Ch. 164 - Souls are such a complex thing

The reason why Jin was so shocked when he scanned his soul was not because it's different or something but because his soul got a very huge gap similar to Conor's soul earlier!

And when he said huge, he meant very huge!

If the gap on Conor's torso was the size of a basketball, then the hole on Jin's body is as large as a car wheel.

If you don't look closely at the sides of his body where the strings are the only thing keeping his body from going apart, you'd think that Jin's upper body is floating away from the lower body.

"This is weird. Why is my soul like this?" Jin frowned, seeing such a large gap on his soul made Jin feel like something large is missing from him.

"What's going on with me? Wait, God reincarnated me, right? Is that why there's a hole in my soul body? But why is it so big?" Jin continued frowning and searching for answers but even after using God's Authority to scan the gap multiple times, he was met with nothing new.

"Should I ask God?" Jin scratched his chin and squinted his eyes.


"Welp, you're fucked up old man. You weren't expecting this, are you?" Back to God's white space, God, Caulius and Aeloria were shocked and surprised to see that Jin has noticed the gap in his soul much earlier than they had expected.

"Nope." God answered while popping the 'P'.

"What should we do now? Knowing Jin, he would definitely come up here and ask about it." Aeloria worriedly said while continuing.

"He's not ready yet, especially since he's missing his other half soul. Without it, he can't truly come back."

"....We'll see." God answered with an unknown glint on his eyes. No one knows what he's thinking. Only God knows, considering that he's God himself.

Caulis and Aeloria looked at each other before shifting their focus back on Jin.


"Fuck it. I'll keep this to myself. I should stop relying too much on him." Jin shook his head and said to himself.

Jin then went back to his body and stretched his limbs. Being in soul form is quite uncomfortable. There's no sense of gravity and he felt like he was swimming in a deep ocean.

"I'll only do that when something important comes up." Jin tugged his chest and made a note to himself.

"I should probably go and check what's happening outside." Jin fixed his clothes and walked out of the room.

As soon as he did, a little black goofball smashed herself on his chest.

"Jin! You brought uncle Frank back! Thank you!" Among those who cried and grieved on Frankenstein's death was obviously Mavis, who has been close with Frankenstein ever since her birth.

If Mavis were to choose among the friends of Dracula, she would inevitably choose Frankenstein.

He might look and sound scary, but his heart is as soft as a ball of feathers.

"...It's fine. It's my job to resurrect everyone. After all, their deaths are on me." Jin patted Mavis's back. He felt responsible for their deaths not because he ROB and him fought, but because he could have not involved the monsters with him, just for his entertainment.

"And what do you mean by that?" Suddenly, a voice interrupted their moment as Jin looked behind him and saw Tigress, Elsa and Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel told us about what happened that day, when are you gonna tell us about it?" Tigress raised her eyebrow and said. She can't believe that her husband, Jin almost died that day and she can't even do anything? She was frustrated.

'Sorry!' Rapunzel mouthed an apology towards Jin who replied inside her mind.

'I'll punish you later. I said not to tell them until I do so.'

Hearing the word punish, Rapunzel has abandoned the next few words and quickly felt a rush of blood on her cheeks as she imagined what kind of punishment she would receive.

"....I was planning to. But now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess there's no point prolonging it." Jin sighed and started to narrate who ROB is and what happened in the battle.

Various emotions flashed on their faces before it eventually settled in relief.

"How come Rapunzel wasn't affected by the time stop though?" Elsa pointed out one of the main questions here.

"Yeah, I was curious too. Maybe because my powers are somehow related to time, I think? I'm not so sure." Rapunzel answered with a shrug of her shoulders. She was just as confused as the others are. At first, she thought that Jin made her immune to the time stop along with Tigress and Elsa.

But when she heard from them that they don't know about the time stopping, she realized that out of the three of them, she was the only one who is out of the timestop besides Jin himself.

"Jin, you know something?" Tigress raised her eyebrows and shifted the question to Jin who has been avoiding the question since.

