Ch. 85 - The Dragon's Keep (3)

[Flashback to 1 Month ago, after Jin went to hide in Hotel Transylvania]

*Bam!* x10

In the lush forest, Tigress was staring at the large boulder with intense focus on her eyes.

Her arms blurred from time to time as she was using her palm to strike the boulder, causing air strikes as she goes on.

"If only I was stronger, this wouldn't have happened and he wouldn't have to hide in another world. If only I killed that demon before he could use his Demonic energy." There were many What If's in Tigress's mind as God explained to her about the reason why Jin had to leave after killing the demon.

"I need to get stronger! More stronger!" Each sentence that Tigress mutters, her strikes were getting more stronger and furious.

"Stronger!" With one last shout field with strength, Tigress then used both of her palms to strike the boulder.

At the last moment before her palms collided with the boulder, her golden chi came to life and combined with her strength and chi, the entire large boulder was smashed into pieces, also causing the area behind the boulder to be affected as the trees behind were uprooted from the ground and flew away, colliding with another trees.

It may look strong to others but this is actually the same chi infusing technique that she used on the Demon that she fought and what happened? The demon only skidded and stretched his limbs as if he wasn't struck by a 50 tons worth of strike.

"So many chi are wasted, my little one." Suddenly, Tigress shuddered as she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Master Oogway?" Turning around, she was shocked to see Master Oogway floating across with his green yin-yang cane.

"Yep, that's me." Master Oogway said as he slowly landed on the ground and looked around in interest.

"H-how are you here, Master?" Tigress quickly bowed in instinct as she asked in confusion.

"I don't know. I was just meditating in peace when a being calling himself God told me you needed my help. And now I can see what you need." Master Oogway said as he stared at Tigress's eyes who looked away.

"I-I didn't know about this, Master. I'm sorry for involving you with my problem."

"Ah...It's fine, little one. Besides, I'm quite bored being alone anyway, having a companion after a while doesn't sound bad." Master Oogway calmly said as Tigress sighed in relief.

"I'm actually impressed you can use chi to such an extent without having someone to teach you about it." Master Oogway complimented her as Tigress bowed her head in gratitude.

"But I saw how you waste too much chi for such a simple move. Chi is not just an energy but it is also your life force, its versatility depends on how you use it." Master Oogway said before stabbing the butt of his cane on the ground. And much to Tigress's shock, a large shockwave of golden chi spreads across the field, the roots of the uprooted trees earlier suddenly started extending itself and attaching to where it used to be, bringing it back to what it used to be.

"How? Please teach me." Tigress was shocked as she could hardly make a flower bloom but here she was, staring at Master Oogway's work, not only the trees were back to its roots, but it also seems to be blooming than before. Tigress knew that this is her only chance to become strong and learn under a true Master of chi, so without hesitation, she stood straight in front of Master Oogway and bowed her head.

"You don't have to ask, little one. I'll teach you everything I know." Master Oogway said with a warm smile, this moment reminds him of how he used to teach Tigress's previous Master, Master Shifu.


[Back to present time]

After a whole month of having Master Oogway teach her everything about chi, Tigress was now different from her previous self.

She could now use chi more effectively and she has several chi techniques under her belt.

Like what she just used against the Dragon's Flame, it is a protective barrier made of Chi that could block not only physical attacks but also spiritual, giving her protection against those who attack the mind or soul. How, you might ask? It is very simple, by simply placing the same technique in her mind and spirit. However, she hasn't touched her spirit yet, so she only managed to put a protective barrier talisman on her mind.

Jin, who possesses all of Master Oogway's chi techniques, was surprised to see the technique that Tigress used.

'I don't remember teaching her about chi techniques, though? So how did she manage to learn one? Did she perhaps practice and make it herself?' Jin wondered to himself. There's actually a reason why he wasn't teaching her some of the chi techniques that he acquired from Master Oogway. The reason being is because he hasn't mastered them all and he doesn't possess the same knowledge about chi as Master Oogway, so he doesn't have any idea on how to teach the chi techniques to Tigress.

