Ch. 66 - Finding Olaf

"We have to launch a search squad! Olaf is missing!" After getting back to the castle in the morning, the first thing Anna did was to find Olaf and after seeing that he was not by her side, she started panicking and wanted Agnarr to assign a searching squad for Olaf.

"Okay, Anna. But we can't just have anyone to look for him, remember magic isn't supposed to be real in our Kingdom. If they find out we have some kind of connection to magic and such, people would start doubting us and our neighboring kingdoms would surely get wind of it. We'll just have to do the search ourselves." Agnarr sighed and refused as he explained the reason behind it.

"But Olaf...He's out there somewhere, he can't handle being alone..." Anna said in worry before turning to her sister, Elsa and asked.

"Come on, Elsa. You're the one who created him, can't you sense him with your magic or something?" Anna asked worriedly while Elsa felt bad as she had to say no.

"Unfortunately, I can't Anna. I'm sorry." Elsa answered and looked down on the ground, feeling useless as the older sister for the first time.

"Your father's right, instead of letting others look for him. We'll look for Olaf ourselves. I'll cover the north and west side of the Forest. While Tigress and Rapunzel would cover the east. Elsa, Anna can I trust you with the south side?" Looking at their distraught faces, Jin finally took the lead and gave them orders.

"Tracking him would be a bit hard. I can't smell any scent from him except for water." Tigress said next. It's not like she was lazy to go on a search but what she said is indeed true. Unlike other people who have different and unique scents, Olaf is the only one who has the same scent as an element, which is water.

"Hopefully, nothing bad happens to him. I can't imagine what people would do to him once they find him before we can." Anna shuddered just by thinking about it.

"He would be fine, Anna. I'm sure of it." Elsa patted Anna's shoulder and assured her while Anna turned her head to her and smiled before hugging her.

Elsa was stunned at first but reciprocated the hug.

"I will ask Kai to prepare a fast horse for all of you. Olaf may have not gone that far." After seeing Anna's sadness, Agnarr couldn't resist it, so he wanted to help as much as possible such as providing the best and the fastest horses in Arendelle.

"Thank you, Agnarr. But I won't be needing it, I have something that is much faster than a horse." Jin smiled and kindly rejected the polite offer, after all, Tigress and the rest would already cover the ground and to make the search more effective, they would need someone to look from the sky.

And who is supposed to do that? Of course, other than him, no one else among them can fly in the sky.

"I see. Then I wish you luck, and also all of you. I wanted to go and search with you all but I have many pending paperworks, I'm afraid I would leave the job to all of you." Agnarr said and reminded them before turning his attention to Elsa and said to her.

"Elsa, protect your sister. Watch over her and make sure nothing harm befalls both of you. If necessary, there's no need to conceal it, Elsa. I think Jin was right, you mustn't conceal it or don't feel it. You must let go of the past rules, Elsa." After getting his father's reassurance, Elsa's confidence in her magical powers rose greatly. If before she was afraid of showing her powers to the people of Arendelle because she might be called a monster but with Agnarr's words, Elsa felt like it would not be that bad for the world to know her real self, instead of hiding behind her fake persona.

The real Elsa would like to be free of any constraints, unlike the fake Elsa. The real Elsa would like to find the perfect man for her, like her father to her mother.

As she thought of this, Elsa's eyes darted towards Jin's and when Jin sensed someone looking at him, he turned his attention to the source only to see Elsa looking at someone else, instead of him.

'Must be my imagination.' Jin mentally shrugged his shoulders and said to himself.

After receiving Agnarr's words, it was Iduna's turn however instead of giving her words to all of them, she only reminded Elsa and Anna. She felt like Agnarr had said enough to them, there's no need for her to add another one, it might just give them unnecessary burden.

"Elsa, Anna. Watch over each other's backs, okay? If something bad happens, always remember to run. Running away from danger is not cowardly, it's a wise decision." After Iduna gave them her advice, she proceeded to give them a hug before backing away back to Agnarr's side.

"I'll go out first. Tigress, Rapunzel, take care of yourselves. Just shout my name if you need me." Jin then proceeded to kiss Tigress on her lips and was about to kiss Rapunzel on her cheeks however, Rapunzel was extending her lips to him with her eyes closed. As if she wanted to be kissed directly to her lips.

