Ch. 88 - Shrek and Fiona

Fiona shrieked in fear and shock when she saw the blue ice dragon staring down at her.

While Shrek still maintained his calm and quickly ran away from the ice dragon.

Seeing Jin and the gang just standing still while staring at him with amused expressions, Shrek and Fiona quickly warned them.

"Run! There's a dragon!" They both shouted in unison before Shrek ran past them.

However, when he saw that they weren't running and were still staring at him, Shrek stopped and looked at them with a confused face.

"What are you guys doing? We have a dragon over there, look!" Shrek explained and pointed at the large ice dragon.

"Donkey?" This time, when he saw that even the ice dragon wasn't chasing them, Shrek was more confused while Fiona was even more confused when she saw the flame dragon that was supposed to lock her, lying down on the ground without any hint of consciousness.

"Uhm, Shrek. That dragon is on our side." Donkey blatantly replied while Shrek made an even more confused expression.

It took a while to explain everything to Shrek and Fiona before they finally realized the situation.

"Uhm, aren't you supposed to save me? I mean, isn't that why you're here?" Fiona asks Jin as she sees that he fits the perfect criteria of her supposed prince charming. In her mind, she's still denying the fact that it is an Ogre that saved her and is supposed to be her true love.

It's not like she's against ogres and stuff as she's also an ogre herself at night but that was only a curse! She's supposed to be a pure human if it wasn't for a curse that turns her into an ogre.

How ironic that it is an Ogre that saved her.

"Me? No, I'm just here to have some fun and besides, I already have a wife....wives." Jin shrugged his shoulders before replying and correcting himself after noticing the pout of Rapunzel.

"O-oh." Fiona was stunned at first before nodding her head in understanding. It's not shocking that someone as handsome as Jin would already have a wife, two wives to be exact.

"Look princess, I don't care about this prince charming or whatnot, I'm only here because a bunch of people forced me." Shrek said before glaring at Donkey at the end of his sentence.

"Come on, Shrek. You need a woman in your life." Donkey said, which immediately made Fiona snap back in shock.

"Me? His woman? He's an ogre. Ogres doesn't know love and such things. All they know is to live barbaric, and eat humans and disgusting insects." Fiona didn't hesitate to stab Shrek's heart several times.

"I never ask for a woman. And besides, why would I be with someone who's a selfish and self-centered woman who thinks that everything will go according to what she likes." Not liking that he's being insulted just because of his race, Shrek snapped back at her, which made Fiona yelp in shock.

As soon as he saw that Fiona was scared and shocked at him, it made Shrek remember the faces of the humans that were scared of him.

This made Shrek finally realize that he can never be with a human, he's better off alone in his swamp, at least he has peace and tranquility in his swamp. In his mind, having someone like Fiona in her life would definitely just destroy his peaceful life.

"I'm out of here. I don't even know why I went here."

"T-that's right! And I'm going back to my tower and wait for MY real prince charming to save me!" Fiona stuttered at first as she declared loudly before walking back to her tower.

Meanwhile, Jin and the gang just stared at this drama with amused expressions.

'Dammit, I thought they would be easy to enlighten but who would've thought our interference would slightly change their personalities against each other.' Jin slapped his forehead ashe said to himself. He then glanced at his Template Percentage and saw that the Iroh Template is already at 98%, just one more and he'll finally reach 100%.

However, when Jin turned to look at Fiona, he noticed that she was about to pass by the sleeping flame dragon. There's nothing much to it if it wasn't for the fact that he saw the flame dragon's eye lids slowly opening up.

Forming a mischievous plan in his mind in order to solve their grievances, Jin smirked in mischief as he quickly grabbed Elsa, Tigress, Rapunzel and Donkey before jumping and flying away quickly before they could make a sound.


"What are you doing?!?" Elsa was so shocked and stunned that she hugged Jin's entire neck and even wrapped her legs around his waist as she tried to not look down in fear.

Contrary to her, Tigress and Rapunzel were just doing fine, the former having no fear of heights while the latter was trained to near death by Jin when it comes to flying and tall heights.

As for Donkey? He didn't even last a second before he already passed out on his shoulders.

Just in time, they suddenly heard Fiona's shrieked.