"....I think it's because Rapunzel is the daughter of a Goddess." Jin said after a slight hesitation.

"What?" They all tilted their heads and asked in confusion. Even Rapunzel herself was confused.

"I'm not lying, if you think so. Let's go to our room " Jin looked around and saw several monsters approaching him, probably wanted to express their gratitude to him and as much as he wants to accept it, he needs privacy for now.

"See you later." Jin whispered to Mavis, who seemed to want a whiff of the topic.

After swiftly leaving the incoming monsters, Jin could finally have a space to breathe after getting in the room.

"Alright, sit down first." Jin dragged them to sit on the bed before continuing.

"You see. Before going to this world..." Jin then proceeded to explain what happened when he first encountered Rapunzel's true mother, Aeloria and what they talked about.

After finishing his story, the three of them were gobsmacked by Rapunzel's true mother.

Who knew that the person they had fun with, foursome'd, and shared their man with turns out to be the daughter of a Goddess.

"And Aeloria actually asked me to tell you about the name that she wanted to give you." Jin then dropped another shock, at least only Rapunzel was shocked.

" Really? I have a second name!?" Rapunzel's eyes twinkled like little stars as she excitedly asked for confirmation.

"Seriously? A second name is the one that shocked you the most?" Jin's eyes twitched, should he tell them that he also has a second name?

"Of course! Having two names from two different mothers means I'm more unique than the others!" Rapunzel pouted and then continued.

"By the way, mind revealing it now? I don't care what she named me, I'll accept it wholeheartedly." Rapunzel said with a smile. She actually means it, Rapunzel is not a petty woman who only likes pretty things like other women of her age do.

"Luminara." Jin smiled and finally said her real name, making Rapunzel stare at the air in daze.

No excitement from the reveal or anything else, making Jin confused and scared at her reaction.

'Maybe she didn't like the name?' Jin came to a conclusion after seeing Rapunzel I'm being in a daze.

Tigress and Elsa also stared worriedly at Rapunzel, concerned for the well-being of their sister.

"Rapunzel?" Elsa tapped Rapunzel's shoulder and shook her off. However instead of waking her up from her daze, something profound and ancient was awakened instead.


"Here it is." Back to God's white space, Aeloria smiled to herself after watching the reveal. To be honest she has grown frustrated of Jin for taking a by too long in telling Rapunzel the truth, but now that he finally did, her frustrations were replaced with happiness and satisfaction.

"What's with your daughter, Aeloria? To be honest, this is the first time I saw a child of a Goddess. I'm quite curious what she would be like." Caulius scratched his chin and said.

"Just watch." Aeloria answered mysteriously, making even God curious about what would happen.

'It's finally time for me to meet you, daughter.' Aeloria was filled with happiness as she thought about this.


"Rapunzel?! Rapunzel!" At this point, 5 minutes have passed and Jin started to panic and he quickly laid Rapunzel down on the bed and scanned her body for any signs of passing out or worse, dying.

However after receiving a sign that she's still alive and breathing, Jin sighed in relief but that doesn't ease his worries one bit.

As long as Rapunzel isn't waking up, then Jin considers that as something bad.

'I'll check her soul too.' Jin then stepped back slightly while gesturing for Elsa and Tigress to step back also when he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head.

'Venerable devil, please don't do that.'

'Aeloria? What's going on? What's happening to Rapunzel?' Hearing that Aeloria has called him at such a critical time like this, he guessed that whatever is happening to Rapunzel must be somehow related to Aeloria or at least she knows something.

'She's in a state of awakening her dormant self.' Aeloria revealed.

'Dormant Self? What do you mean by that?'

'You'll see.' Aeloria answered mysteriously before disappearing suddenly.


"Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?" In a very bright place full of flowers and green grass, Rapunzel was standing alone with fear on her face. She didn't know what happened..

One moment she heard her real name for the first time and the next moment, she suddenly found herself standing alone in this field.

"Luminara..." Suddenly, she heard the same name that caused her to be brought in here.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 165 - Luminara]

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