Ch. 63 - Flame versus Ice

[No, it's not a lemon chapter lol. What do you guys expect? If you want lemons, it's already out in my pàtreon.]


Sneaking out on the guards, Jin and Elsa were avoiding all of the guards and whenever they saw one, they would either hide in another room and blend in the dark.

"Why does this excite me so much?" Elsa muttered to herself. It feels like she's doing something bad and illegal but at the same time, she was both excited and is anticipating the 'fun' that Jin mentioned.

This situation feels a bit similar to some of the books that she used to read as a child. Where a princess would sneak out of a castle with their prince charming.

'What were you thinking, Elsa! He's already married!' Elsa blushed after realizing that she was already considering Jin as her prince charming like those in the books.

'Well, too bad he's already married. To two people, a bit weird but since Rapunzel and Tigress don't seem to mind it, who am I to judge them?' Elsa said to herself in a bit of disappointment. Though only to Tigress, she just thought that he is also married to Rapunzel.

After they passed the last guard, they finally ran outside the castle, without any guards seeing a glimpse of their clothes.

They ran around the empty streets before Jin guided Elsa out of the castle and went into the woods.

"What are we doing out here?" Elsa asked while the sounds of the night were giving her relaxation, especially the sound of crickets not far away from them.

Meanwhile, Jin didn't answer, instead he created a small ball of fire on the top of his palms as its light illuminated his face.

"Hey Elsa...." Jin called out trying to get Elsa's attention.

"Hmm?" Elsa hummed while tiling her head to the side, wondering why Jin would call her all of the sudden.

"Think fast!" Quickly turning around, Jin slightly threw the fire ball towards Elsa.

"Wait what?!" A bit stunned, Elsa quickly cast a wave of ice towards the fireball, puffing the fire ball out of existence.

"What was that?!" Shocked by the sudden attack, Elsa can't help but call out to Jin.

"Ahahaha! First rule of our training....." Jin laughed and chuckled for a few seconds before his expression turned serious

"...Always strike first." Jin said before throwing another fireball towards Elsa but this time, it is much faster than the last one.

"Wait!" Surprised again, but this time, Elsa was alert and managed to create an ice spike to intercept the incoming fire ball.


The fire ball collided with the ice spike and puffed out of existence.

"Rule number two...." Jin then raised his two fingers as he spoke. Elsa quickly went on guard as she finally realized that Jin actually started their training right now! And she wasn't even expecting it! If Jin turns out to be a real enemy, then there would be one less Princess in Arendelle.

"....Strike hard." Jin spoke in a calm manner as he went in the stance of a fire nation fire style stance, bending his knees a bit and sending a wave of fire in front of him through the fists.

Alert and ready, Elsa quickly creates an ice wall in front of her, however this time, the flame isn't dying as it still continuously attacks her ice wall, melting it as time goes by.

Noticing this, Elsa quickly used her powers to strengthen the wall, and used its slippery standing to push the giant ice wall towards Jin.

Albeit slow, Jin didn't think of destroying the ice wall as he doesn't want to hurt Elsa's feelings.

So he side-stepped and allowed the giant ice wall to pass by him.

"Nice try but that was too slow. I can tell you're holding it back a bit which is why you should learn our last rule...." Jin shrugged his shoulders and commented as Elsa breathed in and out, waiting for Jin to state the next and last rule.

"...No mercy." As soon as those words escaped his mouth, a gush of flame suddenly followed out of his mouth, blowing out a wave of fire like a dragon!

"What?!" This time, Elsa was surprised as she wasn't expecting Jin to breathe fire like an actual dragon!

Although she managed to create a wall, she didn't manage to fortify it enough and Jin's breath of flames soon melted the ice wall just as fast as when she created it.

Closing her eyes, Elsa thought that the flame would engulf her and she awaited from the upcoming pain.

A few seconds passed, Elsa didn't feel any pain or heat coming to her so she slowly opened her eyes and met with Jin's pair of glowing brown eyes.

"I was just introducing the rules to you. But now, it's time to implement it." Jin said as Elsa sighed in relief. She really thought she would burn into crisp by now but she kinda forgot that she's fighting not an enemy but someone who will teach her how to control her powers.

"The first step of controlling an uncontrollable beast. We must release it, which is something that you already did but I'm not yet still satisfied." Jin stated while walking away from Elsa, making a large distance between him and her.