Remember, chi techniques are different from chi knowledge. Unlike chi techniques where he only knows how to utilize chi to attack, defend and many more, chi knowledge is knowing the ups and downs of chi, the advantage and disadvantage, the strengths and weakness and finally, its origin and purpose.

"Haahh!" Running towards the dragon, Tigress jumped and delivered a flying kick towards the head of the Dragon.

The Dragon quickly opened her mouth, trying to release flames once again, thinking that with Tigress so close to her, she would be able to hit her clearly.

However, just as the flames were gathering in her mouth, a wave of ice suddenly formed and blocked her mouth, causing her to release the flames accidentally inside her mouth.


Followed by the explosion in her mouth, Tigress successfully delivered her flying kick towards the Dragon's forehead.


Just in time, a golden chi wrapped on Tigress's foot before it collided.

'Alright, she's definitely not telling me something. Either she's hiding it from me for a reason or she wants to surprise me.' Jin suspected inside his mind as he watched how Tigress's strike successfully caused the dragon to be concussed

Looking towards Jin, Tigress smirked at seeing the shocked face of Jin. She's actually hiding this from him because she wanted to surprise him if they spar again, however she hasn't found a chance yet to challenge him in a spar. Thankfully, a new opportunity presented itself in front of her and she decided to take it quickly. Although she won't be able to surprise him by sparring with him, showing him how much she progressed and how strong she was is enough for her.

'Alright, I got my answer. She wants to surprise me.' Jin smiled wryly when he saw the proud look in Tigress face as if she wanted him to compliment her and be shocked.

"Oh my god! Are there any women that are normal here? What did I just get myself into?" Jin wasn't the only one shocked as Donkey was shocked too when he saw not only Tigress's strength but also Elsa's ice powers.

Meanwhile, Elsa looked at Jin and saw that he wasn't giving her much attention as he was staring at Tigress instead of her.

Although she was disappointed that she wasn't getting Jin's attention on her, however that only ignites herself to show more of her powers and perhaps, she will be noticed by him.

'If I can create a living being like Olaf, then perhaps I could do it again but this time a more stronger being' Elsa resolutely said to herself as she closed her eyes and imagined a stronger being inside her mind. Something similar to the flame breathing dragon in front of her.

'An Ice Dragon!' Elsa whispered in her mind as she quickly opened her eyes and pushed her arms forward, doing her best to imagine the shape, size and the abilities that an Ice Dragon could have.

A dragon that is as big as the dragon in front of her and can also breathe an element but since it is an ice dragon, instead of flames, it would breathe an icy blast.

It didn't take long before everyone's eyes including Jin's were on her, watching as a brand new dragon was being formed from Elsa's powers.

This being quickly towered over everyone and reached the same height and size of the dragon they were fighting.

"Impossible."Jin muttered to himself. He could understand Olaf's creation since Olaf isn't that particularly strong but an ice dragon? If that dragon is as strong as he is expecting then perhaps he should reconsider Elsa's icy powers.

'I remember she was the 5th spirit right? Are all spirits capable of creating living beings?' Jin said to himself with disbelief in his tone.

Breathing heavily, Elsa looked at Jin again and seeing that he was looking at her in awe and shock, she sighed in relief as if she finally reached her goal.

However, intense exhaustion overwhelmed her, causing her to slowly fall backwards.

Just as she was about to hit the ground, a pair of warm arms enveloped her, giving her the warmth that she needs from her icy powers.

Opening her eyes so she can see whose pair of arms these belong to, she could see Jin looking at her with warm and proud eyes.

"You did good, princess. It's time to rest." Jin whispered to her.

Smiling happily, Elsa unconsciously muttered one last time before she fell unconscious.

"I'm your.....princess."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 86 - The Dragon's Keep (4)]

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