Ch. 109 - The Next World: Hotel Transylvania!

After informing Elsa that they would be leaving soon, he left Elsa's room. For some unknown reason, Rapunzel decided to stay in the room with Elsa.

Although Jin was curious and wanted to know the reason, however he knows and respects his women's privacy.

Jin got back to his room along with Tigress as he sat on the bed and looked at her.

"Sit beside me, my little kitty." Jin warmly smiled as he called out to her.

He noticed earlier that Tigress seemed a bit down, so he wanted to take this precious time to have some time along with his very first wife.

"What's wrong?" As Tigress sat on the bed where he patted his hand, Jin tucked her small orange hair behind her ears before asking in concern.

"....Nothing." Tigress seemed hesitant about something before saying.

"You can deceive others but not me, my little kitten. Now, tell me what's wrong or I'll have to use some 'hard' measures." Jin said before whispering the last sentence to her ears while his hand roams across her back that slowly found itself down towards her ass.


"I really hate the feeling of being an open book to you." After a moment of contemplating, Tigress finally sighed and chuckled while expressing her 'hate' on him.

"Oh dear. You know you love me. Now, tell me what or who made you like this. I swear I'll smack that bastard." Jin made a threatening gesture, not knowing that he was referring to himself.

"Jin do me?" Tigress stopped in the middle of her sentence before eventually finishing her sentence after looking at Jin's eyes. As if not wanting him to lie to her.

"What do you mean by that? I wouldn't marry you if I didn't love you, right?" Jin frowned and honestly said.

"I know that's just that I feel like ever since Rapunzel and Elsa came to your life, we don't spend our time together alone like we usually do anymore. I- I was thinking that maybe you have gotten tired of me o-or perhaps my personality makes you nto satisfied. I want to do my be-." Tears welled up in her eyes as she stuttered while trying her best to finish her sentence however, she didn't managed to finish her sentence when Jin suddenly occupied her lips with his.

"Humph!" Widening her eyes in surprise, she then realized that she was wrong, very wrong for doubting Jin's love for her. She shouldn't have doubted him.

How ironic isn't it? She was the one who encouraged and helped him form his group of women but gets jealous when Jin doesn't spend some time with her.

'I'm such an idiot.' Tigress blamed herself in he remind.

She slowly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, as if trying to bury Jin's face with his and mix both of their faces.

"Fuaa..." Mist was released from their mouths as Jin parted his lips with Tigress.

"I didn't know you're feeling that way. I'm sorry." Jin apologized and then hugged Tigress back while burying his face on her neck, sniffing on them at the same time.

"..." Tigress didn't replied and just kept quiet, she simply closed her eyes, trying to cherish every moment of their time alone.

"I'm not a perfect man nor I know everything in the world. Before all this I was just a normal human minding my own business. If I hurt you in some way, I'm sorry for that. I know you might be blaming yourself for this because you were the one to encourage me in having many women but I don't blame you. I have the choice to reject the decision back then but I didn't. So, this is partially my fault too." Jin held Tigress hands and spoke softly while staring directly at her eyes.

"I just....don't know how. I know it would be unfair for me to love you more than them so I tried to make everything as equal as possible but I failed to see the problem....I need your help Tigress, I'm not an expert when it comes to having many women. That's why Tigress...." Jin looked down and sighed before continuing.

"Please help me. Help me get through this, I can't do this alone." At this point, Tigress was already in tears. She didn't know that Jin was also going through hardships like her. She thought that Jin was simply having fun having many women but she didn't perceived that having one woman bears a very heavy responsibility, much less having three of them.

"I'm sorry!" Tigress hugged Jin again and apologized.

"....It's okay, my little kitty. We'll get through this, okay?" Jin patted her back before kissing her on the forehead, expressing his unyielding love towards Tigress.


"Where we you guys?" After getting out of the room with Tigress, both of them suddenly stumbled on Rapunzel and Elsa who were just getting out of the room.

"We just talked." Jin responded and shrugged his shoulders.

