Ch. 62 - Olaf came to life!

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"....Rapunzel, could you also please heal mine?" Seeing Tigress's embarrassed expression, Rapunzel can't help but moan for being overloaded in cuteness.

"Awww. Don't worry, sis. Rapunzel is here to help you!" Rapunzel stood up and raised her chest in pride. Making Jin look up at her slightly medium chest, albeit a bit smaller than Tigress's.

"Well I guess I'll have to thank you then." Tigress said as Rapunzel crouched in front of Tigress to take a look at her scarred hand.

"And here I thought scars are supposed to give you the honor and make you warrior-like. I guess too many scars are different." Rapunzel commented as she started wrapping her hair around Tigress's hands.

Rapunzel then started to sing the same again, as everyone also started waving their bodies sideways as they matched the rhythm of her song.

After her hair glows and dies down, Tigress slowly removes her hand from her hair and there it is, she finally sees her glorious and smooth tanned skin, null of any scars from earlier.

"How is it?" Rapunzel looks at her and asks.

"Thank you, Rapunzel." Tigress approached her and engulfed Rapunzel in a hug as she stated her gratitude.

"Of course, anything for my sister." Because of seeing the bond between Elsa and Anna, Rapunzel started craving for a fellow sister and since Tigress has always been with her, protecting her, Rapunzel saw this as an act of a sister to a sibling. So she started seeing Tigress not as a friend but as her own real sister.

Tigress gasped in shock before she warmed up again and tightened her hug.

'I wanted to join but I don't want to ruin the moment.' Jin stared at this in slight jealousy.

"Oh man, that is so sweet! I wish I had a sister!" Suddenly, everyone in the room heard an unknown voice.

Turning their heads to the source, they were shocked to see the snowman called Olaf that they just created was now standing straight like a human and is now looking at Rapunzel and Tigress with the look of envy.

"Who...are you?" While everyone was shocked, Tigress simply squinted her eyes at Olaf, amused at seeing a new creature before her eyes.

"Me? I'm Olaf! It is nice to meet you and you areeee?" Olaf happily introduced himself before hinting for Tigress to introduce herself next.

"Tigress. My name is Tigress." Seeing no harm in introducing herself, Tigress introduced herself before Anna suddenly stood between Olaf and Tigress.

"Oh my gosh, you're alive!" Anna said in surprise and excitement as she carried Olaf like a baby.

"Yeeeeyyyyy! I'm alive!" Meanwhile, Olaf simply raised his stick arms and also yelled in excitement, matching Anna's current mood.

"I can.....create life? I created Olaf?" Elsa muttered in shock as she looked down on her hands, amazed but terrified at what she could do.

'She is...more powerful than I thought.' Jin was stunned when he saw how Olaf just simply opened his eyes and started moving. Mind you, Elsa didn't even have any intention to make him alive. Although Jin already watched the movies and knows what Elsa can somewhat create life through ice, seeing and witnessing it is on a different level.

'According to Frozen 2, she's some kind of spirit, right! I kinda forgot the movie but all I know is that her powers are not simply for show, it has a purpose in this world.' Jin stated as he stared at Elsa for a few good seconds before sighing.

'It looks like my job will be harder than I thought.' Jin then shook his head as he saw that Olaf is now on the lap of Anna, telling them a story from god knows where.

"Okay, so hear me out. Once upon a time in the kingdom of Arendelle, there were three friends: Anna, Elsa, and me! One sunny day, we decided to have a picnic in the Enchanted Forest-."

"Wait, you know about the Enchanted Forest?" Anna was surprised to learn that a newborn like Olaf actually knew about the Enchanted Forest.

"Hmmm." Olaf used his left stick hand to pluck his right stick hand before placing it under his chin, making an awkward way for someone to think inside his mind.

"...." As everyone was waiting for Olaf's answer, they were expecting some kind of new revelation however, Olaf's answer soon blessed their ears.

"...I don't know. I just know it, I guess." Olaf shrugged his shoulders as he answered, making everyone who is anticipating his answer slump off their shoulders and slap their foreheads.


"*Sigh*." Jin sighed as he too was disappointed.

"It's already night, it is time to go to bed." Agnarr was also disappointed, so he looked outside on the window and noticed that the sun had gone down, replacing it with the moon.

