Ch. 159 - Killing a ROB

"GAAAHH!" Feeling his energy leaving his body, ROB tried to pull the blade away from his chest however the more he tried to resist, the more painful the siphoning became.

And eventually, Jin's body finally recovered and he's now back to his previous form. Without any injuries, as if he wasn't fighting in the first place.

"How does it feel, now? I'm not even done." Jin grinned and placed his head close to ROB's ears, or what he assumed to be his ears before whispering in a cold tone.

ROB's eyes widened in surprise and pain as the blad ethat is struck on his chest was pushed deeper and even rotating it inside.

"Sometimes I question myself. Do gods bleed?" Jin whispered again with the same cold tone before looking down on ROB's stab and bleeding chest.

"And now the answer is in front of me." Jin grinned before pulling back his blade from ROB by kicking him on the chest.

What surprised Jin was the fact that ROB's blood was red similar to humans, unlike what he expected for them to have golden bloods since they're 'gods'.

"Rrrggghh!" ROB growled in both pain and anger. Without any facial features, it would be hard to determine his expressions, but after the sound he makes and his body shivering in anger, makes it easy for Jin to determine what he's feeling right now.

"At first, when God told me to put you gods in your place, I thought he was talking about giving you advice and correcting your paths. But now that we're in this kind of position, I realized that he meant something else." Jin intentionally revealed, wanting to see what ROB's reaction would be.

"G-God? Y-you mean father?" ROB's voice shivered slightly as he guessed who Jin was referring to.God himself.

"Oh you know him? That's a surprise." Jin made a fake surprise expression before returning back to normal.

"But now that you know it. I can't let you live. You know too much." Jin's eyes went dark and cold, having a sinister aura over his body.


"He's scary." Caulius shivered while watching Jin 'fight' which is more like torture to a universe's god.

"Father, are you sure you won't stop him? Can he bear the consequence of killing a universe god?" Aeloria worriedly looked at God and asked with the same worried tone on her voice.

"...He can. I'm sure of it. He's my son, after all."

"Heh, what do you expect, Loria. I mean, Jin used to do this kind of thing. Just because he's reincarnated and lost his memories doesn't mean it will erase his past." Caulius said with a shrug, all while casting a victory smile on Aeloria.

"Hmph." Aeloria looked away and huffed, her cheeks puffing up.

"Seriously, you're still mad at me?"


After Jin assumed control over the surroundings, he had long returned it back to normal. However that doesn't say the same to those who have died under it.

Imagine your body is frozen in time and folded like papers. There's no way you can get out of that alive. Unless you turn back time.

"...You won't get away with this!" ROB glared at Jin with pure anger. He has lost most of his strength due to Jin's Blades of Havoc siphoning abilities. Thanks to this, ROB was left with little to no strength and he can only use this remaining strength to talk properly. His God's Authority power is truly useless against outside forces like Jin.

"Actually, yes I will." Jin cracked his neck and joints before saying.

"I won't stay much longer in your world. So, thank you for your hospitality." Jin revealed before saying that last sentence mixed with sarcasm.

"...When I say you won't get away with this. I wasn't referring to myself..." ROB slowly spoke after a moment of stillness, catching Jin's attention to him, thinking that he was speaking his last words.

"....I have already sent everything about you to all the others in the alliance. They'll hunt you and you will have no place to hide! It's only a matter of time before they kill you! It would be better for you to go back to your world and stay there." ROB yelled with anger and victory in his voice.

"That sounds racist, I'm not gonna lie." Jin said with a monotone voice.

"I don't care! The gods are already onto you! What are you gonna do, huh? You are a dead man." ROB then finished his last words before Jin grinned.

"To be honest, that would be much better for me. Thank you actually." Jin's words shocked ROB and caught him off guard. He was expecting him to be scared and run out of fear but instead, he was thanking him as if he did him a good job?

Is there something wrong with this man's head?