"Talk huh?" Rapunzel crossed her arms squinted her eyes at them before pointing at Tigress.

"If you really just talked then why is Tigress smiling over them as if she just fell in love all over again." Rapunzel was right, when Jin turned his head to Tigress, he almost slapped his forehead as Tigress was smiling widely, showing her sharp canines despite being in her human form.

"She was just...happy. Anyways, enough about us. What about you two? Rapunzel, you stayed in Elsa's room earlier. What did you guys do there?"

"Nothing...We just had our late night girls talk." Both Rapunzel and Elsa looked and chuckled to each other.

Obviously since they had their girls talk, who else is there to talk about if it isn't about Jin? While Elsa told Rapunzel how she slowly fell for Jin, Rapunzel also did the same except for adding few details of their night adventures.

'I can believe that pants is hiding a huge 'monster'.' Elsa's eyes traced down Jin's body until she arrived at Jin's crotch and couldn't help but be amazed at the packing 'beast' inside.

"Alright fine, don't tell me then. Anyways, I assume both of you are ready, right?" Jin rolled his eyes before changing the topic and asking if they're ready.

"Yeah, we packed everything." Rapunzel said while raising her huge backpack that she has been carrying with her two hands. Elsa also did the same and showed hers, however unlike Rapunzel, her backpack is smaller than hers, so she doesn't have to use both her hands to carry it.

"That's good to hear. Let's go then." Unlike them, Jin wasn't carrying anything. Obviously, he never went into shopping clothes and necessities in thia world. Probably because Jin still has his own unique set of clothes, which is the robe that he received from the Jade Palace back in Tigress's world and his combat outfit, which is the long red gloves with metallic featured in it along with a long black and red pants and without any cloth covering his upper body.

For now, he's wearing the Jade Palace robes.

"Hold my hand and never let go, okay?" Jin said while placing his hands forward for them to take.

Tigress took Jin's left and while Rapunzel and Elsa respectively took each of Jin's hands.

'God, we're ready.' Jin whispered mentally and soon, the four of them were covered in bright light before the entire world was suddenly put into a halt, stopping the time.


When Jin opens his eyes again, the first thing he saw was the same old white space where God lives.

"Here comes the devil. How are you doing, son?" God stood from his reclining chair and greeted him.

"I'm doing good, God." While Jin was having a conversation with God, Elsa and Rapunzel were looking around in excitement and nervousness. They're in the home of the God! The creator of everything! So, they have to behave properly and make sure they don't show anything embarrassing in front of the almighty creator.

"So, this are your new companions. Welcome, both of you. You can call me God, Father, Papa or whatever you want." God warmly smiled at them as he informed.

While Elsa and Rapunzel were mesmerized by the surroundings and obviously on God. Tigress dropped her bag on the non-existent floor before sitting in a meditating position.

This is the second time that she visited this place and whenever she is here, she felt like being in the safest place in the world. Well, are there any more safer place than the God's place?

Unfortunately, their visit was shortlived as Jin informed them that they would be leaving soon, after he finished his small conversation with God.

"Good luck on your next journey, son." God smiled and waved his hand at them as Jin and his women once again flahed in bright light before they disappeared.

"Hah~ I can't believe I would see him grow up again. Time flies..."

"As if time ever matters to you, old man."

"Oh, you wouldn't understand, Calius. Because you never had a child." God rebutted and chuckled when he saw the embarrassed look on Calius's face.


Meanwhile, in a very lush forest illuminated by the moonlight, four figures suddenly appeared in a flash of light.

"That was fast. I didn't even blink and we're already here." Rapunzel blinked her eyes and said in a surprised tone.

"Where are we?" Elsa looked around and saw nothing but a bunch of trees and green grass. Combined with the presence of several small animals such as rabbits and squirrels.

"I wonder how much time has passed." Jin muttered to himself in wonder before a familiar voice greeted him in his head.

['re still alive. You sure you're not a protagonist in some kind of story because I could tell you have some kind of plot armor and it is really THICK!]






[Next Chapter: Ch. 110 - These Zombies are on fire!]

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