"Attack me." Jin said while spreading his arms wide, giving Elsa a wide target.

"What?" Elsa hesitated a bit as memories of accidentally hurting Anna flashes in her mind.

"Tsk tsk tsk. I knew you would hesitate, can you state the last rule?"

"...No mercy?" After a bit of hesitation, Elsa answered Jin's question.

"Good. As long as you consider someone as your enemy, you must strike them first and always show no mercy. The moment you enter a battlefield you must always expect that no one would be there to save your ass and you're all alone. Your enemies would show no mercy to you as they bury their sword within your guts without a hint of mercy." Jin cruelly said as Elsa has the look of fear on her face.

"I'm going to ask you again, Elsa. Attack me." Jin continued as Elsa stopped moving for a second and closed her eyes.

[A/N: I know you guys would complain about this, about that and why is he acting so not like Uncle Iroh since it is his template. I actually stated this a few chapters ago that the templates won't have a large influence on Jin's personality and that he still has and retains his original personality.]

"Fwoooo." Elsa seemed to have cleared her mind as she breathed in and out before opening her eyes again, this time, with determination in her eyes.


"I bet you 50 gold coins, she won't touch even a single fabric on Jin's body." Far from them, standing on the tree were four figures.

"Heh, 60 coins, Elsa would give us a surprise." Rapunzel replied to Tigress's challenge.

"I.....rather not bet. But I'm confident my sister will win though!" Anna smiled awkwardly and said as she backed away from the bet. She was only here because Tigress and Rapunzel woke her up and brought her here. Who would've thought she'd find her sister and Jin starting to fight!

"I don't have any gold coins but I bet my right arm stick that they will hug at the end." Olaf also decided to join the challenge and offer her right arm stick. For Olaf who loves hugs, he is very confident in his bet.

"Deal." Tigress simply shrugged her shoulders and agreed. She knows Jin wouldn't let Elsa touch even his clothes, right?

Back to the fight, Elsa struck the first time as a cold frost came out of her palms, freezing everything in its path, rushing towards Jin with the intent to freeze him.

"Attah girl!" Jin grinned when he saw that Elsa is more determined than ever.

Putting on a stance, Jin countered with his own wave of fire, parrying against Elsa's frosty attack.



As soon as both of their attacks collided with each other, a sonic boom resounded across the forest. Thankfully, they're quite far away from Arendelle, so the large sound won't wake anyone up and cause mass panic.

As the mist created from the collision between their attacks spread, Elsa was completely stolen of her vision. Unable to see anything except for the mist.

*Tap!* x2

"I'm here!" Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder, surprising her and quickly blasting the area behind her. However, she saw no one from behind her, making her confused and scared.

"Where are you?" Elsa squinted her eyes and looked around as she gulped her saliva, trying to focus on her sight.

"Behind you!~" Suddenly, her shoulder was tapped once again, forcing her to turn around and quickly deliver a blast of ice.

However, she blasted nothing but the grassy ground that has already turned into icy grass.

"Tsk." Elsa clicked her tongue, though she was annoyed, there was joy plastered over her face, she was actually enjoying this kind of game!

Elsa once again resumed her search for Jin among the mist, however a few seconds later, she slightly turned her head on the side, and smirked as if she was expecting that Jin would attack her once again on the back but this time, she would be the one to surprise him!


With a quick turn, Elsa was full of smiles as she blasted the area behind her, flashing a smirk of victory.

However, it was a false victory as she saw nothing behind her!

"Too slow!" Jin's voice once again taunted her, making Elsa's face twitch as she finally had enough!

"Show me yourself!" With a loud shout, Elsa closed her eyes and blasted the entire area around her, wishing that she would accidentally hit Jin somewhere.



Suddenly, Elsa opened her eyes in surprise when she heard a yell of pain somewhere around the area.

"Oh no!" Flashbacks of hurting her sister Anna, flashed within her eyes as she quickly ran towards the sound of the yell where she last heard it.

Arriving at the location, Elsa saw nothing but a wood log on the floor.

"Huh?" Unknown to Elsa, a shadow loomed behind her, highlighting nothing but his eyes and his wide grin.






[It's coming out! The evil side of me is coming out! He said that if this fanfic don't reach the top 10, he'll definitely turn this fanfic into Ugly Bastard, NTR and rape blackmail fanfic!]


[Next Chapter: Ch. 64 - Thank you!]

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