Ch. 156 - Facing ROB

"F-feassee!" Thomas tried to beg but no matter how pitiful he looked, Jin never stopped in his march.

Thomas felt like Jin's march was his countdown to doom.

"Where are you going? Don't go, we ain't done yet." As soon as Jin's walking pace reached him, he tilted his head and said before stomping on Thomas's knee.


"Gggaaaggghh!" Thomas screamed out in pain. His scream reached the other floors of the castle.

This is actually the first time he has experienced this kind of pain in his entire life in this world! As a vampire, he has a very high durability compared to humans, so knives could barely hurt him.

But now, a single stomp from the devil is enough to cause him a thousand pain along with a broken beyond repair knee.

If it wasn't for his skin keeping his knee to his body, Thomas is sure that without that skin, his knee would have long separated from his body after that kind of stomp from Jin.

"Seriously....So much ambition but you have a very weak will." Jin shook his head in disappointment. He was expecting more of Thomas as being the first reincarnator that he encountered beside him.

However, after seeing what he did to his wishes and the pathetic appearance he has now, if Jin could travel back in time, he would have alerted his past self to not expect anything from Thomas.


"I. Can't. Understand. The. Words. Coming. Out. Of. Your. Mouth." Jin crouched in front of Thomas before grabbing a handful of his hair and forced his head to face him. He then deeply pronounced each word as if he was talking to a child who has just started learning how to speak.

"G-givfe me a f-annce."

Although it's hard to understand Thomas's words, Jin could tell that he's asking for some kind of chance.

"I'm sorry but I'm not your ex." Jin smiled and said before slapping his cheek with the back of his hand.


"Fuahh!" The strong slap coming from Jin's backhand caused Thomas to spit out a mouthful of blood along with several of his teeth.

You must be expecting his cheeks to be reddened after the slap, right?

Well, it is indeed red.

I mean, the flesh in our cheeks are red, right?

"We're not yet done. Come here." Jin's evil smile is slowly showing on his face, an expression that neither he nor his woman has ever seen before.

It's like Jin is turning into an entirely different evil person.

"W-waaiit!" Thomas held Jin's hand that was holding a handful of his hair and tried to remove it. He was feeling a lot of pain from being held like this in his hair.

Jin then walked towards the window while dragging Thomas along.

"Let's play outside." Jin smashed the window and looked down outside.

Seeing the war between humans and monsters, is about to subside with the humans slowly retreating and losing. Jin jumped outside and flew in the air.

At the same time, Thomas screamed and tried to turn into his bat form. However, he was unable to do so either Jin is doing something to prevent him from doing so or he's in so much pain that he can't focus enough to transform in his bat form.

Nonetheless, Jin ignored his attempts and flew towards the battlefield, showing his presence to everyone, including Tigress who was licking her paws from the blood of her enemies.

Seeing Jin in the air, Tigress smiled and waved her hand, shocking the soldiers who were busy fighting her, more like being herded by her like a sheep.

So they also looked at Jin and wondered who this person is, for having such an intimidating presence.

Fortunately for them, their curiosities won't last long as Jin has just landed on the ground and thrown Thomas in front of him, for everyone to see.

"H-hey, why does that guy kinda look like Mr. President?" One of the soldiers pointed at the 'guy' that Jin threw in front of them to see.

Listening to his words, everyone quickly squinted their eyes and stared closely at the President's look-alike.

"Wait, that's indeed the president! What's the President doing in a place like this?" One of the soldiers were shocked and quickly exclaimed.

Seeing so many stares at him, Thomas felt his dignity crushing. That's when he remembered that he left about 50 vampires back in that secret tunnel, so he quickly used his telepathic connection over them to call them to rescue him.

However after a few seconds, he got no responses, which immediately gave Thomas a dread in his heart.

Sensing the telepathic call that Thomas is trying to establish to his minions in the secret tunnel, Jin smirked and intercepted the telepathy and connected to him instead.

