Ch. 154 - The Third wave of Invasion [Final]

"What are you doing in my room and who are you?" Elsa stood up from her bed and asked with a threatening tone. Everyone in the castle knows who she is and regarded her as the wife of their hero, so her treatment is different from the other tenants of the hotel. She's more like royalty here.

Although Dracula offered for some witches to guard her room, she rejected it along with Jin, since they're afraid that their nightly activities would leak out to the witches. There are rumors that witches are known for their gossiping mouths.

So if they had a night activity with the witches guarding their room, the next day everyone would know about their activities as quickly as the news outlet.

This is the same reason why Thomas could enter and scout the entire floor without any problems, because of this.

"You must be Elsa, right?" Smirking to himself, Thomas asked with confidence and seeing the shocked look on Elsa's face, just confirmed his suspicions.

'So this is somehow a multiverse traveler? Tsk, I'm jealous!' Thomas gritted his teeth in jealousy before looking at Elsa with lust in his eyes.

"Well your boyfriend isn't here, so how about you come with me!" At the same time, Thomas has already mentally called his comrades to come to his position, so it didn't take long before several vampires with glowing red eyes had flooded the room.

'T-this must be some kind of kidnapping situation!' As a Princess, she has heard and read stories of enemy kingdoms kidnapping the princesses of their opponent's kingdoms and making them a hostage or much worse, doing vile things with them.

Seeing that she's in the same situation, Elsa didn't hesitate to release her ice powers in front of her, freezing several vampires.

However, Thomas has already predicted this since he knew who Elsa was. Though he's still surprised that her ice powers were so fast that if he didn't react in time, his entire arm would have been in a frostbite.

"Quickly, incapacitate her!" Thomas immediately ordered and the vampires all flashed from their positions and arrived at each side of Elsa.

"Get away from me!" Closing her eyes and feeling the icy blast threatening to come out, Elsa let go of all her constraints and released her terrifying ice powers.


It didn't take long for the entire room to freeze from her powers while the lucky vampires all got out of the room at the same time.

"She's a hard opponent, I'll distract her while you knock her unconscious." Thomas gritted his teeth, with how loud this battle is going, it won't take long before reinforcements come and they would be surrounded by all kinds of monsters, much worse by Dracula himself!

Using his mind powers, Thomas's eyes glowed and he quickly disabled Elsa's movements through it while the vampires all arrived behind her and raised their hands to knock her unconscious.

Unable to feel her limbs, Elsa could only watch as the vampires knock her unconscious.

Just before her vision darkens, there was one last thought in her mind.

'Jin, help me!'


A few minutes earlier, outside the castle, there was a siege going on.

Thankfully, the traps that they accidentally activated on the cemetery and many more have alerted every monster in the castle, so they were prepared for any invasion.

And thanks to it, they managed to hold the siege back down instead of being surprised.

"Murray, keep those sands coming!" Dracula ordered while standing on top of the wall.

"I'm doing my best!"

Back on the ground, Murray was using his sand powers to constantly release sand and refill the broken pieces on the wall. So in the human eyes, they were seeing the wall being broken down by their bombs and artillery only for it to regenerate back as if nothing happened.

"This can't go on any longer! Whoever or whatever is doing this must have its limits!" The General outside has already set up his war tent where he and his closest advisors would discuss plans and such.

They have already sent their location to the choppers. So instead of going in blindly, the choppers now have the exact location of the castle. So they would just have to fly high in the sky to reach their destination.

Hearing the General's order, the person in charge of the artillery nodded his head and continued firing at the wall non-stop.

"I-I don't think I can hold much longer!" Murray sweats heavily as he keeps pumping his powers to its maximum, producing tons upon tons of sand out of his own body.

Luckily for him, the long awaited reinforcement finally arrived!

The Witches have finally arrived after preparing their tools to aid them in the war.

"Hieehihihihi!" Feeling the rush of adrenaline in their bloods, the witches felt like they were back in their previous eras. An era where they used to terrorize human villages and towns, spreading their terror across the continent.

