Ch. 52 - Fighting Hundreds!

"Arrghh! Help!"

"It's a devil!"

"Ahhh! It hurts!"

After Jin entered their settlement, hundreds of soldiers were being taken down by him one by one, although Jin wasn't killing any of them, he's still giving them fatal injuries that would possibly kill them if they aren't recovered as soon as possible.

"This is impossible." The captain muttered as he watched how Jin nimbly moved around hundreds of knights and took them all down with ease.

It's like they aren't facing a human at all!

Jin was too fast for them to react and whenever an arrow was shot towards him, he would simply grab the arrow as if it was nothing before stabbing one of their knights in the neck.

"Die!" One of the knights screamed in anger as he brought down his sword towards Jin's back.

As if Jin has an eye on his back, Jin quickly turns around before grabbing the Knight's sword handle and redirects the tip of the blade towards his own chest.


"Arrghhh!" As soon as the knight got stabbed by his own sword, Jin then spartan kicked him in the chest, colliding with a few knights from the back.

Almost all the knights have already backed out now and tried to back away from Jin's vicinity out of their fear of him.

Who would dare to fight someone capable of taking down hundreds of trained knights with ease? It's like he's playing a child's game! He's literally treating them as if they're children instead of mature and adult knights!

"What? Afraid?" Noticing the fear look on their faces, Jin used his glove to wipe off the blood that has stained on his cheeks.

In fact, he hasn't even brought out his Blades of Havoc, which are the blades that he got from Kai. Thankfully, he doesn't have to bring them with him at all times as the blade itself was made of his chi so he could simply retract it back to his own chi reserves. It's like having an emergence chi potion where whenever he would lose a lot of chi, he could just retract his Blades back to get its chi back.

"Who are you? You are a monster, aren't you? You must have made a deal with the devil himself!" The captain gulped his saliva in fear before asking and accusing as he tensed up, preparing himself to fight back just in case Jin targeted him next.

"Me? No, you're wrong..." Jin chuckled at hearing the Captain's words before a dangerous glint went past his eyes as he continued.

"I am the devil."


"What's the situation?" King Frederic asked after climbing on top of the walls.

"Y-Your Highness." The knight captain gulped and saluted him as he then pointed out at the end of the bridge outside the walls.

King Frederic got confused at first until he finally looked outside the walls.

"Holy mother of god!" King Frederic gasped in shock as he saw several bodies laying on the floor, he doesn't know if they're dead or alive.

On one spot in the encampment, King Frederic saw Jin standing on top of several corpses including their captain.

"He's been sitting there for several minutes now, your highness." The knight captain reported, making King Frederic gasp even more.

"Rapunzel wasn't lying." King Frederic muttered. If previously he's doubting Jin's capabilities, but now it's different. King Frederic was glad that he gambled and got Jin on his side. He doesn't know what will happen if he ever voiced out his doubt.

"Captain, take some of your troops and help our benefactor to gather the enemy's supplies. Also, what about our secret entrances? Did someone truly try to enter through one of our secret entrances?" King Frederic ordered before asking after.

"....Yes, your highness. Lord Jin was right and the enemy has sent a bunch of mercenaries through the secret entrance, it turns out they sneaked in to kidnap the princess. However, they told us that it was the captain of the Firefall Kingdom that gave them the map to the secret entrance, so as of now, we have no idea how they knew about it." The captain seemed to hesitate for a moment before reporting as he soon rushed outside after to gather his troops.

"There's a traitor in our midst." King Frederic muttered as anger flashed within his eyes before he walked away, walking back to the castle so he could gather investigators and the experts to find out who the traitor is.

"There is no need for that, Frederic." Suddenly, King Frederic heard Jin's voice behind him, startling him out.

"Jin! You're here? That was fast." King Frederic yelped in surprise before sighing in relief and muttering.

Just as King Frederic was about to ask about what Jin said, Jin suddenly threw a mail paper towards him.

"What's this?" King Frederic wondered in confusion as he unfolded the paper mail and what he read inside made him furious.

"I can't believe it was the captain himself! Wait where is he?!" King Frederic got mad before realizing that he ordered the traitor captain to gather his troops.

