Corona Kingdom is under attack by a ferocious beast!

Fortunately, only Jin knows whose howl it belongs to.


The next morning, Jin woke up with a large smile to his face as he caressed the sweaty naked body next to him.

'Finally! I had sex with a human body! It's not like I didn't like Tigress's beast form but having sex with a different kind is a bit weird to me.' Jin said to himself as he stood up from the bed and cleaned his body. He already knew that whenever they both had sex, Tigress would be in a very deep sleep soon after. Jin doesn't know exactly the reason but he could conclude that perhaps it is because she's not entirely a human so there might be some kind of mechanism in her body to go into a deep sleep after having intercourse.

Going outside, Jin walked towards Rapunzel's room and seeing that she was still asleep, Jin quietly left and decided to take fresh air outside.

"Haahh...." Inhaling and exhaling, Jin was tempted to worship nature as nothing beats the fresh air.

'Thank God he made nature.' Jin said to himself, however he didn't expect to receive a reply from God himself.

'No problem, Sam.'

Just as Jin was about to have a conversation with God since he was talking to him, he suddenly heard someone barging inside the castle.

"The Kingdom is under attack!" One of the royal guards entered and started shouting everywhere about the Kingdom being attacked.

King Frederic and Queen Arianna, who were having their morning breakfast, heard the Royal Guard and panicked.

"Captain! Ready all of our soldiers! Whatever happens, we must not let them enter the Kingdom!" King Frederic quickly gave orders to the Captain of the Royal Guard who gave him a salute before running outside.

"Perhaps, you both should stay inside. I'll handle this." Jin said as he approached them.

Seeing him, they both sighed in relief. However, there is still a hint of doubt in their heart, after all, they haven't seen Jin's capabilities in their own eyes, they only heard about him from Rapunzel and it's hard to trust something that you haven't seen with your own eyes. Which is something that Jin could understand after seeing the doubt in their eyes.

'Alright, time to make this world fear my name!' Jin smirked to himself before stepping over the balcony and jumped.


"Siege that gate! I want our troops to enter in 5 minutes!" Outside the Kingdom, the Firefall Kingdom's captain with a fierce looking face ordered as catapults behind him were preparing their assault.

Thankfully, King Frederic has already ordered the citizens to evacuate from the city to a nearby shelter just in case the Kingdom got attacked.

'This is a planned attack. No matter how fast their travelling method, there's no way they could've arrived this sooner which only leaves one thing. They've already planned to attack the Kingdom no matter what decision Frederic says.' Jin stared at the large army outside the Kingdom as Jin analyzed their plan.

Thankfully, the entrance to the Kingdom can only be accessed by crossing a long bridge, so the enemy would be having a hard time invading the Corona Kingdom through the main gate.

However, there are also some other entrances to enter the Kingdom, which are not known to the public but for another Kingdom next to theirs, they've probably known about the secret entrances through some unknown methods, which is why since Jin took over the command, the first thing he did was to put most of their army to guard the secret entrances and prepare a trap, leaving the main gate to him and various archers.

"What to do next, sir?" A knight stepped up beside him and respectfully asked.

"Nothing, you all stay guard in here and make sure none of them gets past me." Jin said making the knight confused.

"I'm sorry, but past you?" The knight asked for confirmation.

"You heard what I said." Jin said before jumping off the tall walls and landed outside of the Kingdom, in front of the main gate that they've been trying to take down.


"Captain! There's a man outside the main gate." In the Firefall enemy camp, a buff armored man reported to the Captain of the army.

"Kill him, and focus on sieging the gate." The captain answered without looking at him, as he was focused on staring at the map on the table, planning on his next attack.

"Uhmm, captain? The man is running towards our encampment."

"What? Didn't I order to kill him already?" The captain got a bit annoyed at the person who was reporting and couldn't help but angrily yell at his face.

"Captain....He's avoiding all of our arrows..." The man in armor said in slight shock and fear as he watched how Jin was slowly closing in their encampment while dodging all of their arrows with ease.

"What are you talking about?" The captain felt like he just heard the most ridiculous joke in the world ever.

"Please take a look for yourself, captain." The man in armor stepped aside, letting the captain see through the open tent to the outside world.

Stepping forward, the captain saw how tens of arrows were being dodged by Jin as he didn't stop running at them.

"Who is that guy?" The captain asked as he squinted his eyes at Jin.

"According to our findings, it seems like the man that is rushing towards us is the person who is rumored to have rescued the lost princess." The man answered.

"Oh really? Then call our knights and tell them to intercept him and kill him. I could still believe that someone is capable of dodging arrows but surviving against tens of trained knights? I don't think so." The captain ordered and chuckled.

The man that is reporting nodded his head with a bit of hesitation before running outside to spread the Captain's orders.


Meanwhile, outside the enemy's encampment, Jin was slowly marching towards them as he was dodging the arrows with ease.

Just as he's about to completely cross the bridge and get close to their newly built wall made of woods, hundreds of knights in silver armor suddenly went outside the crudely made walls before they marched towards him, planning on intercepting him.

Seeing this, Jin's blood boiled as he hastened his pace and soon, he arrived in front of the first enemy knight that rushed towards him.

With a quick speed, the enemy knight didn't even manage to react when Jin's fist was already planted on his helmet. However, despite having a silver helmet, Jin's face cut through the helmet like a knife to a butter before his fist embedded on the enemy Knight's face.


As soon as Jin punched the enemy knight in its face, the unfortunate knight's ragdoll body was thrown back away, colliding across the enemy Knights behind, slowing them down and causing a slight disturbance among their positions.

Taking advantage of this situation, Jin quickly jumped forward and landed in the middle of their formation.

"Would you all like to dance with me?" Landing on the ground, the enemy knights stopped in their tracks and stared at his landing posture.

"Dance?" Just as one of the enemy knights reacted, his reaction was too slow as Jin's feet had already planted itself on his face.


"Acckkhg, my eyes!!" With bleeding and broken nose, the enemy knight that was kicked by Jin fell on the ground, his silver helmet has caved in, turning the armor that was supposed to protect him into an item that caused him to be killed as the caved in silver was broken in front, causing some of its shrapnels to injure his eyes and some of them even got inside his eye sockets.

Taking the chance of their momentary shock at seeing their fellow comrade to quickly fall and scream in agony, Jin bent down and sweeped his legs over theirs, causing most of them to fall on the ground.


As soon as he saw some of them being on the ground, Jin didn't hesitate before he quickly started stomping on their heads one by one. Although not enough to kill them, but with their injuries, it is impossible for them to be saved and could only cry in agony as they would probably die a few minutes later from their injuries.

Meanwhile, the rest of the enemy knights that weren't knocked down and those who are watching the fight were all in shock.

Even the Captain of the enemy kingdom who used to be relaxed and confident in his knights was now shocked to the core to the point that his mouth is wide open.

As soon as Jin quickly took down the rest of the enemy knights who tried to intercept him, Jin resumed his marching towards their encampment.

Seeing his walking towards them, there is only one thing that is flashing in their minds.

What kind of monster was unleashed upon them?!





[Next Chapter: Ch. 52 - Fighting hundreds!]

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