Ch. 65 - You're an Angel?

"Jin...." Elsa muttered in shock and everyone, including Tigress was shocked to see this form of his.

Just so you know, Tigress never saw Jin's devil form, she only heard it from him but she only thought that he was exaggerating or something.

"Oh my gosh, you're an angel! Why didn't you tell me! Hey, is God real? Are you really his children?! Oooohhh, I have so many questions right now!" Meanwhile, contrary to their shocked expressions, Anna was the only one who was excited and kept on flapping her legs around, almost causing them to lose balance in the sky.

"Anna, stop moving!" Jin, who almost lost his grip on Tigress, silently reprimanded Anna, who immediately stopped her movement the moment she heard him say.

"Oops! Sorry!" Anna quickly apologized and stopped moving.

"What happened here?" They all heard one of them say back down on the ground.

With curious faces, they all looked down and watched as the people who almost found them, were looking everywhere and investigating the area in curiosity.

"I knew it! The devils are real, only devils are capable of this! They must have landed here on our grounds! We, humans as the rulers of this world must eradicate the devils!" An old man wearing priests clothes angrily yelled and accused.

Meanwhile, Jin's face twitched and felt a bit offended by what the old man said, though he just held it in after all, there's no use in getting angry at a senile old man who can't see how tall Mount Tai is!

"Are we.....devils?" Elsa asked after hearing what the senile old priest said. It seems that his words have affected her greatly.

"No Elsa! You're my sister!" Before Jin could answer Elsa's concerns, Anna beat him to it and immediately assured her that Anna hugged Elsa, however that was a big mistake as the balance has shifted a little, almost causing Jin to lose his grip over Tigress.

"Alright, that's it! We're going back!" Knowing that if they kept staying here they might risk revealing themselves, Jin decided to go back by now, lest that risk truly happens!

As Jin flew across the distance, Anna's voice could be heard echoing throughout the air.

"I'm sorry!"

"Apology unaccepted! You need to be punished!" Jin jokingly said, however Anna, who is still 15 years old, her humor isn't that great yet, so she thought that Jin was being serious so she teared up a little.

"Jin..." Elsa felt her heart pang in pain and helplessly looked at Jin, who noticed that Anna was on the verge of crying.

"Hey kid, I was just joking. Seriously, it's hard to make a joke in front of kids." Jin apologized before whispering the last sentence to himself.


Elsa then used her free hand to wipe the tear stains on Anna's face, before smiling at her after she finished.

"Thanks, sis." Anna warmly smiled and thanked her before cutely glaring at Jin and stuck her tongue out.


'This girl...' Jin sighed at himself at Anna's childish behavior. Who could he blame though? Anna is still a child, so it's normal for her to be childish at times like this.

"It's so beautiful...." Rapunzel muttered as she stared at the large moon surrounded by shining stars. Since they were up in the air, the view of the sky is very wide and beautiful, making this a one in a lifetime experience to most.

"You're right...." Tigress said as she also stared at the beautiful night sky.

"You know, I sometimes wonder how the moon was created." Rapunzel said while Jin remembered a certain story in his past life about how the moon was created.

Jin quickly searched for a large tree where they landed in, settling on top of it for a few minutes.

"Scoop in you guys. How about I tell you a story on how the moon was created?" Jin announced. Anna and Rapunzel were the first ones to scoop in with each other followed by Tigress and Elsa who glanced at each other and chuckled before sitting beside Rapunzel and Anna.

"Ehem..." Jin cleared his throat first before starting the story.

[A/N: You can skip the story if you want.]

"...Long ago, in a time when the world was still young, there were two powerful celestial beings, the Sun and the Earth. They were siblings, but they had very different personalities. The Sun was fiery and full of energy, while the Earth was calm and nurturing.

The Earth loved to gaze up at the night sky, admiring the stars that twinkled above. But the Sun was jealous of the attention the Earth paid to the stars, and this jealousy grew with each passing day. One night, as the Earth was sleeping, the Sun hatched a plan to outshine the stars and win all of Earth's admiration.