'They won't be coming to you anytime soon.' Jincs sudden voice in Thomas's head shocked him greatly. How come Jin managed to enter his mind without having sensed him?

'They're a bit busy now, after all.' Sensing his predicament, Jin added oil to the already raging flame.

Why is everything going wrong?!

Did he do something wrong?

Isn't it normal for a man to have ambitions?

If Jin were to hear his deep thoughts right now, he would have laughed and said that nothing is wrong for having ambitions, what's wrong is that his ambition, unfortunately has him in it.

Jin is just like him, he also has ambitions.

So, what would happen if two men with great ambitions were to collide with each other?

That's simple.

Only one will remain and from the looks of the current situation right now, Jin would be the one remaining, not Thomas.


You must be wondering why Thomas couldn't get any response from the vampires that he left in the tunnel, right?

"Gentlemen, I wonder how you didn't think that triggering a trap would also alert the person who set up that trap, right?" While waiting for their master, the vampires were surprised to hear a voice behind them.

Looking towards the source, they saw a pale old man clad in black robes that has a logo of a certain organization in this world.

"Who are you?" A vampire stepped forward without fear and asked.

"...You're that guy who attacked Master a few days ago!" Although most of them can't recognize Vlad however some of them, especially those who helped Thomas when he was attacked by Vlad managed to recognize him.

Hearing the claims, Vlad laughed his ass off. While this just confirms the vampire's claim and they quickly attack Vlad.

Since Vlad attacked their master a few days ago, that means he's their enemy.

"Geeez, that Thomas really fails in educating his clan members, you guys don't even know how to greet an old man with respect." Vlad shook his head and leisurely deflected one of the vampire's attacks.

Vlad then delivered a devastating kick towards the first vampire that attacked him.


Similar to what happened to their master when kicked by Jin, the vampire received a much worse treatment as Vlad never held back in a fight unlike Jin who held back his kick on Thomas.

So what happened when you got kicked in the stomach by Vlad without holding back?

You'll be split in half like being cut by a cleaver.

Seeing one of them dying such a death, they all hesitated for a moment and that hesitation will become their doom because once Vlad sets his eyes on killing, he won't stop unless he's done.


Back to Jin, once everyone recognized Thomas, it was finally time to kill him.

His purpose of bringing him here was to show Thomas to everyone and once he was recognized by them, he would then kill him in front of everyone.

Gripping his head tightly. Everyone watched as Jin raised him in the air by holding his head like a pig.

"GAAARRRGGHHHHH!" Thomas yelled in pain as the grip on his head is becoming tighter and tighter to the point that his eye balls were threatening to pop out bad blood was trickling out of all his orifices in the face.

"Blurrggh!" One of the soldiers held his mouth close as vomit was threatening to come out.

Just as Thomas was about to be killed, he remembered that he still has one last trump card that might help his in this situation.

"R-ROB!! HELP ME!!!" As soon as he shouted, time stopped everywhere aside from three people.

The two of them were obviously Jin and Thomas while the other one is surprisingly Rapunzel who was still busy tending to an injured monster's wound.

"Hm?" Jin was surprised by this sudden turn of events while Thomas was cackling madly.

"You're dead! ROB is here and you won't be able to live any longer while I'll do it! Wahahahah!" Thanks to his vampiriric healing powers, Thomas's jaw was finally healed and he was able to speak clearly this time.

Just in time as he said those words, the dark night sky was pierced by sunlight where a being is slowly descending.

The being doesn't have any facial or bodily features. It's like an outline of a human figure.

"GODD! PLEASE HELP ME! I FOUND THE PERSON YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!" Thomas shouted again, afraid that his 'God' would not find him among the crowd.

The 'God' looked down on them and although Jin's can't tell if it's looking at them however he has this feeling that their eyes just locked on each other.

"Good. Then you're no longer useful to me." Just as 'God' mentioned those words, Thomas got confused.



Before he could finish his confusion, his entire body suddenly exploded in pieces of flesh and blood all over the battlefield.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 157 - Fighting a ROB]

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