Ch. 152 - The Third wave of Invasion [2]



"Shoot them all quick!"

Seeing the chaos that has ensued once they went deeper into the cave, Thomas was flabbergasted and wanted to know what went wrong.

A few minutes before the happenings, everything was just going fine. The ride was smooth except for a few bumps on the ground and some cobwebs on the front.

Some soldiers took this time to relax for a bit as they felt that the cave was just a path towards their next destination.

However, everything went haywire the moment they encountered several small spiders.

At first, there weren't any problems as the spiders were just small and the trucks just killed them all with the tires.

That was until more spiders started to crawl out of the ceiling and walls, while the spiders started to get larger and larger. To the point that they have to start shooting at the spiders that are as large as a bmx bike.

And now more spiders with larger builds started to crawl out and they have no choice but to speed up, crashing through the waves of spiders.

Earlier they were just going slow because they were still cautious about the unknown path ahead, however now that they're almost about to be surrounded by the spiders, they were left with no choice but to leave their lives to fate and proceed with the unknown path forward without knowing what lies ahead.



Bloods and flesh of spiders all flew everywhere while everyone was nervously breathing heavily. Some take out their bibles and pray to God.

However, it didn't last long before a larger spider with the same size of a car came into view in front of the first truck and collided against it.


Due to the gravity and speed of the mass, the truck was swayed on the side and accidentally crashed into the wall.

The truck behind stopped at the sight of it and so are the rest of the trucks.

The soldiers inside the first truck quickly ran out, shooting all the spiders that came on their way.



However, they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of the spiders along with their almost impossible sizes.

The rest of the soldiers tried to help by any means necessary however with so many spiders crawling everywhere, their help was very limited to shooting at the spiders with little to no effort because of their numbers.

It's like If they shoot one spider two more shall appear.

Like a certain organization/mythical creature.

"Abandon them! Just swerve the trucks and speed up!" The General in charge's lips quivered before making a final decision and announced it loudly much to everyone's shock.

Even Thomas was surprised by the bold decision of the General, he hasn't even influenced him into making the decision yet.

However, he could understand the General's decision. After all, would you save a single person or a million people?

In this current situation, the General decided to save the majority while leaving the minority.

This is from the greater good, after all.

Although the drivers of the trucks were hesitant but seeing the increasing worst situation, they gritted their teeth and slammed their feet on the pedal.


The exhaust fumes went crazy as the trucks swiftly evaded the poor soldiers who all looked sad and shocked at being abandoned.

Seeing the trucks leave, as much as they want to shout at the curse however it's already too late and even if it isn't, it's useless.

They're on their own right now and seeing their situation, they won't last very long.

"Oh God. Please help us." They all dropped their guns and kneeled on the ground as tears dropped from their eyes. Rolling on their cheeks.

Only in the time of despair would they remember about their God and to ask for his help.

Just as the spiders started to get close to them and so was their despair, they suddenly saw that the spiders stopped in their tracks.

Looking around while wiping their tears, they saw that the spiders started to walk away from them while their fallen comrades turned out to be asleep instead of dead like they assumed earlier since the spiders were biting them with their fangs.

*Thud!* x20

They heard several heavy footsteps ringing behind them, the footsteps were in order too properly if this 'being' has more than two legs.

Slowly turning around, color quickly drained from their faces as another spider came crawling to them.

However it is too pathetic to call this a spider.

"G-God helps us all." One of them even found a strength to mutter under his breath as everyone stared at the enormous spider in front of them.

This is the largest spider they have ever seen, even larger than a tank!

The eight eyes of the spider gives them the chill as it stares right at their souls.

"Dracula was right. Humans would indeed have the audacity to disturb the peaceful life of the monsters. If only he didn't get scared of the human's ability to reproduce like rabbits and their incredible intelligence, not to mention the adaptability, perhaps monsters wouldn't have to hide from you humans." Much to their surprise, the spider suddenly spoke in their language! How did a spider even know how to speak English?!

Did the spider take some English classes without anyone knowing?

Unfortunately, they didn't manage to understand what the spider said as their minds were still occupied with their fear towards the large spider and the shock of its ability to speak in their own language.

"Hmm? Why are you humans suddenly gone quiet? Is something wrong? I don't look scary, am I? I just trimmed my hairs early this morning." The large spider asked in confusion while staring at the humans with her eight eyes.


"Still quiet? Fine then, keep your mouths to yourselves, I'll just do my job." The large spider used two of her eight limbs to shrug her shoulders before continuing.

"Now sleep...." In front of their eyes, they could see how the large spider opened her mouth and purple gas started to come out, surrounding all of them, including the fallen ones.

Soon after they took a slight breath of the gas, dizziness quickly came over them and before they knew it, they lost control of their bodies and their visions went dark.

Only God knows what would happen to them next.


Back to Thomas, he stared at the distance where they left the soldiers and the last thing he saw with his enhanced eyesight was a very large spider greeting them before the darkness of the cave consumed, rendering Thomas blind from seeing what would happen to them.

'They're already dead.' Was the last thing Thomas said about them before shifting his focus on another.

"Hey, do you think we'll encounter more of those spiders?" Suddenly, a nervous voice of a fellow soldier spoke beside him.

Turning his head to the man, Thomas could see how nervous the man was and curtly replied.

"Of course I don't know. If you ask me about it one more time I'll throw you out of the truck." He said before turning his head back away from the nervous soldier.

"...You're rude."


After a few minutes of driving, thankfully they encountered less and less spiders before they disappeared as if they weren't in the cave in the first place.

The thing is, this is good news for the soldiers and they could finally sigh in relief.

However for Thomas, he knew that this is just the beginning.

And a few minutes later he was right!

They successfully got out of the damp and dark cave but in return, the sunlight that they were expecting to shine over was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, they were greeted with a dark spooky forest that is covered in fog.

Or in other words, The Haunted Forest!

This time, they couldn't truly take the trucks because of the large and tall trees.

They could only proceed on foot.


Hearing a howl in the distance didn't help them to relax instead, it just added to their current fear.

"W-why are we even on this mission?" One of them muttered in fear.

"Shut it! They're just monsters! We're stronger, we're better! We have the weapons they don't have." Another brave soldier stood up and tried to cheer them up. However the next soldier's rebut made him sit back down.

"But they have abilities we don't have."

Before they could continue arguing, the truck driver who got out of his driver's seat, slammed his palm on the back door and shouted.

"What are you guys still doing there? Come out now quick!"

After receiving the order, the two soldiers glared at each other for the last time before opening the door and they all came out one by one.

Meanwhile, Thomas rolled his eyes and sneered inside his mind.

'Tsk, humans.'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 153 - The Third wave of invasion [3]]

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