"The Witches have arrived! Prepare the homing missiles!" The General, looking through his binoculars, has long seen the arrival of the witches and per each report that he read by the Bravo 69 unit, they have prepared necessary measures for them.

Taking out the Bazookas equipped with homing systems, the soldiers aimed their weapons at the unsuspecting Witches.

"Aiming...Locked On...Fire!" The person leading the Bazooka firing squad, aimed his Bazooka along with the others, and once they got a lock on each Witch, he finally shouted the magical word.



The smoke on the backs of their weapons flamed as the homing missiles shot out of its home.

Back to the Witches, they immediately noticed the flying missiles on their way, remembering what Jin told them about the humans weapons and one of them is a flying bomb called a missile, all the Witches manipulated the broomsticks to avoid the missiles and kept going on their own way.

However what they failed to notice was that the missiles all quickly changed directions and made a U-turn in the air before eventually hitting one of the closest witches.


Before anyone could react, the poor Witch exploded in mid-air much to their shocks, and before they could recover, another poor Witch was caught by the missile and also exploded.

That's when they finally woke up from their trance and recovered.

They immediately took out their protection totems and destroyed it with their bare hands before a familiar transparent hue surrounded them like a shield before the missiles came in contact with their shields.


The smokes of the missiles covered the entire sky and under everyone including the monsters's deep breaths, the heavy smoke slowly cleared and under their eyes laid upon the Witches who were all unharmed except for the cracked shields in front of them!

"Yes!" Seeing the Witches resisting one of Human's strongest weapons, it was Vlad who jumped and cheered from the ground.

Not expecting this behaviour from him, Dracula shook his head, thinking that his father never changed before his eyes darted around and seeing no one looking in their direction, he flapped his cape and made a victory jump.

"Yaaahooooo!" As a monster considered as the Father of Monsters, Dracula felt proud of the Witches who have all been working under him for hundreds of years ever since the hotel was built.

Although they're just his workers whose job is to clean dirty bathrooms and make sure the hotel is 100% free of germs, Dracula has long already considered them as acquaintances.

Meanwhile, the humans were all shocked that the missiles were blocked by that strange blue transparent hue that surrounded the Witches.

'So that is the purpose of it? I've read it on the reports and this is the only time I discovered its purpose. And seeing the cracks on it means that the shield is not indestructible! With enough explosions, those shields would destroy along with these walls!' Just as the General was about to have his victory pose as if he unearthed a very heavy secret that will lead to their victory, would the Witches stay idle after their shields have cracks on it?

Obviously not! They quickly took out their glaring in red pumpkins before throwing them towards the soldiers. Especially towards the squad where the artillery is besieging the walls.






Several explosions occurred at the battlefield.

At the same time, Tigress finally showed herself and jumped inside the battlefield while Rapunzel, stayed behind and used her powers on Murray who was sighing in relief after feeling his strength coming back to him.

Until now, Rapunzel's powers are still a miracle!

If she were to be a character in some competitive video games, she would definitely be banned or nerfed several times, showing just how broken her ability is.

Meanwhile, Tigress was having the fun of her life! The thrill of dodging the bullets while shielding a few of them with her fur was a very exhilarating experience!

The pain, the joy, and the never-ending excitement is giving her the strength that she never expected!

And so, her figure has descended on the battlefield and wreaked havoc amongst the humans.


Meanwhile, as soon as Elsa was tied on ropes and they were about to return to the trapdoor, they were suddenly interrupted by someone.

Someone that looks familiar to Thomas, someone who should have died in the movie!

"Y-you....You're Martha?" Thomas was shocked and he couldn't hide his shivering hands as he pointed his finger at her.

There's no way the dead could be brought back to life, right?

"It seems like you know me. This will make things easier then, drop Elsa down gently or do I have to do it myself?" Martha tilted her head and softly said however the aura she's emanating and the glowing eyes of hers says otherwise.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 155 - The Anger of the Devil]

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