Back in the Dragon's Keep, Shrek also heard Fiona's scream. His instincts quickly made him turn around and saw that the unconscious flame dragon earlier was now awake and glaring at Fiona, who was frozen in shock.

"Where in the world did they disappear?" Shrek also noticed that Jin and the gang were gone, so there's no one who will save Fiona from her demise.

Shrek didn't know what happened next as his body just instinctively started running towards the direction wherr Fiona and the flame dragon were having a staring contest.

Just as soon as he started running, the flame dragon was already opening her mouth and ready to swallow the princess. Even though death was already at her footsteps, Fiona was still frozen in fear and just as she finally overcame her fear, the flame dragon's mouth was already in front of her.

"Jin, we should probably go down now and save her." Rapunzel said as she wanted to close her eyes, not wanting to see the outcome.

"Just watch." Jin confidently said, he's sure that the strings of fate would do its job and make sure that Fiona won't die.


Soon, the flame dragon quickly shut her mouth shut, eating Princess Fiona.

At this point, Rapunzel has already closed her eyes, not wanting to see the bloodshed that is about to splash.

Meanwhile, Jin was just smiling as he saw what truly happened.


Closing her eyes, Fiona was still waiting for the pain to settle however, after a second or two, she didn't feel anything, which prompted her to open her eyes and saw a green ogre looking at her in worry.

"Are you okay, princess?" Shrek asked in worry. Thankfully, he arrived on time and pushed her away from the flame dragon's mouth.

Meanwhile, Fiona just touched her chest and could feel it beating faster than before.

'W-what's happening to me? Why is my heart beating so fast?' Fiona said to herself while clutching her chest.

"Roaar!" Not liking that her prey was taken from her, the flame dragon roared in anger while marching towards them.

"Come with me quickly!" Not noticing the look on Fiona's face, Shrek swiftly grabbed her arm and dragged her away from their current position, not minding her body being ragdolled by him.

"W-wait! I-I'm getting dizzy!" Between each shake, Fiona was trying her best to form a word, however Shrek didn't seem to hear her as he just threw her back on the ground after hiding behind a pillar.

"Where the hell are they? They were just there a few minutes ago." Shrek complained under his breath while Fiona was fixing herself behind him as she was too dizzy and her head hurts a bit from the sudden shakiness earlier.

"You!....Ogre! That is not how you handle a woman! Especially a princess!" Meanwhile, Fiona's complaint was a bit different from him.

"Who cares about that when we're literally facing a dragon! I'll handle you for whatever I want as long as we escape from the dragon." Shrek curtly responded as he peeked over the pillar and when he saw that the dragon was searching for them, he quickly grabbed Fiona by her arms again and ran away from the place.

This continued for several more minutes as the three of them played a game of hide and seek.

Unfortunately, Shrek and Fiona still can't find where the exit is, as they were trapped in the keep.

During the hide and seek game, Fiona was angry at Shrek first however, as time goes by, she's slowly realizing that what Shrek was doing is simply saving her from her death.

'H-he's not that bad, I guess?' Fiona said to herself as Shrek finally found the exit and didn't hesitate to run over there.

"Finally!" Shrek's yell woke her up from her stupor and she quickly realized that they're finally out of the Dragon's Keep and are in a safe place.

"Ehem! T-thank you." Fiona cleared her throat so she could get Shrek's attention before looking away as she thanked him.

"It's no problem. I'll be going now, It looks like my companions just abandoned me." Shrek snickered at his last sentence.

"W-wait!" Not wanting to be left alone in such a place, Fiona lifted the hem of her dress so she could run fast and quickly caught up to Shrek.

"What do you want, princess? I thought you wanted to go back so your 'Prince Charming' could save you." Shrek said to her while making a " " gesture with his fingers.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Can you forgive me?" At this moment, Fiona finally realized that Shrek isn't like any Ogre that was depicted in the fairy tales and stories.

Meanwhile, up in the sky, Jin was smirking to himself while Rapunzel and Tigress simply rolled their eyes at his blatant manipulation.

'I guess it won't be harder than I thought.' Jin said to himself.


[I'll say it in advance, I won't be able to publish a chapter for tomorrow. It's a family reason, so I won't disclose it.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 89 - Meeting an Orange Furred Mercenary.]

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