Ch. 53 - The fall of the Firefall Kingdom!

[The bait actually worked!]


"Oh, Rapunzel! Thank goodness you're okay!" King Frederic soon arrived after a few minutes and after seeing Rapunzel was fine, King Frederic sighed in relief before hugging her.

"Rapunzel!" Just in time, Queen Arianna also arrived and quickly pushed her husband away so she could hug Rapunzel.

"...okay." Although Frederic was speechless, he still stopped back as Queen Arianna was his wife after all.

"Mother!" Rapunzel called out with emotion in her tone unlike how she calls Gothel as mother.

Rapunzel was worried about her parents actually as she was woken up by Tigress, telling her to hide and take down the captain knight that has bad intentions for her.

"I didn't expect this. Looks like you have to make an inspection on your people, Frederic. As for me, I have some business to be." Jin said with a dangerous glint in his eyes before jumping out of the window and turned in a blur accompanied by a sonic boom.


"I'll search around the area and if there are no more enemies, I'll catch up to him." Tigress said before also jumping out of the window and turned into her beast form as she dropped on all fours and started running.


Outside the Kingdom, Jin was flying in as he got the map of the Firefall Kingdom from the captain that he fought earlier.

Following the path that is on the map, Jin assumed that he'd arrived at the Firefall Kingdom by around the time when the sun falls.

"Firefall Kingdom. Their king is a lunatic. He's thinking of taking Rapunzel as his slave, obviously Rapunzel is now my woman and I can't let someone like him scot free after thinking that he could make Rapunzel his slave." Jin's eyes grew cold as he crumpled the paper map in his hand.

By tomorrow, he'd make sure that one less Kingdom will be off the map! The Firefall Kingdom would become history!


Just as Jin was halfway towards his destination, he suddenly heard a rustling sound underneath behind him, as he was flying in the air.

"Tigress?" Obviously, at this point, he could only think of Tigress if someone were to follow him. After all, there's no way someone could catch up to him unless it's Tigress.

And he's right! The moment Jin called out to her name, Tigress came out of the bushes in her beast form, so he flew down in the ground and asked.

"What are you doing out here? You shouldn't be following me out here, what if something goes wrong in the King-"

"Don't worry, I did a whole search around the Kingdom, I found none. Anyways, I decided to come with you, is there any problem?" Tigress explained and then asked. Jin could tell from her eyes that she won't take a no as an answer, so he sighed and agreed.

"Sure, you can come." As there's no hurt in letting her come with him anyway and besides, having her by his side would reassure him that nothing bad would happen to him if something ever goes out of his expectation.

Anyways, he won't dare to say that he's the strongest in this world however, he should be strong enough to be feared by the world if he wanted to. He's just being cautious that there's someone out there who might be stronger than him or perhaps, one of those Heroes of Justice are staying in this world. So, it's normal for him to be cautious in every word he goes to.

"Let's go then." Tigress smiled happily as she would finally experience some action. She's been too bored staying at the castle lately and her blood has been boiling for battle.

"Alright, follow me." This time, Jin decided to take the ground to save his chi reserves and also to make sure that Tigress would be able to follow him without any problem.


Stomping hard on the ground, Jin's speed increased however, not to the point of reaching the speeds of sound after all, the last time he did that, he couldn't control his direction and his vision had blurred a lot.

If he wanted to reach that kind of speed then he'd either need a template that gives him great sight or perhaps, be similar to Flash or Quicksilver where their surroundings have become extremely slow except for them.

Unfortunately, Jin's was different from them. It's like he's driving in a speeding car, so he would have to rely on his own vision if he wants to maintain that kind of speed.

"You're on!" Taking this as a challenge, Tigress dropped down on the ground in all fours before her muscles tensed up and...



In the Firefall Kingdom, two knights were guarding the front gate.

As it was already nighttime, it is impossible to see the world outside the walls as it is extremely dark, so they could only place a glowing lantern just on each pillar of the wall, as to have a little light in their surroundings.

"Don't you think Captain Frihard should be back with his troops now? I mean, the Corona Kingdom isn't even that big like ours, it is more like a town that is several times bigger than normal." One of the night guards initiated a conversation with his fellow night guard as his partner responded to him.

