Ch. 110 - These Zombies are on fire!

[Guess who's back?]

[Of course, it's me. Anyways, some people kept complaining that I gave up and dropped the fic when my announcements are literally obvious that I would take the week off in exchange for the 5 chapters mass release. Seriously, you guys are readers but you never probably read announcements.]


['re still alive. You sure you're not a protagonist in some kind of story because I could tell you have some kind of plot armor and it is really THICK!]

"Why does it sound like you really want me dead? If you want me dead then you could've given me a weak template and watch as I die due to it." Jin made a very confused expression as he asked.

[And what? Kill myself? No thanks, If I do that then I might as well as doom my entire life.]

"What do you mean by that?"

[Nothing. Just an old man rambling his mouth.]


"Anyways, so what's my template for this world?" Jin sighed and then said.

[Hold on]

After the Template System responded, Jin could hear a bunch of balls clashing against each other, before a mechanical sound resonated throughout Jin's mind.


[Ohh~ you sure you're not a protagonist? This template is quite strong even in this world.]

"Really? What is it?" Hearing the Template System's remark, Jin got excited and couldn't help but fiddle with his fingers.

[Congratulations! You got Tatsumaki Template from One Punch Man universe. Talk about being lucky.]

[Tatsumaki: 1%]

As soon as the Template System finished his words, Jin suddenly felt a warm but strong feeling building up inside him.

'Tatsumaki should be that petite green haired child in One Punch Man series right? I think she has some very strong telekinesis. Much stronger than my Devil Form have.' Jin thought to himself while staring at the screen that shows his percentage with Tatsumaki.

'He probably left. I guess there will be no goodbye kiss for this daddy.' Jin haughtily said to himself before turning his focus back to his women.

"Where are we?" As Elsa raised the question again, Jin then smiled and spread his arms wide before introducing the world they are on.

"Welcome to the world where Monsters are scared of humans for some unknown reason."

"Huh? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Rapunzel asked in confusion, even Tigress was also confused by the words of Jin.

"I know. That's why I said that they are scared of humans for some unknown reason. Probably because humans knows their weaknesses? Who knows." Jin answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"That doesn't sound convincing. But I'll take it." Rapunzel pouted and before giving up.

"It's already night time. Should we rest here and wait until the sun comes up?" Elsa asked, while looking at the dark forest around them in slight fear.

"I don't think we have to. Look." Instead of Jin, it was Tigress who responded while pointing her finger towards a specific area.

When everyone including Jin looked at where she pointed at, they saw a large dark smoke billowing across the skies. From the looks of it, the fire shouldn't be that far from them.

"Oooohh! Adventure! I like it!" Rapunzel jumped excitedly. Hopefully, they also encounter some bad guys, though her training with Jin only lasted a week, but she could already feel that she could beat up several gruff men. She even fantasizes herself beating scary men who were bullying her precious Jin.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go and follow that smoke." Jin turned his attention to them and said.

They all snapped at their thoughts and quickly carried their backpacks behind them before following Jin.

Since it was very dark, Jin has to resort on casting a small flame on the top of his palms and using it as a light to guide them forward.

A few minutes later of constant walking and evading some small insects and predators that thought they were small preys, well you know what happened to them after trying to sneak attack Jin and the gang, right?

"Oh man, this place is very awesome!" However, before they arrived at the source of the smoke, they suddenly came across an orange haired man walking in an awkward manner while looking around in curiosity and excitement. He looked like your typical teenage boy who loves adventures. What's more was that he was holding a phone in his hand while taking a video of his adventure.

"Oh look! I can't believe there's someone else here!" That's when the teen noticed them, he quickly pointed his phone at them and started approaching them.

"Hello there fellow travelers! It's nice to meet you all!" The teen giggled childishly while waving his entire arm up in the air as if waving his hand wasn't enough for them to see.

'This must be Jonathan, right? Good, so the plot is just starting. I thought I would still be stuck in that same old year with Vlad.' Jin mentally sighed in relief before forming a smile on his face and greeted Jonathan back.

"Hey there! What are you doing out here?" Jin waved his hand while inside his mind, he was thinking of using Tatsumaki's powers here for the first time.

