Ch. 123 - This isn't part of the Canon?

Obviously, after discovering that the world that he was reincarnated into was the Hotel Transylvania world. The reincarnated man quickly used his connections to search for a man named Jonathan U. Loughran. Which is the main character of the film's full name.

It didn't take long before he got the report in front of his table.

'Heh, my minions definitely work very efficiently.' The reincarnated man chuckled to himself. Obviously as a vampire, he could also make others become a Vampire like him, except that they're under his control.

The only reason he hasn't turned the entire human population into vampires is because his control over them would slowly wane the more vampires he got in control due to the strain that will burden his mind.

The other reason is because he would lose a good source of entertainment, so he could only make about 100 vampires for now.

'Now, let's see here...' The reincarnated man then picked up the folder with his hand before opening them and proceeded to read.

It didn't take long before a frown appeared in his face.

'What's this? He returned from the forest successfully? Isn't Dracula supposed to escort him back to the Hotel by flying under the sun and almost burning himself to death? What happened? This isn't part of the canon.' More and more questions appeared in his mind and he can't help but be worried about the sudden shift of events.

'I hope she's still pure right now. It would be disgusting to use a woman that has already been used by other men.' The reincarnated man made a disgusted face as he remarked.

'I need to hasten my plans. It's time to catch some monsters and use them as evidence that the monsters exist and why they should be eradicated. Once the war ensues, I'll target the Hotel first and save Mavis before her 'death'.' Unknown to the reincarnated man, someone is already on his way to Mavis's heart and it won't be able before he'll be on his way to her body soon.


Unknown to Jin, his sudden interruption has caused a certain reincarnator to hasten his plans and it wouldn't take any longer before a war between Monsters and Humans breaks out.

Remaining oblivious to this, Jin was having the time of his life as he was on the underground of the castle, having a good chat with Frankenstein, Griffin, Wayne, Murray and Dracula.

"Okay guys, so hear me out. This'll be our plan for Mavis's birthday. We'll do the same as last time, Frankenstein and the band will play music for her and- yes, Murray?" Dracula wasn't finished speaking when Murray raised his hand, so his shoulders slumped off as his previous excitement of sharing his party plan was now gone thanks to Murray's interruption.

"Yeah, you already told us that just a few minutes ago, but the real question here is. Who is this guy?" Murray said before asking in confusion while his finger pointed at Jin who was sipping on some Bug Juice. A juice made with a bug's blood mixed with some sugar and alcohol.

At first, he was wary of this kind of beverage but he quickly turned 360° when he got a taste of it.

'It tastes like coke but is much sweeter.' Jin remarked as he finished his 2nd glass of Bug Juice. All while ignoring the finger pointed at him along with the agreement stares of Frankenstein and the rest. They were also curious about Jin and refrained from talking to him until Murray asked the million dollar question.

"He's errr...." Dracula didn't expect that question to rise all of the sudden. He was so excited about sharing his party plan that it slipped from his mind on how he will introduce Jin to them.

Seeing Dracula's predicament, Jin decided to help him out.

"A Party Planner."

"A What?" They all asked in unison, including Dracula who quickly realized what he said and quickly covered it by following up with Jin's words.

"That's right. He's my Party Planner." Dracula nodded his head and said proudly. His respect for Jin just went up with a huge margin!

'As expected of Jin! He could quickly make a reason in tight situations!' Unknown to Jin, Dracula already sees him in a very different light. Something mixed with respect and worship.

"A Party Planner? Dracula are you okay?" Frankenstein placed his hand on Dracula's forehead and asked with some worry as if the legendary Dracula would get a fever.

"What happened to you? Where's the Captain Control Freak that we used to know?" Wayne jokingly said, though he was also a bit serious as he didn't expect Dracula to change all of the sudden.

"Guys guys, relax. This is just a little change since it is Mavis's 118th birthday, then this should be a very special birthday for her. That's why I hired a Party Planner." Dracula calmed them down and reassured them with closed eyes.

"Yeah, you always say that whenever it is Mavis's birthday." Wayne said and chuckled followed by the others. Though this ticked Dracula off which prompted him to scare them off.

