Ch. 118 - Do humans have ice powers?

"She's a....human."

The moment Jin dropped the bomb, Dracula's jaw dropped while his hazy eyes stared at Elsa who just got out behind a tree, showing herself to Dracula.

"H-H-Human..." Dracula pointed his shaky finger at Elsa. His eyes show disbelief on them as his entire interactions with humans before he built the hotel flashed before his eyes. How he hugged his wife's body due to humans almost killing her along with his daughter, Mavis.

If it wasn't for his father, Vlad who always came to visit him on his or Mavis's birthday, perhaps he would only hold Martha's corpse instead.

"Uhm, Hi?" Elsa awkwardly waved her hand at Dracula who reacted defensively by covering his whole body except for his eyes with his black cape.

"Who are you human? What are you doing here? What is your purpose?!" Dracula's eyes glowed in red as if to show dominance against Elsa.

Meanwhile, Jin decided to step aside and watch how this scene will unfold. He's quite curious since this would be the first ike Dracula would meet a human and instead of an orange haired teenager who he easily controlled at the movie, this time, it is Elsa and it is Jin who introduced her nonetheless.

"I'm...." Elsa was stunned by Dracula's questions and turned to look at Jin for help, however seeing that Jin was looking away as if deliberately ignoring her, Elsa wanted to smack Jin's face but unfortunately, she can't do that as of now.

"...I'm just a normal human. I'm not as scary as you depict us to be. We're just like you too you know? Our races are just different."

Hearing Elsa's answer, Dracula's gaze on her softened for a bit before it hardened back, memories of the cruel humans seemed to flash on his eyes again.

"I'm...not fully human." Gritting her teeth, Elsa decided to show her powers just so Dracula would drop his suspicion towards her.

It might sound dumb however, since she's the visitor in his world, she obviously has to comply with whatever rules it has, similar to visiting another Kingdom, where you have to follow their rules. This manner has long been planted on Elsa's mind which is why her thinking tells her to comply with this world's rules and since a resident of this world is vigilant against her, Elsa felt like she needed to fix her image in this world.

Nevertheless, Elsa must establish a good image especially since she's here to train herself on how to become a perfect Queen and this would be her first step!

"Huh?" Dracula slowly dropped his cape when he heard Elsa's words.

And just like what Elsa said, she raised her palm and showed Dracula a wonderful scene to behold in front of his eyes!

A snowflake-like pattern emerged from Elsa's palm and floated while rotating. Everything that she showed jsur screams magic!

"W-what is this sorcery? Are humans capable of wielding ice powers?" Dracula's tension grew and before the misunderstanding could escalate, Jin had decided to intervene.

"Dracula. Trust me. She isn't as scary as she looks. She might be a human but she's not like 'those' humans." Obviously, Jin knew about Dracula's movie, Hotel Transylvania. Which is also why he was shocked earlier when he saw that his wife, Martha was alive, she was supposed to be dead and killed in the original timeline.

This just shows how scary the Butterfly Effect is and how powerful the power of time is;

"....Although I can accept that, what about the others? For years, we have seen humans as creatures full of greed, cruelty, and wickedness. It would not be that easy to convince them to accept humans." After a moment of hesitation, Dracula finally sighed but there was still a problem.

What he said is true. The ruthlessness of the humans has long been planted and grown inside the hearts of the monsters, even Dracula, who is the most influential and powerful monster can't convince them just by words. Not to mention, if he uses his powers to change their will towards humans, he would be seen as a traitor against monsters and would probably deem him as someone who is siding with humans.

Especially how ironic it would be if he started preaching that humans weren't bad when he's the one who started spreading the viciousness of the humans in the beginning.

There are too many consequences that are against Dracula if he ever did all those things.

"We can disguise her." Jin then remembered that in the movie, the protagonist, Jonathan managed to sneak in and even live with monsters inside thanks to the disguise that Dracula put on him.

Jin wondered if they did the same, would Elsa be able to succeed like Jonathan?