"You see. I have a mission given to me and by letting the other gods know about me would make my job easier. In fact, you can consider it done already if you describe me as more terrifying to them." Jin crouched down and said before continuing.

"Now, you have really served your purpose and you know too much." As soon as Jin finished his words, his hand quickly grabbed ROB's bald head and held it very tight before a Blade of Havoc twirled around his fingers and stabbed right through ROB's chest.

"Your last purpose is to become a battery of mine." Jin whispered before using his Blade of Havoc's siphoning ability.

"....Youuu!!" ROB tried to fight back however as time passed, his last remaining strength was slowly leaving his body, rendering him unable to move and talk anymore.

"Hahh~ this feels like. It's like sex." Jin breathed in euphoria, feeling satisfied by the energy that he's getting from ROB.

"Unfortunately, I can't store everything inside lest I explode. You just have one hell of an energy are you? Is it because of God's Authority that you require an immense energy level?"

"Nonetheless, it's a win for me anyway." Jin shrugged his shoulders before storing the remaining energy of ROB inside his Blades of Havoc.

Their tinge of red slowly got deeper and darker as more energy was being stored.

"...Cu-rse-y-uu." ROB used his last remaining strength to speak his very last words before his body went limp. Devoid of energy.

"I have long been cursed...." Jin muttered before pulling his blade back and allowing ROB's body to limp and fall down on the ground like a ragdoll.

It didn't take long before ROB's body crumbled into light motes as if a certain titan had snapped his finger again.

At the same time, the time of the world finally resumed and everyone went back to their senses.

However, the humans were the first ones to notice that almost all of their army is gone, turned into folded bodies like papers.

Dread took over their minds as they looked at Jin and assumed that he was the one who did it. After all, this only happened when he entered the battlefield, which means Jin did something that killed almost every single one of them.

The last one to notice were the monsters. Although they were overjoyed that the humans were dead and only a few were remaining, they also noticed that several monsters also laid dead on the ground, their faces quite similar to the folded humans on the ground.

So they could only look at Jin, asking for answers. I want to satiate their curiosities.

Jin ignored them first and looked at the humans in the battlefield. Their scared and exhausted expressions clearly show that this war has brought nothing but death and sadness to the families and friends of the casualties.

"Leave." Jin calmly said, however the cold tone of his voice cannot go unnoticed to everyone.

Seeing that they're still frozen from either shock or other myriad of emotions, Jin sighed and a fierce look appeared on his face before repeating his words.

"LEAVE!" Feeling the pressure and scary aura coming out of Jin, the soldiers all pissed their pants and quickly dropped their weapons before running away, just the scared look on their faces are already guaranteed that they will have PTSD after this.

Seeing them run away like headless chickens, the monsters raised their arms and cheered at the same time, chanting their main motto.

"Monster, Together, Strong!"

"Monster, Together, Strong!"

"Monster, Together, Strong!"

"Aren't we going to chase them?" Wayne walked forward and approached Jin before asking in a whisper.

"What if they discovered about us? What about our peaceful lives?" Wayne continued, with melancholy on his face. He clearly doesn't want any war and only wants peace.

"Wayne, listen to me. War is inevitable, no matter how long we hide, we will be exposed soon. It would be better to expose ourselves while Humans haven't grown their technology to space travels yet. Because by that time, monsters would have no chance against them."

"So you mean there would be a never ending war? Thousands of monsters and humans would die everyday. Is there any way for this?" Wayne was very worried for his fellow friends and race.

"Do you know who would be able to stop this war, Wayne?" Jin asked while Wayne shook his head, allowing Jin to continue.

"Humans...Once they learn to accept us, only then will the war cease." Just as Wayne was about to sigh in relief, Jin poured cold water over his head.

"But that doesn't mean war will completely cease to exist. Sooner or later, peace on both sides would be broken and war will ensue again."

"Peace was never an option." Jin finished his words with pat on Wayne's shoulders, who seemed to have been enlightened by his words.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 160 - Humans's Reactions.]

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