Ch. 87 - The Dragon's Keep (Final)

Back to the battle, Tigress and the ice dragon's fight was just getting more heated and intense when the flame dragon finally had enough of watching them fight in her territory.

So, the flame dragon quickly swooped in and lashed her tail towards Tigress, who was surprised by the sudden surprise attack.

So, she crossed her arms and thankfully the force of the tail lash wasn't that strong, as she just skidded back with her foot maintaining on the ground.

"Now you both pissed me off." Tigress spit out as she was simply playing with them so she could show off her strength to Jin, however now that they're ganging up on her and she got embarrassed by the surprise attack, Tigress decided to take this seriously now lest she might be embarrassed more if she still played.

Both of the dragons were not expecting Tigress to take this seriously as they thought she was already serious, however that will be their mistake as the moment they turned their attention to each other as they thought that Tigress was now out of the fight, the said Tigress was now flying towards them with great speeds to the point where her figure was blurring out across the air.

Everyone aside from Jin cannot see her figure.

They only saw her again when she was already in front of the flame dragon's chest, her arms were extended with her palms softly touching the chest of the flame dragon.

At first, it looked like Tigress was petting the flame dragon however, the next moment made them think otherwise as the palm that was touching the flame dragon's chest was now glowing in a gold hue.

"Tremble." Tigress uttered under her breath as her entire body seemed to have pushed itself towards the palm strike.

As soon as she finished her word, a huge shockwave occurred in the center of the Flame Dragon's chest, exactly where her palm was residing.

Not only that, the entire area behind the flame dragon was blown away, causing everyone except for Jin to close their eyes due to the sudden arrival of the dust.

'Impressive.' It's not wrong to say that Jin was not impressed, in fact, he was surprised and impressed at the same time! Who would've thought that Tigress would progress this fast within just a month.

'What she did is kind of similar to one-inch punch except that she used her palm instead of her fist. And looking at the shockwave and the devastation behind the flame dragon, only leads me to one conclusion.' Jin closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again as he came to the conclusion about Tigress's attack.

'She must've internally attacked the dragon. Which is why there seems to be no damage on the outer surface of the dragon's skin, however I would guess that the dragon's insides must be jumbled now.' True to Jin's words, The flame dragon was in a state of shock as if it was unmoving and staring at blank space.

And before everyone's eyes, the flame dragon closed her eyes and fell down on the ground.

'Hopefully, the dragon is still alive. I was thinking of making her my pet of some sort.' Jin said to himself as he carefully placed Elsa on the ground before jumping down from the broken tower and landed on the ground.

He then approached Tigress and just in time, Tigress smiled at him with pride welling up on her chest.

"Finally....I'm no longer as weak as you thought I was." Tigress muttered to herself but was unfortunately heard by Jin.

"Me? I never once saw you as someone weak. In fact...." Jin was surprised by her comment and finally came to realization on what is driving her to become strong. Who would've thought it was him.

"....The moment I laid my eyes on you, I know that you will never be weak, remember that." Jin whispered to Tigress as she smiled as exhaustion finally settled on her body. Though it is not enough to make her fall unconscious or some sort however, she still wanted to be pampered by Jin, so she pretended to be so 'exhausted' to the point where she could hardly stand up.

So she fell forward and let Jin catch her.

Feeling his warmth all over her body, Tigress thought it was worth it to pretend that she was too exhausted.

"You worked out." But still, Jin wanted to compliment her for doing her best in catching up to him.

'I don't want to say this but she has made more progress than I am, who could only rely on my template system to give me what I want.' In turn, Jin was disappointed in himself, however was that enough for him to throw his template system away and carve his own path?


The Template System was given to him and only an idiot would not use it to its full potential and not reap all the benefits of having it.

"As much as I want to hug you but unfortunately, the fight isn't over." Jin whispered to her, he could sense that her chi reserves had grown so much and that match wasn't enough to completely deplete her reserves, so he knows that she's just pretending.

"Oh right..." Looking up, Tigress saw the Ice Dragon and realized that the fight wasn't over. She was too busy thinking of taking advantage of the fight so she could have Jin carry her all the way home which made her forget that there was still the ice dragon left.

"Alright, you big guy. Let's settle this once and for all." Tigress was intending to finish the fight in one move so she could finish the fight and pretend to be exhausted again to Jin.

Jin simply chuckled at her antics and awaited their incoming fight.

However, just as Tigress was about to strike per Jin's first rule on their training, someone suddenly yelled in order.


Turning their heads, they were surprised to see Elsa standing on top of the tower while glaring at the ice dragon.

Elsa was awake a few minutes ago, it's just that Jin was cradling her in his arms which made her embarrassed to wake up, so she pretended to be asleep.

It wasn't until she felt Jin's warmth disappear that she finally woke up and realized that she just brought more trouble by creating the ice dragon instead of helping.

It's not wrong to say that she was so embarrassed. This is her first time creating a living being with intention, Olaf was an exemption as she didn't know she could create living beings at that time. So it is out in her mind that she's supposed to give an order to the living beings that she will create.

"You're finally awake." Jin chimed in, he saw that the ice dragon quickly stopped in its tracks and looked at Elsa with reverence and fear. It looks like her glare on the ice dragon was making her scared of Elsa.

There is always one thing among those who can create living beings. And it is that every creation is always loyal and sees their creator as their God.

"Come here." Elsa ordered and the ice dragon quickly did as she said. Once the ice dragon arrived, Elsa jumped on the back of the ice dragon and used her wings to slide down towards the ground.

As soon as she landed, she quickly bowed towards Jin and Tigress and was about to apologize when Jin stopped her.

"Elsa don't. It's fine, no harm was done." Jin said before continuing but this time, with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"So, how's MY princess doing? I didn't know you were this strong." Jin said with a smirk, emphasizing the word 'MY' like what she muttered before she fell unconscious earlier.

"Eh?" Blush quickly crept up to her cheeks as she also remembered the words that she said before falling unconscious earlier.

"P-please forget that..." Elsa looked away in embarrassment, though at the same time, she could feel a fluffy and happy feeling inside her chest.

Especially when she heard what Jin and Rapunzel talked about earlier. She was awake the whole time and heard their entire conversation.

'There's still hope.' Elsa said to herself with determination. As long as she can prove that her feelings on Jin are absolute, only then she would confess her feelings to him. Since there was still doubt in Jin's mind that she has feelings for him, Elsa doesn't want to confess immediately as they would be a bit crude and might expose her that she was listening to their conversation earlier.

She'll first express her feelings over him through actions and when he finally realizes that she had feelings for him, she would confess.

'He doesn't make any move on other women without his women's permission and since Rapunzel already approves of me, then....there's a chance.' Elsa said to herself, she was extremely grateful to Rapunzel for giving her a headstart.

She would not forget this and would surely return this favour to her someday.

"Our job here is done and now all that's left is Shrek." Just in time as Jin said this sentence, the door to the tower where the princess Fiona was supposed to be locked up was suddenly kicked open by Shrek.

"G-get me off, you ogre!" Princess Fiona can be seen kicking her legs around as Shrek was carrying her over his shoulders like a sack of rice.

"I got the princess." Shrek said and noticed that the dragon was finally down.

However, just as Shrek was glad that the dragon was down, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back followed by a squeal of the princess that he just 'rescued'.






[Next Chapter: Ch. 88 - Shrek and Fiona]

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