"Oh man! Can I keep Olaf with me!" Anna complained as she quickly hugged Olaf, as if someone would snatch him away from her.

"Sure Anna. But just to make sure...." Agnarr agreed and before he finished his sentence, he smiled and made a side-eyed glance on Elsa before continuing.

"Elsa will sleep in your room with you. But different beds." Obviously, to make up for with her daughters, Agnarr would obviously have to bring them back to the way they used to.

"*Gasp!* Thank you, Papa!" Anna then carefully placed Olaf back down on the ground before rushing off and hugged Agnarr.

"But I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt Anna...." Although Elsa was grateful and happy, Elsa was concerned for her sister's safety and she'd rather sleep alone in her room again than to accidentally hurt her sister.

"I will be fine, Elsa. I'm stronger than you think." Anna held Elsa's resting hands as she assured her while flexing off her nonexistent muscle on her arm.

"I know how hard it is for you Elsa, but it's different now. I learned my mistakes and it's time for you to get your old life back. And besides, as long as you have your gloves, nothing bad will happen, okay? I will ask the staff to place another bed in Anna's room." Agnarr also assured Elsa, as she finally breathed in and out and nodded her head.

"Hopefully, nothing bad will really happen, right?" Jin muttered to Rapunzel and Tigress next to him.


"I'm already sleepy, where's our room by the way?" Rapunzel stretched her arms and yawned as Iduna heard what she said and quickly guided them to their rooms.


In the middle of the night, Jin was lying on the bed with Rapunzel and Tigress on both of his sides.

'With Rapunzel here, I can't have sex with Tigress. Sigh, why do I have to follow the same tradition of marry first before fucking.' Jin said to himself and sighed as he could hear Rapunzel's loud snoring.

'Who knew such a beautiful girl had a snore as loud as a gruff man.' Jin chuckled to himself as he slowly untangled himself from Rapunzel and Tigress's arms.

'Fuck it, I can't sleep at this point. I should probably go out and find some things to pass time with.' Jin then wore his slippers and quietly snuck out of the room.

Outside the room, Jin saw no light except for the moonlight outside the windows.

'I wonder how it feels to have my own Kingdom. It must be such a bliss to be one. Though I should probably avoid having many children as the risk of killing your relatives for the throne is probably still existent even in this world.' Just as Jin was thinking about becoming a king, he suddenly remembered the common stereotype back in his old world about Kingdoms and royalties where brothers and sisters killed their parents and each other just for the sake of having the throne for themselves. This is mostly due to the King having concubines and making so many children with them. And with the concubines wanting to be the King's favourite, they would fill their children's mind with ambitions for the throne, wanting to be at the spotlight if their child has more talent than the others.

Jin shuddered a bit just by thinking about it. Seriously, how can such a person kill their relatives just for power? If it is physical power like super strength or super speed, Jin could understand it but just for political power? Sure it's also considered a power as you would be ruling over thousands of humans. However, in front of true strength, no amount of political power could survive against it.

So, to Jin. He'd rather be poor as fuck but as long as he has absolute power, everything including the so called political power can be achieved.

While Jin was busy thinking to himself, he unknowingly bumped into someone.

With a quick reflex, Jin immediately held the person he bumped into's arm.

"I'm sorry about that, are you okay.....? Elsa?" Jin then apologized and when the moonlight lightened them up, Jin noticed that the person he bumped into was actually Elsa.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at what I was walking into." Elsa stood up properly and fixed herself as she spoke.

"Can't sleep?" Jin smiled and asked.

"Well, Anna still got her loud snoring. I thought it would disappear as she grows up." Elsa chuckled to herself as Jin also did too.

"Same reason here." Jin said before they stayed quiet for a few minutes as they don't know any topic to talk about.

Thankfully, an idea bore fruit in Jin's mind and he quickly suggested it to Elsa.

"Hey, wanna do something fun?" Jin asked as Elsa raised her head to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Just come with me outside. I assure you, this will be fun."





[Guys, it's coming. My evil side is coming out! The power stones are the only one who can keep it from coming out!]


[Next Chapter: Ch. 63 - Flame Versus Ice]

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