"He must be planning on escaping or worse, he might have invaded the castle!" King Frederic panicked and quickly hopped on his royal horse before a flash of wind flew past him.

He doesn't even know how or what flashed past him, it was too fast for him to react!


In the castle, the knight captain was panicking however, he tried to remain composure as he easily passed through some guard knights as he was the knight captain, which means he could get almost anywhere.

'As long as I have the princess under my hands, they wouldn't be able to do anything to me!' The knight captain smiled in satisfaction as he felt like his goal was near him!

He was actually offered by the Firefall Kingdom an offer of 1 million gold coins in exchange for the princess. Obviously, he was tempted and took the offer without hesitation. Now, in order to distract the knights he deliberately ordered all of them to guard the main gate, letting the secret entrances open for the mercenaries to enter without a hitch. Unfortunately, someone ruined his plans. Without even saying anything, his authority was stolen from him by Jin!

He was expecting Jin to die in the battlefield due to his arrogance and carelessness but who would've thought that Jin was actually a monster in a human skin!

After a few minutes of continuous running, the knight captain finally arrived in front of Rapunzel's room.

'She should be sleeping for now, considering that the entire castle is guarded by several royal knights.' The knight captain thought to himself as he slowly opened the door and saw someone on the bed. However, he couldn't tell who it was due to the 'body' being covered by the sheets.

'This is the princess's room, then only the princess is the person on the bed.' The knight captain slowly tip-toed towards the bed, afraid of making a noise that would wake the princess up.

Just as the knight captain approached the bed, a shadow slowly loomed behind him, without him noticing.

The moment the knight captain removed the bedsheets, he was surprised to see nothing but a bunch of pillows with a paper on top of it with a badly drawn face of Rapunzel and a word of 'Princess' beside it, even having a small arrow pointing from the word to Rapunzel.

"What the?" Just as the knight captain was confused, he suddenly felt a slight pain behind his head.


Without any resistance, the knight guard fell on the side towards the ground.

The shadow then revealed itself as it turns out it was Rapunzel holding her mighty weapon, a frying pan!

"Huff! That was close. Thanks, Tigress!" Rapunzel wiped off the sweat on her forehead as she gave a thumbs up to Tigress who has been hiding on top of the ceiling, covered by the shadow on the large cabinet.

"Good job. I could smell his bad intentions right from the start." Tigress dropped down from the ceiling to the ground before she spoke.

She then approached the fallen captain before pressing a few vital points on the Captain's neck.

"That blow from your pan would temporarily make him unconscious for a few minutes. Now, he wouldn't wake up unless I pressed the same points." Tigress explained to Rapunzel after seeing her confused look.

"Ohhhh!" Rapunzel opened her mouth and nodded her head in understanding.

"Let's take him out-." Just as Tigress was about to drag the captain outside the room, she suddenly sniffed in the air and noticed that something was rushing towards the glass window at very fast speeds!


"Get down!" Without hesitation, Tigress hugged Rapunzel and brought them both down on the ground, using the bed as a shield from whatever is rushing towards the window.



Just as she expected, something or someone crashed towards the window, smashing all of the glass.

"Hm? He's already down?" Jin noticed the Captain's body laid unconscious on the ground as he then noticed Tigress and Rapunzel lying on the ground.

"You took her out, kitty?" Jin asked as Tigress stood up and Jin helped Rapunzel up.

"Nope! It was I who did it!" Rapunzel raised her hand in the air as the raised hand was holding her frying pan and excitedly said, not wanting her credit to be taken from her, especially since to her, it would make Jin proud of her.

"That's good. I'm proud of you." Obviously, Jin wasn't as dense as the previous him anymore, so he naturally knows that she wants to be complimented.

However, what Rapunzel didn't expect was a soft pat on her head.

She doesn't what it means but to her, it felt really good!

She wants more pats!


[Gimme those precious stones or else this fanfic will turn into a Netorare! MUWAHAHAHAHA!]




[P.S: I'm just kidding, please don't give a bad review. I was just using a strategy. Yes, it's just a strategy!]


[Next Chapter: Ch. 53 - The fall of the Firefall Kingdom!]

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