Ch. 153 - The Third wave of Invasion [3]

"'The Time' is coming..." Closing his eyes, God muttered to himself as he just recently watched Jin inside the world of Hotel Transylvania.

"The God of this world surely wanted to get rid of him huh? It seems like he doesn't want 'Him' to rise again." Two beings were beside him this time, the other is the familiar Caulius who just spoke while the other is surprisingly the mother of a certain long haired heroine.

"I'm afraid if this god wanted to get rid of him, Jin would need more than just his own strength to survive." Rapunzel's mother, Aeloria, the Goddess of Life and the Eternal Nurturer.

"He has your blessing and also mine, I'm sure he'll survive." Caulius shrugged his shoulders and said, without much worry in his tone unlike Aeloria's.

"Your blessing? You're the God of Wine and Alcohol, what kind of blessing can you give him?" Aeloria teased while covering her mouth with her loose robe.

"Hey! At least I gave my blessing! And besides, it's not like he needs our blessings. It would just be a temporary boost for someone like him." Caulius retorted with a shy expression. He can't just admit that his blessing on Jin is alcohol immunity, right?

"Calm down you two, Jin will be fine. It's just a matter of whether he's ready to take back his responsibilities after this." God pacified them both and said, making Caulius react and reply.

"So you're really bringing him back, huh? Those Devils will surely become more arrogant after this."

"But the Angels became the same, right? After Lucifer mysteriously 'died', they became arrogant and felt like they were the strongest race in the entire multiverse. Contrary to what they're depicted as." Aeloria scoffed and said with a curtly tone. From the hate on her voice, you can tell that she isn't fond of the Angels.

"Are you saying that Lucifer's return would be good?" Caulius raised his eyebrows and said.

"No, what I'm saying is that Lucifer's return would bring balance to the multiverse again. Look what happened to the other gods. They can't stomach the Angel's arrogance and they decide to build an alliance to erase their existence from the multiverse." Aeloria calmly replied.

"And the devils? I heard they went quiet after Lucifer's 'death'." Caulius asked too, while providing his own information according to what he knows as of now.

"I never heard from them either. They've been really quiet this time." Aeloria shook her head and replied.

"Alright you two, quiet down." God raised his hand and said.

The two followed what he said like a pet and closed their mouths before continuing their observation on Jin.


Back to Jin, he and Mavis were at a convenience store buying some snacks for their next journey however Mavis's expression once they got in the convenience store was akin to a child discovering something amazing and cool.

"Look Jin! They have this drink called Slurpe-y~ *slurrpp*" Mavis showed the bottle to Jin before slurping on its straw.

"Fuahh~! And they come in different flavours! Let's try them all!" Mavis excitedly filled the cup with a different flavour and slurped on its straw before trying another flavour and filling it again with a different flavour. This continued for several seconds before Mavis was finally satisfied after trying different kinds of flavour and even accidentally filling it with a flavour that she has already consumed.

"Uhm, I' for it all." Jin looked at the cashier and saw her twitching face, Jin slightly chuckled and said before taking out his wallet and dropping multiple 100 dollars on the counter.

"Keep the change." Since Jin won't stay in this world for too long, Jin doesn't care about money anymore. With his powers, he can have as much money as he wants.

Seeing the 100 dollar bills on the counter, the cashier's eyes lit up before taking a few to her pocket while the rest were sent to the cash register.

Jin noticed this and didn't say anything. He just waited for Mavis to finish what she wanted to do before they could proceed with their next vacation plan.

At least, that's what is supposed to happen when his senses suddenly rang. Alerting him of a certain signal that he placed on his women just in case something bad happens to them or they call out to his name either by voice or by mental.

"What the fuck happened?" Veins popped out of Jin's forehead as he muttered with a grit of his teeth.

Even the cashier who was in heaven due to the large tip she got, suddenly shuddered in fear as she felt like she could see Jin's scary aura emanating from his body.

Meanwhile, Mavis was so busy eating ice cream that she wasn't paying attention to Jin's sudden shift of mood.

"Who dares to touch them?!"


