Ch. 54 - The fall of the Firefall Kingdom (2)

"Cruel Sun!"

With a smirk on his face, Jin then swung his arm towards the large castle.


"Your Highness!" One of the knights quickly barged into a room where an old man was sleeping with several naked women.

"What is it! If what you will say is not worth my attention, I'll have you executed!" The old man angrily shouted as the knight that barged in, gulped his saliva in fear.

"S-sir there's an intruder a-and then h-he made a sun on top of the church!" The knight reported.

"What?! Are you drunk! Get out of my fucking ro-!" The king didn't even manage to finish his sentence when a red light flashed out of the window. Without managing to react, the whole place exploded, however instead of spreading, the fire suddenly stood still in its place, without spreading a thing, luckily saving the probably or probably not innocent women.


"My face!!" The king roared in pain and anger as he clenched his burned up face, leaving only the upper part of his eye left unscathed.

"Who did this!?! I want him dead!" He roared as he tried to stand up, ignoring the wails of the women beside him.

However, the moment he stood up, the ceiling that had been burned for a short amount of time was enough for its wood to crack.



Without even knowing what happened, the ceiling fell on the king, killing him on the spot.


Outside the castle, on top of the church, Jin smiled after seeing that his Cruel Sun had hit the castle as he expected.

"Goal!" Jin chuckled and yelled.

Looking down on the ground, Jin saw countless knights flooding in the church, probably trying to reach him and Tigress through the stairs.

"So, where do you want to fight? Outside the church or do you want to fight them as we make our way down the stairs?" Jin asked Tigress who contemplated for a few seconds before choosing her answer.

"Let's go with the second option." Just in time that she said that, the floor board was smashed open and the knights started emerging through the hole.

Before they could flood the entire floor, Jin and Tigress started taking them down one by one.

Jin started with spartan kicking the first knight to approach him, throwing him off the railings.

"Aarrrghhh!" Tigress followed up with a swipe kick that pushed 3 knights back and collided with those in behind.


Despite being experienced knights, they looked like they were played by Jin and Tigress as if they were children.

They couldn't even get close to them before either Jin or Tigress would throw them off the railings or they would knock them down.

As soon as the entire floor was cleared, Jin kindly gestured for Tigress to be the first one to get down through the hole that the knights had created.

"Ladies first." Jin smiled, making Tigress smirk as she knew that Jin was simply letting her take most of the fun away.

As soon as she landed down on the floor, she was met with several swords coming towards him.

Docking down on the ground, Tigress sweeped her feet around, causing them to stumble against each other and fall off balance.

Jin soon followed next as he landed on top of a knight who was about to sneak attack on Tigress.


"Sorry buddy." Jin patted the poor Knight's helmet before standing up and kicking one of the nearby knights on his chest, throwing him off the windows, smashing the glass.





"What's the situation up there?" A knight general asked while staring at the old burning church.

"Everything should be under our contr-." Before the knight beside him could finish his sentence, they heard a crashing of windows sound followed by a scream before a body greeted them from the sky.



"Were you saying something?" The knight general asked as he looked at the knight beside him.

".....Nothing, General." The knight decided to keep his mouth shut after seeing this.

"Useless." The knight general muttered under his breath after seeing the fallen body and more that followed.


It took them several minutes before they could descend back to the ground where they were met with several more knights that awaited them.


Stomping hard on the ground, Jin then rushed forward while the knights were still disoriented and lost balance.

*Bam!* x10

Delivering a flurry of kicks, tens of knights were being thrown back, their helmets were caved in from his kick.

"M-monster!" One of the knights yelled in fear as he dropped his sword and tried to run away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jin tilted his head on the side as he grabbed one of the unconscious bodies beside him before lifting him over his head.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Jin grinned as he threw the body towards the running knight.


Seeing that the running knight has been taken down thanks to the body that he threw, Jin was about to continue his siege towards the knights while Tigress was busy covering his back when suddenly, they heard a commanding tone yell.