Not knowing what to do, Jin decided to oblige to what she wanted and gave her a kiss on the lips.

'It's quite weird to kiss two beautiful women right in front of each other while everyone around you acts as if it was a normal thing to do. I would probably get used to this but it would be a bit weird to me for now.' Jin said to himself when he saw that Anna cooed after seeing him kiss Tigress and Rapunzel while the King and Queen just acted as if it was a normal kiss. Elsa, though was having a different expression. She was frowning a bit due to jealousy however she immediately held it back lest she might be found out.

She can't reveal to them that she was jealous, it's something discourteous to a royalty like her.

'Will I also be able to find a man like him? Strong, handsome, kind and wise. He's too perfect to be true.' Elsa said to herself and sighed. However, she just reached the age of 18 which is still not the right age for a princess like her to find a lover. In the tradition, only by reaching the age of 21, a princess/prince could find a lover and marry them. Sometimes, Kings would even bethrothed their daughters/sons to another royalty before the age of 21 as if to reserve them like products to a customer.

This is one of their traditions that Elsa hated the most. She felt like she's some kind of good that could be sold for a high price. Thankfully, her parents aren't that kind of royalty, unlike other King and Queens, Agnarr and Iduna believed in true love and they would love for their daughters to believe the same.

'I heard Rapunzel is also a princess, maybe she was also forcefully bethrothed to someone? Maybe I should ask her sometimes.' Elsa made a note to herself.


After getting everything settled, Jin was the first one to leave by jumping out of the windows, under Agnarr and Iduna's shocked eyes.

And behold, what they saw next made them wide-eyed and dropped their jaws in surprise.

"How is he flyin- nevermind, it's kind of useless to be shocked at such things." Just as Agnarr wanted to ask in shock, he remembered that he's not dealing with a normal person, so he soon calmed down.

Elsa and the rest finally got their horses from Kai, the overseer and steward of Arendelle Castle, he managed everything in the Arendelle castle including the stables, kitchen, main houses and finally, the staff.

"Here are your horses, your highnesses." Kai said and bowed to them after showing them four white horses.

"These horses are the horses of the King and Queen, while the other two are the horses for the Princesses Anna and Elsa, they're trained specifically by all of our horse experts to be the fastest horse in Arendelle." Kai introduced them to the horses as Anna was super excited for this.

"I have my own horse now?! That is so cool!" Just as Anna was excitedly jumping around, Kai quickly poured cold water at Anna.

"I'm afraid you haven't learned how to ride a horse, your highness." Kai said with a bow.

"What?! But I took horse riding classes! Surely I know how to ride one." Anna puffed up her cheek and said as Kai then replied.

"As far as I remember, your highness. You skipped the horse riding class and escaped to eat chocolates in the kitchen before falling asleep." As soon as Kai said that, Elsa chuckled slightly as Anna blushed madly from embarrassment. Kai wasn't wrong, she indeed skipped horse riding classes and ate chocolates during those hours. Oh, how she regrets skipping those classes now.

"The same also goes to you, your highness, Elsa. You've been locked up in your room for years, evading all of the necessary education that you should've taken." While Elsa was still chuckling, Kai seemed to have taken notice of this and also poured cold water at her chuckling face.

"Ahahaha!" This time, it was Anna's turn to laugh so much that it is unladylike.

"I recommend we assign our best knights to escort you wherever your destination is." Kai suggested, however Elsa can't have that as they can't reveal Olaf's existence to them. Thankfully, Rapunzel and Tigress were there to save the day.

"They'll ride with us. We both know how to ride a horse, so there's no need for a knight."

"Is that so? Then, I would trust their safety to both of you, Ms. Rapunzel and Ms. Tigress." Kai soon complied and bowed his head.

"Let's go. We'll change our plans a bit." Tigress said before jumping on one of the horses.


As they rode their horses outside the walls of Arendelle, an unknown figure wearing a dark cloth watched them from afar before grinning.

"Finally, they're out of their little cave."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 67 - Magical Trouble]

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