Ch. 111 - Human-Free since 1898!

"Let's follow them." Jin said after finishing his moment of thinking.

The three women nodded their heads and quickly chased after the burning zombies and followed them.

Meanwhile, Jin looked at the dark area behind him, he just felt like someone was staring at him, specifically glaring daggers at him.

'Is it just my imagination?' Jin cautiously said to himself before deciding to stay alert at all times just in case some unknown variable emerges without his knowledge.


After a whole gruesome hour of following the zombies, Jin and the gang have finally arrived at a large and tall castle that can give the Burj Khalifa a run of his money.

"I'm getting some creepy vibes here." Rapunzel hugged her arms and shuddered slightly while looking at the huge castle that reeks of an ominous vibe.

"Should we still follow them?" Elsa asked while pointing at the huge group of zombies they were following earlier, instead of going through the front entrance of the large castle, they started walking towards the back of the castle.

"Tigress, you can transform in your other form now. Everyone here would consider it as normal unlike in the previous world." Jin didn't immediately reply to Elsa's question, instead he gave a 'Go' to Tigress so she could transform back to her original form.

Tigress nodded her head and closed her eyes. Soon, before everyone's sight, they saw how fur slowly appeared in every nook and cranny of Tigress's body, her facial features also started to morph back to her original face. Her muscles also started to enlarge and become more compact than it is in her human form.

'That's the Tigress I know.' Jin smirked at seeing the original appearance of Tigress. It's been quite a while since he last saw her Tiger form and despite that, he was still fascinated by her beastly beauty.

"Both you and Rapunzel here will enter through the front doors. I'm sure with both of your appearances, they wouldn't see you as humans."

"Uhmm, why me? I'm human, right?" Rapunzel awkwardly raised her hand and said with a hint of doubt.

"Their Head Chef inside looks human except for his short stature but they still considered him as one of them, surely as long as you release your golden hair and let it flow as it usually is, they would see you as part of them." After Jin finished his explanation, Rapunzel nodded her head in understanding.

"How about me? Where am I going?" This time, it was Elsa's turn to raise her hand and ask a question.

"You're coming with me, Elsa. You look like a human, I don't want our appearance to attract unnecessary attention, much worse they might start to attack us." Jin shook his head and replied. What he's saying is actually true. Their appearance might make the monsters inside panic, which is something Jin wouldn't like to do since he's planning something inside the castle.

Sure he could transform in his Devil form and enter with ease however, that would be too much trouble as his evil thoughts are reigning supreme during his Devil form so it's quite a hassle to deal with. Not only that, he can't let Elsa go through the backdoor alone without knowing what to do. Jin is a hundred percent sure that trouble would find her if that happens.

"Let's go." Jin gave the final order.

Tigress and Rapunzel started walking towards the entrance while Rapunzel was removing a bunch of hair ties from her hair, so it could flow freely and fall down on the ground. One thing that is unique about her hair is that it wouldn't get dirty no matter how dirty that ground is. Rapunzel confirmed this when she fell into a mud a few days ago and except for her clothes getting mud all over, her hair was as clean and smooth as ever.

If the ladies from Jin's world were to know this, they would definitely fight for tooth and nail just to have this kind of hair. God knows how much women love their hair, probably much more than their man.

As for a man? Heh, a simple car and brand new shoes are enough for a man to live the rest of his life in bliss.

Putting that aside, Jin and Elsa covered their heads with a cloth, looking as if they were robbers breaking in a house before they started following the zombies who were walking to the backdoor.

"Haurghh?" Suddenly, one of the zombies looked at them in confusion and curiosity.

Stunned, Jin and Elsa sweated a bit before they looked at each other's eyes.

As if communicating through their eyes, they seemed to have come to an agreement before they both raised their arms forward and pretended to be zombies.

"Raagghh..." Jin made a noise similar to a zombie just like the ones in the movies he used to watch. Thankfully, he used to be an actor in his past life so pretending to be someone or something is a walk in the park for him.