The Sun gathered a handful of its brightest rays and shot them towards the Earth, hoping to consume the night sky with its brilliance. But the Earth, sensing danger, reached out and created a protective barrier of clouds to shield itself.

The Sun's rays collided with the clouds, creating a spectacular explosion of light. The Earth was unharmed, but the force of the explosion sent some of the Earth's essence hurtling into the sky. This essence combined with stardust and formed a beautiful, glowing sphere - the Moon.

The Moon, born from the Earth's essence and the stars, took its place in the night sky beside the stars. It shone with a gentle, silver light, casting a soothing glow over the world below. The Earth, grateful for the Moon's presence, no longer needed to gaze at the stars for comfort.

From that day forward, the Moon became a symbol of peace and serenity in the night sky. It served as a reminder that even in moments of jealousy and conflict, beauty and harmony can emerge. And so, the Moon, created from the Earth's protective love and the Sun's fiery jealousy, continues to grace our nights with its radiant presence." By the time Jin was finished, Anna and Rapunzel were already fast asleep, their heads leaning on each other.

"Where did you learn that story, Jin?" Elsa asked, she felt like the story of the sun and moon is amazing.

"My parents used to narrate it for me as a bedtime story. I don't know where they knew it from though." Jin shrugged his shoulders and said.

"It's a good story." Tigress said before stretching her arms and yawning.

"Let's spend the night here." She said before tucking Anna and Rapunzel in before doing the same to herself.

"Isn't it cold out here? You guys might catch a cold." Jin felt the breeze of the wind and couldn't help but ask them in worry.

"I don't feel any cold. I'll be fine." Tigress answered.

"Me too. The cold never bothered me anyway." Elsa also replied, not knowing that she just made a reference to her future self.

'Alright, that's some funny shit.' Jin chuckled to himself after hearing Elsa's response and just as he was about to go to sleep, he suddenly remembered something. Or perhaps, someone that they just forgot.

'Meh, it's probably just my imagination.' Jin shrugged his shoulders and placed this thought on the back of his head before laying down beside Tigress and hugged her. Spooning her by his arms.

"Hmmm~." As Tigress's back was facing his front. Her buttocks were touching his crotch and the moment Tigress moved slightly towards him, Jin felt an infinite struggle underneath his pants. A great war that is exploding inside of him.

Jin doesn't even know if she did it on purpose or not. Unfortunately, it is already too late, for the rest of the night Jin wouldn't be able to sleep and hope that his little buddy would calm down soon.

Closing his eyes, Jin started imagining sheeps jumping on a fence one by one, as he counted them until he fell asleep.






While the gang was already sound asleep, Olaf was left back in the forest where they fled. He was walking around the area while calling out to their names.

"Uhm, guys? Elsa? Anna? Jin?" Olaf walked around as he yelled for them. Earlier, when he saw the unknown people, he quickly hid behind a tree, not knowing that Jin took flight along with the rest of his companions.

"Excuse me little buddy. Have you seen the two royal sisters, Elsa and Anna? Oh, and also a long golden haired lady! She's a princess also." Looking down on the squirrel, Olaf knelt slightly before asking in a whispered tone.


"Well, that was unhelpful. I guess I'll have to find them myself." Olaf scratched his chin and said before standing up straight and puffed his chest.

"This will be the start of Olaf's mighty journey in the forest! Hopefully, I won't find scary monsters hiding underneath a tree." Olaf proudly said before meekly whispering the last sentence.

"🎶I'm just a snowman, standing in a forest, asking it to let me go... back to Elsa, Anna, the long haired beauty, and the other woman with a tanned skin and....🎶" Olaf then started tip-toeing and singing before stopping as he forgot Jin's name.

"What was his name again? Eugene? Yup! It must be Eugene! And Eugene!" Olaf tried to remember Jin's name before yelling and finished his song, not knowing that he was mistaken on Jin's name.

And so, for the rest of the night, Olaf continues his journey, non-stop in finding his way home. Hoping that he would find them soon, or else he might melt later on.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 66 - Finding Olaf]

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