"Disguise?" Dracula was confused for the first few seconds before his eyes widened in realization.

"I see what you did there. This plan is definitely plausible! But how will we do that?" Dracula nodded his head and felt like the plan was very good but the real question is how would they implement it?

"Leave it to me." Jin smirked in confidence before facing Elsa and seriously looking at her.

"Elsa, I need you to do a few things for me, okay?" After receiving a nod from Elsa, Jin smiled and continued.

"First, create an Ice Crown." Jin ordered, although confused, Elsa still did as what Jin said and created a crown made of ice. The crown has some huge resemblance on Arendelle's Royal Crown, possibly since she took inspiration from it.

"Good! Now, I need you to change your dress to a long blue dress that emits a frosty aura. You think you can do that?" After Jin's next instruction, Elsa was hesitant at first as she didn't know if she could emit the frosty aura that Jin was telling her. However, it doesn't hurt to try so Elsa changed her previously plain dress to a majestic and shiny blue dress that went past her feet.

"Now the frosty aura." Jin reminded her.

Elsa breathed in and out as she closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself being surrounded by a cold and frosty aura that seemed to freeze her surroundings.

"GOOD!" Suddenly, she was stunned by Jin's excited tone, causing her to open her eyes and was stunned when she saw herself being surrounded by a cold aura that freezes the ground that she's stepping on, similar to the one in her imagination.

'My....power is scarier than I thought.' Elsa shuddered slightly at the realization. If she could construct and create anything she imagines, then how strong is she? Is there someone capable of stopping her if she reaches her peak?

Nevertheless, Elsa knew that her powers are something that she shouldn't fear. But she should accept it like what Jin told her.

'If you want to control your powers you must first learn how to accept it.'

"That's good! Now. It's time for the act. Look at me Elsa." Jin turned serious again despite being excited earlier.

"I want you to look at me with a serious face. Without any hint of expression, much better if you appear cold and aloof. That way, you will truly fit as the Queen of Ice." Jin explained while instructing Elsa on how to achieve her cold face.

Meanwhile on the sidelines, Dracula just watched both of them with amazement. He was too stunned to talk and he was afraid that if he even uttered a single word, he would be whooped by Jin, so he kept his mouth shut.

'How...How is she capable of doing this kind of thing? Is it really sorcery? But sorcery died along with that annoying old man Merlin.' Since Dracula can't talk, he simply decided to start talking to himself just to pass time.

Back to Jin and Elsa. After Elsa finally meets Jin's expectations on her serious face, all that's left is planning her entrance. This entrance would determine that she's also a monster similar to them.

"Elsa. We're gonna need an ice horse for you." Jin smiled and said.

As much as Elsa started getting weirded out by Jin's instructions. However, no matter what, she still trusts him with her entire heart so she did as he told and created a living ice horse in front of Dracula's shocked eyes.

"D-d-did you create a living being with your powers?!" At this moment, Dracula felt like his entire view of the world was turning upside down. He can't even determine if he's really living in his world or he was accidentally transported to another world with his hotel.

"Yes." Since there was no point in hiding it, Elsa nodded her head and confirmed Dracula's question.

"Shouldn't that be impossible? I've never seen anyone create a living being, out of nothing, not to mention, a human." Dracula rubbed his temples and felt like leaving here since the more he stayed the more painful his 'headaches' might become.

"Now. All that's left are minions." Jin smirked and said. This time, he doesn't want the monsters to see Elsa as a fellow monster, he wanted them to revere her and see her as someone they should and couldn't touch lest they're not afraid of death.

"Minions?" Elsa tilted her head sideways in confusion.


A few minutes later, inside the hotel. Everyone was minding their own businesses when a cold breeze suddenly attacked all of them, causing some of them especially those who don't have furs to shudder from the freezing sensation.

"W-what is that?" Wayne was gritting his teeth and hugging his arms due to the intense cold that they're feeling.



Followed by the cold breeze was the sound of the entrance door being pushed open followed by the heavy tapping of high heels.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 119 - Ice Queen of Antarctica!]

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