Ch. 157 - Fighting ROB

Even Jin was shocked to see ROB casually killing Thomas without any hesitation.

'As expected huh. The moment we have lived our usefulness, gods would just kill us straight off the bat as if we're indispensable. I wonder if God is also like that. Food for thought later.' Jin rubbed his chin and said to himself before shifting his focus back to ROB.

"I heard you're looking for me. I can't I'm handsome but I don't think I'm handsome enough to attract someone like you." Jin teased with a sly smile however ROB doesn't seem to be amused by his teasing as ROB was just floating still, staring at him as if it was assessing him.

"No reaction? How borin-!!!" Before Jin could finish his mocking words, his eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly saw ROB moving his hand and the earth where he was standing on moved and locked him in place.

Although Jin could escape whenever he wanted and from the looks of it, ROB doesn't know how strong he is. So he could use this to his advantage and let ROB divulge into thinking that he's the strongest.

Unfortunately for Jin, this same strategy also goes the same for him, as this is the first time he met ROB, which also means he doesn't know the full extent of its powers.

"I have been looking for you, yes. But do you think that makes you special? You're just an average human who also seeked a god's help to reincarnate. But you and whoever the god behind you is, made a fatal mistake. That is by reincarnating you here in my world!" For the first time since they met, ROB finally responded to him.

'So, he doesn't actually know about me entirely huh?' Jin said to himself before ROB continues in his monologue.

ROB slowly descended over him and looked down at him as if it was looking at an ant.

"But now that I found you. It is time to erase you from this world and reset it back." As soon as ROB finished his words, Jin felt his soul being pulled out of his body.

Feeling the incoming crisis, Jin decided to make his move and smashed the earth that was locking him in place into pieces.


Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Jin ascended over to meet ROB face to face before eventually interrupting it by manipulating the air through telekinesis and pushing ROB's figure.

Feeling the disturbance, ROB stopped in pulling Jin's soul and confusedly looked at him.

"Hmm? You managed to fight back? Extracting a person's soul should have rendered them unable to think in consciousness and move their body." ROB simply tilted its head before Jin felt his soul being extracted again. From the looks of it, ROB is attempting to take his soul again.

However, would Jin stay idle and let ROB take his soul for free?

The answer to that is obviously No.

Rushing forward, Jin approached ROB in the front and delivered a devastating kick towards its chest.


ROB flew and flipped backward before stabilizing himself in the air. Shocked by the fact that Jin could still move and fight back during the extraction.

"You're not a normal human. Tell me, who is the god behind you and what did you wish for?" ROB asked in a passive tone.

"Sorry to tell you this but I didn't get to decide my wish. It was kinda given to me." Jin answered with a shrug of his shoulders. He doesn't know the reason why ROB can't take his soul or perhaps it's just taking a long time, but he was thankful for that.

'Maybe, I should delve later into the soul, perhaps I will discover something good.' Jin made a note to himself before focusing back on the fight.

"Given? It doesn't seem to be the case as no one in the entire universe except Gods can repel God's Verdict." ROB shook its head and explained.

"God's Verdict? Is that some kind of ability that is only accessible by Gods? And if you're a God of this world, is Zing also a God's Verdict?" Jin slacked off in the air and asked, engaging in a conversation as if he was talking to a friend, not an enemy.

"You shouldn't know too much, mortal. Just know that the cause of your death is because you interfered in my world." ROB shook his head again and didn't speak anymore.

"Hey, it's not my fault. Who told you to create a gothic goddess that almost no man can resist?" Jin said.

"Nonsense." ROB scoffed before waving his hand and the world surprisingly tilted similar to how Dr. Strange does in the mirror dimension.

The castle, the rocks, the bodies, and the environment all tilted and folded as if it was being manipulated by God himself.

'Are all Gods in universes this strong? How come those two gods I encountered are not like him?' Jin flew in the air after the ground he's stepping on is folded.

Hiding behind a rock, Rapunzel yelped in surprise after the rock folded and floated away, along with the other objects in the vicinity.

Sensing the danger, Rapunzel could only run and try to find places to hide. However, where could she hide when everything in her site is folding and moving?

So, she could only leave her fate to Jin, who seems to be doing okay?


"I shall show you the powers of a God, you ignorant mortal!" After making several gang- cough, hand signs. The world came to follow ROB's will as the several folded plates were smashed against him, with the middle of it being Jin himself.


The rock plates were smashed into pieces however, Jin was fine. No injury even a scratch can be seen on his body.

"I knew it, you're no normal human. Even your smell is different from humans." Although ROB doesn't have any facial features, but from the content of his words and the tone of his voice, Jin could tell from afar that ROB's eyes are squinted on him.

"Really? If it is, then that Versace Eros cologne is really doing a great job of a 'god' like you can smell it from this distance." Even at such times of facing a 'god', Jin's character didn't fail to falter and still could make jokes at this critical moment.

"First, Disrespectful and now Arrogant. It's as if humankind's sins are fused into you." Even though ROB is only making sarcastic comments, unknown to him, his words are more than just a sarcastic comment.

"Not my fault. I'm only making this show interesting." Jin shrugged his shoulders and responded before his instincts took over this body and he quickly dodged to his side.

At the same time, a red lightning bolt passes by him and even though he successfully dodged, the red bolt still managed to graze his skin.

And that's his first mistake in this battle because as soon as he felt the pain, he almost got paralyzed and all his stamina exhausted.

"Tsk. I'm surprised you dodged that." ROB clicked his tongue even though he doesn't seem to have one.

"What was that?" Jin wiped his sweat off his forehead. He felt his death almost looming over him just from the red lightning bolt.

"Even though your soul is special and an unknown force is protecting it from being extracted, that doesn't mean you have a means to protect it from soul powered attacks." ROB surprisingly revealed Jin's weakness, a weakness that Jin just discovered now.

'Does he mean any soul powered attacks can kill me in an instant?' Jin's back was full of sweat as he realized that his idle and arrogance had almost brought him to death.


Back to God's space, Caulius, Aeloria, and God himself was watching the fight with serious expressions.

"Damn, your blessing is the reason why he's still alive, Aeloria. I'm afraid if it wasn't for your blessing, Jin would've had his soul extracted the moment they met." Caulius smiled awkwardly while inadvertently praising Aeloria.

"It's just a simple blessing, unlike yours." Aeloria stayed humble, but she didn't forget to tease Caulius for the blessing he gave.

"We're still at that? Oh come on!" Caulius complained while Aeloria chuckled slightly under the cover of her loose robe.

Unnoticed to the both of them, God was looking at this with a warm smile on his face. He missed the times when he first created the Genesis Universe, the first universe before the Multiverse. The small gods would play at his place and create their own 'playgrounds' or in other words, their own universes and play there.

Unfortunately, he gave them free will to the point that they grew tired of their father's love and wanted to replace him.

Thankfully, Aeloria and Caulius, one of his first children were still the same.

Perhaps, it is also the reason why their universe is one of the softest and safest universes compared to other universes full of corruption and betrayals.


'I should be more cautious.' This time, Jin decided to take the fight seriously. He quickly transformed into his devil form but this devil form is different. There are more tattoos on his body, and his skin was slightly red. As if it was being hit up.

"A Demon? How dare you enter my universe and dirty it with your filth!" As soon as ROB saw his appearance, he surprisingly got angry and directly attacked Jin with the previous red lightning bolts.

Instead of one bolt, there are now tens of lightning bolts rushing towards him.

'Maybe transforming into this form is a mistake?'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 158 - Angry ROB]

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