"Well, the king had just sent a thousand veteran knights with Captain Frihard, so it might be a bit hard for Captain with such a small number." The other night guard said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Or maybe your captain has died along with the other knights, right?" A voice then added in.

"Nope, that's impossible. Wait, are you the one who said that?" The night guard chuckled and refuted the words before realizing that he didn't see his partner open his mouth.

"I also heard it, I thought it was you?" The other night guard got also confused and asked back.

Soon, the night guards both looked at each other in shock and quickly turned around.

However, it was already too late as two pair of hands covered their mouths and pressed something in their neck, making them fall unconscious.

"See? It works." Jin chuckled as Tigress nodded her head beside him.

"Yeah, but it's a bit hard. No wonder only Mantis knows this kind of trick." Tigress responded as she has to use the tip of her claw just to press a vital point in the night guard's neck in order to make him sleep.

"Yup, this trick is actually kind of hard if you're going to use your own fingers however, you could also use chi but we could discuss that later. Let's take this night guards away from her lest the next shift might see them." Jin nodded his head at her and said.

Tigress nodded and they both carried the two night guards and threw them outside the walls.

Anyways, unless the next night guard purposely looks down on the outside of the wall, then it would be impossible to see the two night guards on the ground unless the sun comes back up again.

After they swiftly got inside the Firefall Kingdom, it is time to take out the night guards and to find the King's castle.

Obviously, they wanted to make their presence known as to announce to the world that they're affiliated with the Corona Kingdom, which would make those who are thinking of invading the kingdom think twice and although this also comes with trouble as the Corona Kingdom would be under everyone's eyes, attracting both benefits but also troubles.

But that doesn't matter, at least it is much better than being looked down upon by other kingdoms which would tempt them to take over the Corona Kingdom.

Yes, what the night guards said earlier was right. Unlike the Kingdoms that have been standing for several hundred years and some are even thousands of years however, the Corona Kingdom has only been standing for a hundred years, which makes it an infant and it only has 2 generations of Kings, the first king is Frederic's father and the next king is Frederic himself. Not to mention, its size is also not as big as the other kingdoms. It could be called more like a large town than a kingdom.

But with Jin's presence in the Kingdom, this discrimination would be removed and replaced by fear and reverence.

Jin is only doing this for Rapunzel. Nothing more and nothing less. If it wasn't for Rapunzel, then he won't even bother with the Corona Kingdom.

Anyways, as long as they take down the Firefall Kingdom all by theirselves, then all those assumptions earlier would come true.

The Corona Kingdom would be feared and placed as one of the strongest Kingdoms in the world.


After taking out the night guards, Jin climbed on top of the tallest structure he could find, which is a huge statue of their King.

"What's your plan? Shouldn't we invade the castle and take out their king?" Tigress asked in confusion.

"Nope. I want to fight all their army, you want it too, right?" Jin said with a smirk.

"....Yeah, I'd like that but....the innocents." Tigress nodded her head and agreed, however she's still hesitant about something.

"You don't have to worry. We'll only target the knights and their king. And besides, there's a reason why we left the front gate open." Jin caressed Tigress's cheek and said.

"I see. Then, let's do this." Tigress nodded her head in understanding.

"Let's make our presence known first." Jin said before moving his arms around.

It might look weird at first however, all the available flames in torches and such around the Kingdom started flying towards him, slowly forming a large ball of fire that looked like a mini sun.

"Look! What's that on top of the church!" One of the citizens asked while pointing at the top of the church.

"Is the God that those church boys turn out to be true?"


"You can control fire?" Tigress asked in surprise, she has never seen him control fire except for red lightning.

"I'll explain it to you later." Jin smirked before he raised his hand with his index finger pointing upward.

With this, the Firefall Kingdom will fall under his fire.

"Cruel Sun."





[Give me power stones or else Jin would cuck himself! Muwahahaha]


[I'm joking!]

[Next Chapter: Ch. 54 - The fall of the Firefall Kingdom! (2)]

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