"ROOOAAROOOAR!" Dracula's previously calm face suddenly took a shift turn as his face turned hideous and scary while at the same time he was releasing a creepy roar from his mouth.

It only lasted for a second before his face went back to his normal smiling face as if saying that he wasn't harmful.

"Am I right guys?" He said with a happy smile.

Frankenstein, Wayne, Griffin, and Murray could only keep their mouths shut and nod their heads. Although they were the best of friends, they shouldn't forget that Dracula is the strongest monster to ever exist and if it wasn't for him, perhaps the humans would have succeeded in eliminating them all.

Meanwhile, Jin just recently left his chair to get another glass of Bug Juice when a black gothic Furball suddenly appeared behind him and whispered in his ear.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I'm just having fun with those old guys right over there." Jin casually remarked while pointing at Dracula and his friends.

"You do know that Dracula is my father right? Aren't you afraid that I will snitch on you for calling him an old man?" Mavis said with a teasing smile on her face.

"Well, will you?" After getting his Bug Juice, Jin turned around and faced Mavis before leaning over, with their faces just a few inches away from each other.

"W-w-well, I w-won't." A blush quickly crept up on Mavis's face as she could feel Jin's breath smashing against hers, she didn't even know that she was stuttering when she replied.

"That's good. Even if you do, there's nothing for me to worry about." Jin stood back up straight and confidently said.

"Wow, confident much in your strength huh?" Mavis also recovered her blush and her composure before replying to Jin's words that might draw some unwanted attention if someone were to hear him.

"Oh darling. You don't know what I'm capable of." Jin said before winking.

'H-He winked at me.' The previous blush went back up on her cheeks again when she saw Jin winking at her.

Unknown to her, Jin actually winked at his woman behind Mavis who has been watching their interaction a few minutes ago from now.

"Is she the new sister? Won't she....take our blood and drink it?" Rapunzel whispered to her fellow sisters and asked while shuddering.

"No she won't. I'm sure they aren't like that." Elsa said, though she won't lie when the same thought actually crossed her mind earlier before this.

"What are you both blabbering about? Aren't you worried that things are getting way too fast for Jin and her? Shouldn't they also go through some challenges where Mavis would eventually fall for him?" Tigress reprimanded them and said. This is simply just her speculation as she doesn't have any idea about the Zing and its capabilities.

"To be honest, when he got Elsa. I stopped worrying." Rapunzel shrugged her shoulders and said.

"Sigh. Let's just continue to watch. With the wink that he gave us, he's definitely confident that we aren't against him for getting another woman. Hopefully this'll be the last time." Tigress sighed and muttered the last sentence.


"He kinda looks familiar." Back to Dracula and his friends, they resumed their chatting and when Murray saw Jin and Mavis having a good chat. He can't help but be familiar with Jin's appearance.

"Now that you said it. I think I've seen him somewhere." Frankenstein gulped his drink before squinting his eyes on Jin's face.

"Yeah, and you haven't introduced him to us yet right? What's his name." Wayne also asked.

"Name?" At first, Dracula was hesitant about bringing Jin's name but then he remembered that he only introduced himself to his father and Dracula later got to know his name from Vlad. So that means aside from him and his father, no one else knows about Jin.

"His name is Jin. Jin Kazama."

"Jin Kazama? Like the Lucifer's name?" Griffin asked while raising his eyebrows, though they can't see it.

"Yeah he shares the same name as Lucifer right?" Frankenstein also nodded his head in agreement, so are the others except for Dracula who got more confused.

"Wait Wait Wait Wait. Who's this Lucifer and what do you mean he shares the same name? Can someone please explain?" Dracula can't help but rub his head in confusion.

"Oh yeah, right. I guess you wouldn't know since you holed yourself up in the hotel to the point that you haven't left since you built it." Wayne said before continuing.

"There's actually a growing religion that I heard of. They worshipped someone called Lucifer. They said that Lucifer is his true name while his mortal name is Jin Kazama." Unknown to Wayne, his words just dropped a bomb on Dracula's head.

'Have I been so holed up in my hotel that I didn't know about things such as this information?'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 124 - Party Planning]

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