'Hmm, I was tempted to use my telekinesis to slam a rock behind his head however, I don't want to be too bloodied. Tatsumaki should have some kind of Telepathy right? Hopefully, it is as strong as her telekinesis.' As Jin made a note in his mind, Jonathan was already introducing himself.

"I was just following some trails out there and before ai knew it, I was already here and stumbled upon you guy-" Just as Jonathan was excitedly narrating his adventures, Jin decided to use it now lest Jonathan might never stop in his ramble.

"Cease!" Wanting to sound cool, Jin decided to mutter a word, not just to look cool but also to strengthen the effect.

As soon as Jin muttered those words, it took quite a while for Jin to get used to it before Jonathan finally stopped talking and blankly stared at the air in front of him.

'Success!' Jin shouted in victory in his mind while mentally giving himself a pat on the back.

"What the?" The three women noticed the anomaly as they were just listening to the teen's narration when he suddenly stopped as his arms drooped closely on the ground while his eyes never left the air in front of him. Surprisingly, Jonathan managed to still stand on his own two feet, albeit they were starting to get wobbly.

This just shows that Jin still lacks in his telepathic strength.

"What did you do?" Out of the three of them, it was Tigress who movies that Jin was glowing in light green albeit a little weak to the point that if one didn't focus enough, they would miss it.

"Just testing out my new abilities. From the looks of it, this power would save us countless troubles in the future." Jin replied while focusing his eyes on Jonathan.

Did you think that was it? Jin wasn't actually done yet. He is still maintaining his hold on Jonathan and he's already feeling a small strain on his head.

'Fwooo, let's do this. It's now or never.' Jin inhaled and exhaled, calming himself. If he failed or an error happened while he's giving Jonathan's mind a command, there's a chance that he might erase some memories of him, much worse he might accidentally break his mind.

Jin can't have that. Although Jin would admit that he was doing this because he doesn't want Jonathan to steal a certain 'someone' from him, but Jonathan didn't do any harm on him or his loved ones, and besides, Jonathan is quite a good kid actually. It is not often showed in the films on how kind he is but if you look closely at his relationship with his family, you would be able to tell that he's a good man.

Sometimes, a person's personality can be determined on how he treats his own family. You will know that person is worth it if he could cherish his love ones.

"Go back to where you came from and delete that footage and anything that is related to this place from your phone." Jin strictly ordered and watched as Jonathan slowly raised his phone and pressed a few taps on the screen before blankly turning around and started walking away under Jin and his women's gazes.

"And take care of your backpack." Jin gave his last order before releasing his telepathy on Jonathan. Although he released it but he has already placed the command in Jonathan's mind. Similar to how a person suddenly changes his decision about something without a particular reason why.

"Let's go." After seeing Jonathan disappear within the woods, Jin said to the dazed women before walking away.

"That was hot. His voice was hot. Was he always that hot?" Rapunzel kept fanning herself with her hands as she almost drooled on what Jin showed to them.

"Snap out of it Rapunzel. Let's go." Tigress lighty smacked Rapunzel's back, awakening her from her fantasies before looking at Elsa's eyes and gestured her to keep moving on.

"What does he mean that he was testing his abilities? I've never seen him use it. Tigress?" Meanwhile, out of all three of them, Elsa was the most curious one as she wanted to unveil more and more of Jin's secrets. She felt like he's a chest that is full of secrets, waiting to be opened by someone who is interested.

"I have no idea." Tigress shrugged her shoulders in response.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the location of the smoke and was surprised to see a bunch of decayed people lining up and walking without a sense of direction, simply following their line.

However, what's more is that all these zombies are actually on fire!

"What the hell?" Tigress raised her eyebrows and squinted her eyes on the burning decayed corpses, trying to decipher on what kind of being they are.

'Those are the zombies, right? This is good, we'll just follow them and they will lead us to Drac's hotel. I wonder what change did I make thanks to my presence years ago?' Jin placed his finger under his chin while wondering to himself in excitement and worry.

He's half worried that he changed the world so much that caused Dracula to never have a daughter named Mavis.

'But this fake town exists which means that Mavis also exists.' Using his critical thinking, Jin quickly analyzed the town and sighed in relief that he didn't changed anything major.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 111 - Human-Free since 1898!]

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