Ch. 160 - Humans's reactions

While the monsters were fixing their home after the aftermath of the battle. The soldiers who ran away were breathing and sweating heavily, but never once did they stop running as they felt like the moment they did, the monsters would catch up to them and kill them like how they killed their comrades.

'Mom, Dad!'

'I need to go back to my family!'

The only thing that occupied their thoughts were the thoughts of going back to their loved ones sound and safe.

Meanwhile, some were having different thoughts.

'The world needs to know this!'

'The monsters won't get away with this!'

As they traced back their steps through the Haunted Forest and finally the cave of the spiders.

They suddenly stopped in front of its entrance, they all gulped their saliva in fear as they remembered what resides inside this cave. Either they enter and die or they wait out here and also die.

"W-what do we do?" A soldier fearfully asked. But no one answered him. Not because they couldn't but because there's no answer to his question.

*Helicopter Blades Whirring!*

"What's that?" The soldiers were confused and shocked at the familiar sound of the choppers before looking up in the sky.

Much to their surprise, they saw the four choppers that they left before entering the cave were now flying towards them.

Seeing their chance of leaving this hellish place, they quickly flailed their arms up in the sky, quickly gathering the attention of the pilots.

"Over here!"

"We're here!"

After a few seconds of calling, the choppers finally took notice of them and slowly landed on the ground one by one.

The soldiers all took a sigh in relief and entered the choppers.

Thanks to their current small numbers due to many deaths of their fellow soldiers, they all managed to fit just fine inside the four choppers without any problems.

A certain soldier looked at the horizon where the sun is slowly rising, relief and a sense of accomplishment rose from his chest. He just felt like a main character who had escaped from a hellish war and came back alive to see his family.

'Maybe I should write a book about this experience? I might get a little easy cash.' Unknown to him, his book would become one of the best selling nonfiction books and would kickstart the inevitable war between Monsters and humans.


"What are we gonna do next?" After cleaning up the battlefield, Dracula went forward and asked Jin, while looking at the dead bodies of the monsters on the ground.

"We'll first ta-." Just as Jin was about to answer, the time stopped once again. Shocking him and making him think that there's another ROB that he doesn't know of.

'Dammit, who is it this time!' Jin cursed under his breath before looking around.

But instead of seeing another faceless being, he was surprised to see God instead.

"God? What are you do- oh, is it because I killed that ROB?" Jin was about to ask a question until he realized what he just did earlier and connected the dots for the reason why God is here.

"Yes, you are right, son. And his name is not ROB. Let's just refer to him as Robert." God replied before snapping his fingers.


Jin only blinked once and they're now back to God's white space.

This time, he was more shocked to see both Caulius and Aeloria along with them.

"Hey, kid."

"Hello, Venerable Devil."

While Caulius's greeting was like a friend reuniting for a long time, Aeloria was more formal with even a bow.

"Hey." Jin waved his hand at them to return back their greeting before turning to God.

"So, why am I here exactly?" He asked.

"Do you know what you just did, son?" God sat on his usual reclining chair and asked.

"Uhm, no. Is it bad?" Jin fidgeted slightly. He was nervous if killing ROB gave trouble to God. Ever since he entered that world and took on the persona of the devil, Jin noticed some slight changes to himself like his personality and mindset. Jin ignored these changes at first obviously since he thought that it was normal.

Not only that, his view towards God has also changed. He felt like a child in front of him.

Jin thought it was probably because God gave him a second chance in life and he felt in debt towards him.

Jin doesn't have any idea how but it started when he saw 'that' memory.

"It's not that bad, there are just consequences for doing it." God shrugged his shoulders and said.

"And what are those consequences?" Jin raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Well, killing a God of a universe is a taboo among other gods, but just because it's a taboo doesn't mean it's not allowed to be done. Do you know the reason why killing a ROB is a taboo?" God explained before throwing another question.


"Once you killed a God of a Universe, their God's Authority over that universe will belong to you." As soon as God dropped this nuke over Jin's head, he froze in shock.

"Y-you're saying....." Jin can't believe the words that came out of God's mouth, so he looked at Caulius and Aeloria and after seeing them nod only then did he gasp in shock.

"It is true. That's why I said it's not bad but there's still a consequence." God nodded his head. He doesn't feel offended that Jin didn't believe his words at first but he could understand his reaction. After all, not everyday you kill a God and take over his world.

"Does that mean I can do anything I want as long as I'm inside that world?" Jin asked just for further confirmation.

"Yes, but just to remind you. Outside of your universe, your God's Authority would be powerless because it only works inside your universe."

"Alright, let's go back to God's Authority. Can I use it to create life?"

"Of course. It is God's duty to bring life to his universe. Without life, where do you think they would get their celestial energies?" God answered with a nod of his head.

"Celestial Energy?" Jin was curious about the new term that he just heard.

"Celestial Energy is the energy that Gods of universes use to power up their God's Authority." God then continued.

"Normally for you, it would take large amounts of energy just to use God's Authority, not to mention create life. But thanks to your Blade's unique ability that you invented, which can siphon someone's energy, you managed to absorb most of Robert's energy. Now your energy levels are very high, enough to power up your God's Authority and create life." God finished.

"You said that without life I wouldn't get Celestial Energy. Do you mean that the lives of the universe are like my farm for Celestial Energy?" Jin slowly got the gist of being a universal God.

"Yes. The more they worship you and the more they are, the stronger and more Celestial Energy you would get."

"In fact, you don't need to do anything as you've already amassed quite a lot of worshippers in your world." God's words slightly confused Jin.

"Worshippers?" He asked.

"There's a religion that worships you back on earth and they're very dedicated for you. Now, you just need to show yourself up so they would know that you're real and not worshipping a false god. Once you do that, I'm sure many would fall to their knees and like a domino, more people would start worshipping you."

"I see. Thanks for giving me this information, father." Jin nodded his head and unconsciously called him 'Father' instead of God like he used to.

Before Jin could correct himself, God smirked and snapped his fingers while saying.

"Off you go then."



Back to earth, the soldiers successfully got back to their base where the higher-ups quickly asked for reports.

And since the Army General that was leading them died in battle, all the soldiers were required to write a report individually.

After reading the reports, the council quickly called up a meeting to discuss the events that happened.

"Is this true? They witnessed Mr. President's death?"

"Yes, we've done a whole search throughout America and there's no sign of Mr. President anywhere. So I think this is the real deal."

As soon as these words dropped, greed quickly consumed everyone's eyes, as they realized that this is a great opportunity for them to swoop in the position of the President.

America is the greatest country in the world at the moment after Thomas conquered several countries and colonized them.

"We'll announce this to the masses. But first, let's discuss what to do now that the President is gone."

After speaking those words, everyone looked at one another, assessing their allies and enemies. Unfortunately, almost everyone in the council wanted to run for President. Their greed is overwhelming!

"I suggest we make an Election for the next President. As for now, we need to focus on these monsters that appear out of nowhere. How come only the President and several of his close associates know about these?"

"Perhaps he has some motive for them but it's useless to think about it now, he's gone and dead."

"Good. Let's adjourn this meeting."


As soon as the meeting was finished, news outlets and social media were in an uproar after an announcement and a post emerged from several Government channels and profiles.

[Monsters are real! And they're living among us!]

Alongside these text was a video that consists of the videos that were caught through the installed cameras on the soldiers during the battle.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 161 - Uproar!]

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