Ch. 86 - The Dragon's Keep (4)

"Eh?" Hearing Elsa's one last words before she fell unconscious, Jin was in a state of shock. He didn't expect Elsa to utter those bold words to him.

'Oh shit, is this another Rapunzel thing where she falls for me? Dammit, Jin! Control your charm!' Jin said to himself before cursing his blatant handsomeness.

"I'll take her to safety first, Tigress do you think you can handle her?" Jin said to Tigress before asking her, referring to the dragon.

"Even if this one isn't on my side, I could take her on." Tigress confidently said. In fact, she hasn't used everything yet. She wanted to play with the dragon first and also to show off in front of her husband.

"Huff!" The ice dragon huffed coldly, not liking what Tigress said about her.

"Don't be angry, big guy." Tigress patted the large legs of the ice dragon that Elsa made.

"Rooaaarr!" The flame dragon roared loudly, causing huge air waves across the entire area. Seeing a fellow dragon like her made the flame dragon think that her authority over the Keep is being challenged, so she issued the roar of challenge, something that only strong beasts such as Dragons to understand.

"Rooaaarr!" Despite being made by Elsa, the Ice Dragon was made to be a dragon, so the ice dragon has the same qualities and instincts of a dragon. So, it roared in return to the challenge of the flame dragon.

"Don't tell me you both are gonna fight without me!" Tigress said as fur started fading in her skin, her facial features slowly turning into her tigress form.

As soon as her transformation was done, she went down on all fours and roared as loud as she could, even using her chi to amplify the volume of her roar.

"ROOAAARR!" Surprisingly, her roar even reached the same level of volume as the dragon's roar earlier. Chi truly does its wonders.

Both the flame and ice dragon were silenced as they turned to look at Tigress in shock. Who would've thought that such a 'puny' being can match their roars?

"I'll go first then." Seeing that none of the dragons were making the first move and were just staring at her, Tigress decided to strike first like how Jin sometimes taught her.

"Haahh!" Using her chi, Tigress surprisingly managed to float off the ground and dash towards the flame dragon at fast speeds.

Before the flame dragon could react, Tigress's paws had already come in contact with her chin.


The flame dragon was forced to close her mouth and tilt her head upwards from the sudden shift of force, which Tigress took as a chance and jumped on her nose, exactly landing right in front of the flame dragon's eyes.

Waving her hand at the flame dragon, Tigress let the gravity do its work as she slid across the nose and landed on the center between the flame dragon's eyes.

Just as Tigress was about to proceed on her next attack, a roar followed by an icy blast interrupted her as she had to jump from the flame dragon's nose before the icy blast could hit her.

"Hey! We're on the same side!" Tigress was annoyed at the ice dragon who interrupted her fight with the flame dragon.

"Roaarr!" The ice dragon simply roared in return. This is actually because Elsa fell unconscious before she could give an order to the ice dragon, which is why the ice dragon has no allies in this place except for its creator, Elsa. Due to that, the ice dragon was simply acting out of draconic instincts, so as a dragon, seeing that its prey was being stolen in front of it, the ice dragon was angry and wanted to get rid of Tigress.

Unfortunately, Tigress didn't know that, so she thought that since the ice dragon was created by Elsa, it would be their ally instead of being an enemy.

"Well, this also goes in my favor. Fighting two dragons with opposite elements doesn't sound bad." If Elsa were to know that she just caused trouble and added one more enemy to Tigress, she would definitely fall in a state of depression and blame herself for causing a problem to Tigress.

"I don't know which one of you should I handle first but since you just interrupted me earlier, then I'll deal with you first." Tigress murmured as she glared at the ice dragon who proudly stood while raising its chest as if telling her to come at her anytime in a challenging way.

"Sure, you asked for it." As a fellow beast, Tigress could understand that the ice dragon was challenging her.

Meanwhile, the flame dragon just stood by the side, not knowing what to think and what to do. After all, she thought that she would be fighting enemies here but why does it feel like she's just here to watch? If the flame dragon can talk, she'd definitely complain to them.