"Stop this madness!" After his shout, everyone immediately stopped including Jin and Tigress who decided to see who this person is.

"You are?" Jin asked as he tilted his head.

"I am the Knight General and I command you to stop and surrender! Or else we would be forced to siege you with catapults!" The knight general threatened as he raised his hand, signalling the catapults to roll forward and show their imposing presence.

There are almost 100 catapults surrounding them, most of the catapults were on top of the walls.

"What about your knights here? Are you going to kill them?"

"....For the sake of the greater good, then sacrifices are necessary." The knight general looked at the knights who were looking at him in fear before he closed his eyes and answered.

"G-general." After hearing his answer, almost all the remaining knights lost their morale after hearing that they would be sacrificed. They didn't want this! Everyone has families and it is the reason why they serve the Kingdom as knights, to have a source of income and to protect their family if necessary.

"Drop your weapons and pledge your allegiance to me. Perhaps I could help you get through this." Taking this chance to recruit more troops for the Corona Kingdom, Jin offered them a get out card from the hell hole they're going to experience.

While some of them hesitated, the others quickly dropped their sword, shocking the general.

"You!? What are you all doing, this is treason! I'll have you executed along with your family!" The Knight General yelled in anger as the knights that surrendered closed their eyes and hoped that they won't regret this decision. Anyways, even if they didn't surrender, they would die anyway if the knight general proceeded with his plan.

Seeing this, Tigress was confused while Jin smirked in accomplishment.

Sure they might not be loyal at first and would probably betray him if time comes but his Iroh Template kicked in and gave him a method to ensure your people's loyalty towards you. Iroh might be seen as an old uncle in the series but he's actually the most feared and formidable General in the Fire Nation and if it wasn't for his son's death, he would probably be the next Fire Lord instead of Ozai.

"Looks like you already know my answer, don't you?" Jin asked with a smirk.

"You! Fire!" With anger on his face, the general immediately gave his command, however before the catapults could launch their boulders, a sea of flame suddenly consumed 5 catapults behind Jin, giving a large exit to escape.

"All of you, escape through there." Jin quickly gave his command and pointed at the opening that he made. Anyways, he controlled his fire enough so there aren't any flames scattered around, giving them a free path to run with.

With a signal, the surrendered knights all bowed one by one to Jin before running towards the opening.

Even those who hesitated earlier decided to take this chance to escape the hell hole.

Anyways, they would first grab their families and escape the kingdom. In their eyes, the Firefall Kingdom is no more. They don't know the reason why Jin was attacking the Kingdom but they could guess that their King must have made a decision that leads to this situation. They already know their king and how horrible he is, so they've been expecting that the kingdom will fall under his rule, they just didn't expect it to be this early.

"Tigress, go with them and help them go to the Corona Kingdom. I'll handle this alone." Jin then turned to Tigress and said.

She hesitated at first before nodding her head and gave him a deep kiss, but before she left she muttered a few quick words to him.

"Be careful."

"I know." Jin smiled and said before turning his attention back to the knight general who is now staring at him in anger.

He is the right hand of the king and as the king doesn't have any heirs yet and seeing that he's probably dead from that ball of fire, the knight general took this chance to increase his reputation by killing the person who caused the chaos in order to ensure that he'd be taking the throne after this.

However, he didn't expect Jin to be so stubborn and lastly, a monster.

"Don't stop! Ignore those rebels, we'll handle them later. Kill that man first!" The knight general yelled on the top of his lungs as he pointed at Jin. His saliva flying everywhere in front of him, making some of the knights in front of him shuffle uncomfortably.

Seeing that the catapults were once again being reloaded, Jin got in Iroh's self-made Fire Bending style.

It's time to see how strong Iroh truly is!


[I know this arc must be a bit boring but I want Jin to be involved in the world itself instead of just being part of the movie plots and such.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 55 - The fall of the Firefall Kingdom! (Final)]

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