Ch. 122 - The Conqueror of the human world

[Unknown PoV]

'It's been a long time since I got reincarnated in this world due to a sudden accident caused by a ROB.' Inside the White House mansion, a man in his thirties stood while facing the window where the bright sun shines across his face.

It's been 34 years since he was born in this world. Unfortunately, he wasn't informed on what world he was reincarnated into. What's more unfortunate for him was that he discovered that this world was just a parallel world instead of reincarnating into cool animes and movies like Naruto or One Piece.

Obviously as someone who was reincarnated by a ROB, he got a few wishes on the way.

First, he wished for a Vampire Bloodline. Though it is not powerful at first but as he got older, he trained and used this world as his playground to improve himself.

His last wish was obviously a dick enlargement. As someone who was single in his past life, he didn't waste this opportunity to get himself some bitches.

And looking at the famous celebrities lying naked on his bed made him grin widely. With his cheats, he didn't need to work himself on the way up as his hypnotic ability as a vampire is enough to bring him into the top.

At least that's what he thought as when he became the President of the U.S and even conquered the nearby countries, which is World War 3 by the way. He accidentally discovered a certain religion that worships the devil.

At first, he doesn't care about it as it is just a religion and there's nothing more to it until he discovers the other races aside from humans.

It was when he came to visit the Area 51 that he discovered a large talking bat! At first, he thought he was simply seeing things until the large bat revealed about the other side of the world on earth.

The world of the Monsters! After years of hiding from humans, they were finally discovered by the humans once again, by him!

This made him excited at the thought of conquering the other world while at the same time, he was cautious as he doesn't know much about the other side of the world.

That was until he got more information from the talking large bat.

Hotel Transylvania!

A hotel where most monsters live. A place where humans would never be able to find as they're hidden away from the human eyes.

When he first heard about the Hotel from the talking bat, lust appeared before him. He's not oblivious about the animation movies in his past life.

And one of those notable movies that he knows is the Hotel Transylvania film!

'Mavis...hehehe' The man licked his lips in delight and hopefully, he's not late and Johnny hasn't taken Mavis's virginity yet as it would be a bit disgusting for him to make a used woman as his lover.

In his eyes, greed and evil appeared. Ambitions and plans started to be formulated in his mind.

'To be honest, I already experienced everything I need to experience in the world of humans. But how do I make Mavis fall for me? We need to Zing at first sight....' The man tapped for foot on the ground a few times before snapping his fingers as he got a plan in his mind.

'That's right! I could use my authority as the president to spread the existence of monsters and how dangerous they are! And then, World War 4 will ensue. Once I got to the Hotel's location, I could use the U.S army to bombard them and appear before Mavis and save her from her 'imminent' death. With that plan, we'll definitely Zing!' Just the thought of his plan succeeding makes him get more and more excited! Unfortunately, he needed to wait for a good chance to appear before her so that he could use to make the humans believe that monsters are real.

'How about that religion that worships the devil? I could start with them. Although I remember also having a cult like them in my past life, this is the first time I've heard of them as they probably don't exist in my past world.' He then continued.

"'The Children of Lucifer.'" he muttered the name of the religion out loud.

Unknown to him, the 'Lucifer' that they're worshipping has already Zinged with his coveted vampire goth girl.


While the reincarnator was planning on initiating a war between humans and monsters while making himself a hero by saving Mavis in the process, Jin remained oblivious to this as he just met with Tigress and the girls outside the Hotel.

"What are you guys doing outside?" Jin asked while Tigress looked a bit guilty for going outside with informing Jin.

"We were just walking around, you know, girl's night out?" Fortunately for Tigress, Rapunzel got her back and explained with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"....Well I'm not that strict anyway. So, as long as nothing bad happens to you all, you can do whatever you want. Just make sure you take care of yourselves." Unlike the others who doubt their partner, Jin isn't like that. He knows when his woman is losing interest over him and from what he can see, Tigress and the girls were craving for him like humans who haven't eaten anything for years, so he could assure himself that they're loyal to him, though that doesn't mean he would let them do things that would harm him or anything he cares about.

But aside from those, they're free to do what they want.

Unknown to Jin, his mindset is something that ladies on Earth would die for. One thing that women like about men is their respect for their privacy.

Though this is a double edged sword as the chances of the women using this 'respect for privacy' thing to cheat behind their partner's back.

"I assume you guys have adapted yourselves in this world, right?" Jin changed the subject and asked.

"Of course! Everyone here is very nice albeit their appearances are quite creepy sometimes. Especially that invisible man, I'll definitely keep an eye around him." Rapunzel excitedly jumped while shuddering at the mention of one of Dracula's friends, Griffin.

"Yeah, you should really keep an eye on him." Jin nodded his head in agreement. Though it is not confirmed whether Griffin really uses his powers to peep on women in the bathroom, but if he does try to peep on his women, no one, not even Dracula won't be able to stop him from choking the life out of Griffin.

'Just because it's a world made for children doesn't mean it's a good and safe world.' As a traverser of animation movie worlds, Jin has already invented an advice for himself.

In layman terms, just because the things shown in the movies don't look bad and don't involve anything that is inappropriate doesn't mean the entire world itself is the same too.

"Anyways, I forgot to mention this to all of you but I placed a mark on your minds, albeit it's weak for now and I could only sense your intentions and emotions, but as I grow stronger, I'll definitely improve it so we could talk to each other through it without a distance limit." Jin reminded them, which gained him gasps of surprise.

"I didn't know you had this kind of ability. Now that I think about it, I wonder how you really got this strong. I mean, sure you train very hard like Tigress but surely there are some other factors right?" This time, it was Elsa who asked in confusion as she truly wanted to know where Jin got his abilities from.

Even Tigress nodded her head in agreement. As the one who stayed with Jin the longest, she could truly see that in every world that they visit, Jin would suddenly have different abilities. It's like it popped out of nowhere all of the sudden.

Jin shook his head. He knew that this question would someday come out of their mouths, though he didn't expect it to be this earlier.

"...Yes, you're right. But as much as I want to share this secret with you, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable. Perhaps, give me a little bit more time until I'm ready to share it with you guys." After Jin finished speaking, he was already expecting to see disappointment and doubts in their faces but he didn't expect to be hugged all of the sudden by Tigress nonetheless!

You know it's quite rare for Tigress to take the initiative to hug him as her pride sometimes stops her from taking the initiative.

Unexpectedly, this is quite a surprise.

"It's fine. I've long noticed this burden on you, I knew you were hiding something heavy, as much as I'm curious, just take your time and when you're ready, tell us, okay?" Tigress then pecked his lips after she finished her words.

After Tigress pecked his lips, the other two, Rapunzel and Elsa soon followed and pecked his lips too.

Jin could only stand frozen as they all engulfed his body with their bosoms. It's quite a sight to behold as their bosoms were literally drowning his front, back and left side.

'One more and the right side would be drowned too.' Jin said to himself before mentally coughing.

'Bad Jin, bad.' Unknown to Jin, just as his mark on them makes him able to feel their emotions and such, so are they. So the moment Jin thought of this with lust, they also felt it.

'How lewd.' They all thought in unison.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 123 - This isn't part of the Canon?]

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