Ch. 119 - Ice Queen of Antarctica

As soon as Elsa entered the hall in her full glory, everyone froze as soon as their eyes met with Elsa's cold indifferent face that seems to have threatened to freeze them if they move an inch.

"W-who is she?" A small skeleton whispered to his fellow skeleton friend with a hint of fear in his voice.

"How am I supposed to know her? I'm just as confused as you are." The skeleton friend rebutted, shutting him up.

Their remarks were heard by the monsters around then and they also share the same confusion as them.

Who is she?

Why is she so scary?

What kind of monster is she?

Several questions kept popping up in their minds, however all of them remained unanswered until Dracula finally stepped in.

Seeing Dracula who walked in the middle of the hall with Elsa standing behind him everyone sighed in relief. As long as Dracula is here, then there's nothing for them to fear.

However, that's just what their mind comforts them as their bodies were still freezing cold and even the famous wolves such as Wayne who are famous for having thick furs that are resistant to cold temperatures can't help but shudder due to the cold.

"Calm down, people. I would like to introduce you all to someone." Dracula loudly announced, his voice resonating across the hall, calming everyone and shifting the focus on him

"Dracs, who is she?" Griffin, the invisible man asked while pointing a finger towards Elsa. If it wasn't for his floating glasses that seemed to shake, everyone would have thought that he was the only one who wasn't pissing himself off.

"Don't be in a hurry Griffin, I'm just getting there." Dracula said while scanning his eyes around the crowd that has formed and seeing how Jin managed to blend himself among the crowd during the distraction that Elsa's entrance caused, he sighed and remembered what Jin told him earlier.


"I don't want the world to know of my existence yet, Dracs. Like what you said, after a long time of not showing myself to the world has made me forgotten by almost everyone, but for now, I want the world to stay ignorant of my presence."

After hearing what Jin said to himself, Dracula wanted to ask a question however Jin seemed to have read his mind as he already answered his unspoken question.

"I can't disclose the reason to you as of yet. For now, just do as I said and introduce Elsa as we've planned so she could blend in among the monsters inside." Jin patted Dracula's shoulders who just dumbfoundedly nodded his head in return.


"Her name is Elsa, the Ice Queen of Antarctica!" Dracula loudly announced, however what followed was a simple silence that made the situation awkward and Elsa almost blushing in embarrassment.

That's because no one has heard of Elsa, the Ice Queen of Antarctica. This is probably the first time they've heard of her.

'I want to dig a hole and bury myself now.' Elsa almost wanted to blush however, she forced herself to calm down as she needed to maintain her cold and frosty image as an Ice Queen.

'He said he'll give me a reward if I finish this without any mistakes.' Thankfully, the reason why Elsa was forcing herself in this situation is due to the promise that Jin told her before all of this.

'I wonder what the reward is.' Elsa asked herself in confusion while at the same time, she can't help but fantasize on what kind of 'reward' that Jin will give her.

'What is she thinking?' Jin wondered to himself when he saw Elsa's eyes darting around the crowd and when she eventually spotted him, he could see a hint of excitement and anticipation in her eyes.

He's not sure but, he felt like he also saw a bit of lust in her eyes.

While everyone's eyes were on Elsa, some were charmed by her icy beauty, they were even thinking of flirting with her but the ice cold look on her face made them think otherwise.

'Where is he?' Throughout the crowd, Mavis kept pushing herself inside while thinking to herself. She was trying to look for Jin as she wanted to spend more time and get to know him better.

'Please don't tell me he already left.' when Mavis thought of this, she felt like her soul left her body, she doesn't know the reason but she suddenly felt extremely sad. So sad that she was even thinking of going against her father's words and go to the outside world just to search for Jin.

Fortunately for her, just as she started to walk away while looking down on the ground in sadness, she suddenly stumbled upon somebody that she used to know.