A few minutes earlier in the monster world, the soldiers all sighed in relief after getting out of the Haunted Forest without casualties. Perhaps there weren't any traps in it either because they coincidentally avoided them considering how large the forest is or they're confident that humans wouldn't bypass the forest.

The Haunted Forest was just thankfully a forest with ghosts that scares them and instills fear on them.

Although some of them got scared and pissed their pants, aside from that, they successfully got out.

And now, they're under a bridge. The bridge that leads towards the gates of a tall wall.

'There isn't supposed to be a wall in here. That fucking reincarnator is ruining everything!' Thomas clenched his fists as he looked up at the tall wall with fury expression.

"Alright everyone. We'll sepe-." Just as the General in charge was about to give an order, Thomas has already glimpsed the hidden tunnel underneath the bridge, he's not sure where it leads to as his x-ray vision is limited but he's confident that wherever it leads, it is somewhere around the castle inside.

So he quickly influenced a 'suggestion' to the General that the army would be halved, the other will barrage through the main entrance while a smaller half would sneak in through the tunnel underneath. And that other half is his unit.

The General's eyes lost focus for a second before it went back to normal, however the same can't be said to his order.

"Alright, here's the plan everyone!"

After giving out the plan and sorting out some complaints, it was time to proceed.

And Thomas was the one 'assigned' to lead his unit.

As for his unit? Of course, his unit consists of him and his vampiric servants.

His entire unit is composed of 100 of his vampiric servants. Meaning, he brought his entire vampire army this time. He's cautious about the monsters, especially after experiencing the sheer gap between him and Vlad.

"Let's go in." After sending them the image of Mavis according to what he watched in the movie, they proceeded with their mission.

Kidnapping Mavis!

Unknown to them, their target is enjoying herself in the human world along with her 'boyfriend' or who she considers a boyfriend since she thought that Jin was taking her out on a date. Though even if Jin knew about it, who is he to refuse it? As a man, he would even accept it wholeheartedly.

After they found the entrance of the secret tunnel, Thomas first let 5 of his vampiric men enter.

And thankfully for him this time, he trusted his instincts.

The moment the 5 men entered with their feet, they were suddenly greeted with several arrows coated with an unknown green liquid which Thomas assumed was poisonous.

The 5 vampires quickly stepped and although they're much faster than humans, they're just lowly vampires so 4 managed to step aside in time but the last one was unlucky.

3 arrows hit him in his head shoulder and knee.

Looking at his situation, the vampires have a grim expression.

"It should be fine now. Enter." Thomas coldly commanded them after seeing their fear of entering. One thing he hates the most is cowardice despite being a coward himself.

Gulping their saliva, the vampires entered cautiously while looking everywhere in fear.

Even watching their own steps. Like little children.

Thomas resisted the urge to slap his forehead but since they're useful kept it to himself.

Much to their relief, there weren't traps anymore. Or at least from what they know.

Once they got in, they were surprised to see a maze.

"So that's why there weren't any more traps." Thomas squinted his eyes and muttered in realization.

"Go, and search for the real entrance." Thomas commanded. He just tried his x-ray and discovered that it is useless here.

The vampires nodded their heads and separated to search for the real entrance.

It didn't take long before they found it, thanks to their number.

However, the entrance instead is a very small trapdoor.

"50 of you, stay here. Who knows that arrow trap might have alerted someone inside." Thomas said before climbing the trap door and entered cautiously and sneakily.

Once inside, he quickly opened the trapdoor wide so others could enter.

"Alright, search for the target and inform me." Thomas mentally gave them the order before going on his separate way.

10 minutes of searching, Thomas could already hear the gunshots and bombs occurring outside, this prompted him to go faster in searching but to no avail, there wasn't any sign of her.

'Fuck!' In anger, Thomas kicked a door open and stunned the occupant inside.

Seeing who did he disturbed and hoped that it's not Dracula, his eyes widened in surprise at seeing a familiar white haired Ice Queen.

"Elsa?" Thinking of this, Thomas finally got a plan B in his mind. Since they couldn't find Mavis, then Elsa will do.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 154 - The Third Wave of invasion [Final]

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