Meanwhile, Elsa didn't share the same capability as him, so she could only look at Jin's actions and reciprocate what he is doing.

"Waarrhhh..." Elsa also made a zombie noise just like Jin's however, her female voice makes her charming instead of a scary zombie.

"Hoooohhh!" Suddenly, one of the zombies eyed Elsa with a hint of lust in his eyes, making Elsa shudder in disgust. Imagine having a corpse-like creature looking at your body in lust.

As soon as the zombie made the noise, the others had already started to notice Elsa. Despite wearing a cloth on her head, she can't hide the curves of her body especially since she's wearing a tight fit blue dress that extends past her feet.

Unfortunately for them, Jin noticed the lust in their eyes and would Jin let them off like that?

'Unfortunately, they're zombies, so that means they don't feel a pain in their body. Maybe if I could control my telepathy enough, I could reactivate their pain receptors in their brain.' Jin shook his head in disappointment, before deciding to just use his telekinesis.

Since they're behind the large castle, no one except for them is here.

The moment Jin clenched his hand, all the zombies around them suddenly glowed in a green light before they all stopped moving.

"Sleep." Jin muttered before raising his two fingers upward and a nauseating scene unveiled before Elsa's eyes.

The heads of the zombies went 360°, not only breaking their necks both due to the weak skin and almost having no muscles left on their body, their heads easily detached from their bodies before Jin released his psychokinesis, making all the zombies drop on the floor including their heads.

"Let's go." Jin coldly gazed at the confused look of the faces of the zombies before he resumed walking towards the backdoor.

'He cares for me.' Meanwhile, Elsa has a warm smile on her face as she stares at Jin's back with a loving gaze.

"Elsa?" Jin noticed that Elsa wasn't following him so he turned around and called her name, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"W-what? Oh right. I'm going!" Elsa blinked her eyes several times before shaking her head to remove herself from easily getting deep in her thoughts before answering Jin's call.


Thankfully, the backdoor wasn't locked, so they managed to get inside just fine.

Once they got inside, what they saw next almost made Elsa puke her dinner out.

Inside the room, lays a hundred upon hundreds of dead corpses on the ground, their faces decaying and rotting.

'Is this some kind of Zombie nest?' Jin's nose scrunched up as the devastating smell caused by hundreds of corpses assaulted his nostrils and almost made him puke too.

"Cover your mouth and nose if you can't handle it." Jin reminded Elsa who nodded her head and used both of her hands to cover her mouth and nose.

Jin nodded to himself after seeing this before carefully holding Elsa by her waist.

Stunned, Elsa could only stare at Jin as he slowly lifted themselves from the ground thanks to Jin's flight ability.

Since Jin wanted to increase the percentage of his Tatsumaki Template, instead of using his chi to fly, he used his psychokinesis to lift himself.

Since the percentage is probably still around 1% Jin could only lift himself for the meantime, so he has to carry Elsa in his arms.

Obviously Jin would try to avoid stepping on the corpses as much as possible. He saw tens of zombie movies where a zombie was jolted awake after one of the movie's characters accidentally bumped into them.

'I'm afraid they would all wake up one by one if I accidentally touched them.' Jin said to himself. Sure, what he just saw was from a movie but ever since he got transported to several worlds that came from the said movies, Jin started to believe that those aren't just simple movies that could only be used to entertain, but they are real worlds outside the universe.

'Either humans have the power to create worlds without their knowledge or those worlds already existed before the movie was produced.' Jin has many questions running in his head right now but he's quite busy now, so he decided to put this thought on the back of his head.


After they flew above the floor littered with corpses, Jin and Elsa finally arrived at another brown door that probably leads to the inside of the hotel.

Slowly opening the door, Jin peeked at the small gap first and seeing no one outside, he opened the door wide and entered inside followed by Elsa.

"Haaa~" Elsa exhaled softly as she's been holding her breath for a whole minute.

'Is this considered breaking Dracs's famous Human-Free Hotel or not? Since I'm technically not a human anymore or am I still?'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 112 - Dracula's family]

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