[A/N: But you didn't have to cut me off~! Ehem, sorry about that. Let's proceed with the story.]

"What the? Hey!" Mavis rubbed her head and pouted while looking at the 'perpetrator' that crashed into her.

"Sorry, my bad."

However, she was surprised to find who it was.

"It's you!" Mavis gasped in excitement when she saw that it was Jin who stumbled into her.

"It's you again?"

Contrary to Mavis's excited voice, Jin's face twitched and his tone contains a hint of annoyance, which Mavis didn't notice as she was engrossed in dragging Jin away from the crowd so she could have some alone time with him.

'I-It's not like I like him or anything, I just want to get to know him better and this crowd would only distract my goal! Yes, it's just a goal!' Although Mavis felt like what she is doing right now is immoral, however she quickly blamed it on her goal of getting to know him better.

Meanwhile, Jin felt more annoyed at Mavis, however he couldn't blame her. After all, not everyone could meet their idol face to face, especially when they jinxed, which the both of them didn't know yet.

It didn't take long before they both arrived at Mavis's room.

'Alright, this is way too fast and direct! Is this how monsters express their feelings? I know Mavis probably has a crush on me which is obvious but this is a bit fast, considering that she's a girl.' Jin's face twitched while looking at Mavis who sat on the edge of the bed and kept glancing at him from time to time while her fingers were tapping on her knees as if this was her first time having a boy in her room except for her dad, which is not a lie considering how protective Dracula is when it comes to Mavis.

"Uhm....should we introduce each other again? I mean, isn't that the common courtesy? Then, we would say our hobbies, likes, unlikes and then tell stories about our life." Mavis started counting what to do with her fingers. Though she started feeling nervous when Jin was unresponsive and was simply looking at her and then darting his eyes around her room.

Seeing her clothes littered across the floor, Mavis blushed madly before using her super speed to clean her entire room.


Jin felt a burst of wind smash against his face before the clothes that are littered on the floor are already gone.

'She's fast. As expected of the Dracula bloodline. She probably has all of Dracula's powers. Especially that ability to stop the time of someone.' Jin still felt fear for that kind of broken ability. Who in their right mind wouldn't be afraid of that ability? Imagine when you're fighting Dracula and all of the sudden, in a single blink you're already dead. What's worse is you don't even know what happened and how you died.

Thankfully, God told Jin that he has some kind of immunity towards it thanks to his devil bloodline.

At this time, Jin still felt like the Devil Jin bloodline isn't supposed to be this strong, after all, if Devil Jin is as strong as this, then all devils in that universe are probably as strong as him right?

'I feel like something is wrong and I can't put a finger on it.' Jin wondered to himself into knowing that his silence has caused Mavis to swear heavily in anxiety.

'H-he's mad at me for dragging him to my room all of the sudden, right? He also have a wife right? No, three wives!' Mavis almost felt like crying as a single tear was threatening to fall down from her eyes. She doesn't know why she's feeling this way.

Suddenly, Mavis felt a warm sensation patting her head.

"Why are you crying?" Jin asked, he felt his heart being pierced by several needles when he saw the tears welling up on Mavis's eyes.

'Huh? I'm crying?' Mavis's eyes widened in surprise and she can't help but touch her under eyes and what Jin said turns out to be true! She was indeed crying, and for some reason she doesn't know why.

"Hold on..." Jin muttered as he squinted his eyes at Mavis. She isn't supposed to act like this especially to a stranger like him, being idolized is not a good reason for her sudden shift of personality that differs from her canon self.

As of now, Jin could only think of one reason why she is acting this way.

"Did you perhaps notice a flash of purple light in my eyes when we first met?" Jin crouched and met Mavis's eye level and asked seriously.

"Eh?" Although Mavis blushed due to how close their faces are to each other, she still understands what Jin said and tries to recall their first meeting.

"Yes, I think?..." Mavis answered in an unsure tone.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 120 - I got Zinged!]

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