'Wasn't I supposed to be your enemy here? Why did it seem like you're just here to fight against each other?'

Back in the battle, Jin was watching them with amusement. He didn't expect that the ice dragon would actually fight Tigress instead of helping her fight the flame dragon.

'It looks like Elsa didn't give the ice dragon a command before she fell unconscious.' Jin said to himself, it's the only reason he could think of as it is also the most plausible reason for now.

"Roaaarr!" Breathing an icy blast towards Tigress, she quickly made a chi barrier in front of her, blocking the icy blast, though her surroundings weren't spared as the entire area was frozen by a simple icy breath.

'If Elsa were to reach her peak, I wonder how strong she would become? Would she be some kind of Ice Goddess?' Jin asked himself as he turned his head to look at Elsa, who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

'If I were a bad guy, Elsa would have no choice but to fall under my clutches but fortunately for her, I am a good person.' Jin's face twitched as he didn't expect that Elsa would trust him so much that she would allow herself to be defenseless in front of him.

'This only proves that she trusts me so much.' Jin felt touched by the trust that Elsa was giving him, so in return, he would give her his trust.

"Now that I look at you clearly, you seem to be more beautiful than ever." Jin whispered as he tucked the hair of Elsa to the back of her ear, getting a clear look on her beautiful face, with her exposed collar bone even adding to her already beautiful appearance. Elsa's face was in perfect shape and look, there are no traces of flaw on her face. Like how Disney princess was expected to be.

From now, Jin is extremely grateful for the person who did Elsa's artwork, for making her this beautiful.

'I hope you will find a man who will cherish you.' Jin said, not knowing the fact that the man he's referring to is none other than him.

"You seem to be mesmerized by her. Like how you did when we looked at each other back then." Rapunzel commented after hearing Jin's whisper and noticing the look that he was giving her.

"Ehem...I am simply admiring her beauty." Jin cleared his throat from the sudden response from Rapunzel and quickly fixed the 'misunderstanding'.

"Don't be so cheeky, I mean, who can resist her beauty, am I right?" Rapunzel said while pinching Elsa's cheek.

"You do know, you're talking to your husband, right?" Jin stared at her in a stoical face combined with a monotone voice. Even though they're not married yet but since he technically had sex with her without even marrying her yet, Jin would like to consider it as marriage like how Tigress does.

'I mean, it's not like I have to follow every human rules, right?' Jin mentally shrugged to himself as Rapunzel finally replied to him.

"Really? I don't see if there's anything wrong with that? I heard that you have to get Tigress's consent before I could be together with you and now, it is my turn to give you consent so she could be with you." Rapunzel proudly said, as if wanting for Jin to compliment or praise her.

"This and that are different. I'm sure Elsa doesn't have any feelings for me. So, I'm content with both of you in my life." Jin blantantly said as Rapunzel rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her tongue.

"You know for a man who can destroy kingdoms, you are as dense as your hard dick last night." Rapunzel said, not minding the vulgar word that she just used.

Being with Tigress and Jin for a long time has curbed her kind personality a bit. Sure, she's still a kind person like she'll always be, but now there's a tinge of playful or mischief in her personality.

"...." Meanwhile, Jin didn't mind Rapunzel's use of vulgar words. God knows how many times she said so many vulgar words the night he fucked her along with Tigress.

What he was thinking was what Rapunzel said to her.

'Am I really that dense?' Jin asked himself, to be honest, he was used to having women confess their feelings to him in words. And besides, one thing he hates the most is assuming things that turn out to be a disappointment.

To Jin, he'd rather stay dense than assume that a woman has feelings for him just because he caught her looking at him one time.

Back to the topic, Jin looked at Elsa's sleeping face again and thought to himself.

'Does me? Or maybe it's just a childhood crush thingy?'

While Jin was thinking to himself, he didn't notice that Elsa's lips were quivering slightly while blush were creeping up to her cheeks.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 87 - The Dragon's Keep (Final)]

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