Ch. 165 - Luminara

"Who are you?!" Rapunzel quickly turned around and assumed a Kung Fu stance that Jin taught her.

"Rest assured my daughter." Aeloria suddenly appeared after a bunch of flower petals flew and gathered together like a magic show.

"Daughter?" Rapunzel was confused at first before her eyes widened in surprise and realization.

"Are mother? Like, my Goddess mother?" Rapunzel carefully pulled down her stance and slowly approached Aeloria while being mesmerized by her face.

"Yes, Luminara. It's me." Tears dripped from her eyes as Aeloria cannot hold herself back anymore and quickly pulled Rapunzel into a hug once she got close enough.

"Uh...." Surprised, Rapunzel couldn't utter a word and simply reciprocated the hug back awkwardly.

"Uhm, can you tell me where I am?" After separating from the hug, Rapunzel couldn't hold herself and asked the question. Although she was happy to be reunited with her 2nd mother but she was still scared of the unknown, especially since Jin is not with her.

"This is my home. Our home." Aeloria smiled and answered while caressing Rapunzel's face as if she was afraid of breaking a porcelain vase.

Rapunzel was shocked that she has a home this big, so big that she couldn't even see the end of it.

"....You look just like me." Rapunzel turned her face back to Aeloria and muttered after staring at her face for a few seconds.

"But more beautiful." Rapunzel continued, making Aeloria chuckle and reply.

"No, Luminara. You're more beautiful." Aeloria then turned to caress Rapunzel's long golden hair.

"Come. We have so many things to talk about." Aeloria then grabbed Rapunzel's hand and slowly walked towards a farm house that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah." Rapunzel was wide-eyed at seeing such a display of power and she knew she would definitely have fun here.

Looking at Rapunzel's amazed face, Aeloria can't help but feel proud of her powers for the first time since she was created. Normally only humans who worshipped her are amazed at her powers, although she was also proud at that time but what she felt on Rapunzel's amazed face is on a different level.


Back to the real world, Jin, Tigress and Elsa sat on the large bed, gathering around with Rapunzel's small petite body being in the middle.

"Will she be fine?" Elsa worriedly asked. Jin has already told them about what Aeloria told him and as much as they want to assure themselves with those words, they just can't seem to stop worrying.

"I'm also worried, but this is a big moment for Rapunzel. I don't know what's going on but I trust my guts. And my guts are yelling at me that this is a very important thing for Rapunzel." Jin could do nothing but lie just to reassure both of them.

"So, we're just gonna sit here and wait for her to come back or something?" Tigress asked. Since Jin told them about Aeloria's words, she has long abandoned her worries for Rapunzel.

No, not because she's cruel but because she trusts Rapunzel enough that she would be fine on her own.

As a woman, one thing she didn't like the most is being treated as if she can't handle her well being and would accidentally hurt herself. It's frustrating for someone like her to be treated like that.

"How about a game of charades?" Jin awkwardly smiled and offered, making them stare at him as if they were staring at an idiot.

'He can be an idiot sometimes.' The both of them said to theirselves at the same time.

'They both can be forgetful sometimes, cause I remember telling them that I can hear their thoughts whenever I want.' Jin smirked to himself in victory before they poured cold water over his head.

'He can really be an idiot sometimes cause we're letting him bear our thoughts on purpose and he kinda forgot that we can also hear his words.' This time, the both of them have smirks on their faces, while Jin's face could only twitch before sighing in defeat.

'Welp, I guess I need to show them who's the dominant here.' Jin sighed before a glint flashed on his eyes, making Tigress and Elsa shudder after realizing that Jin was referring to their night activity.


"What happened to that guy?! That fucking fucker shit!" While the main characters of the series are busy on their own, Abraham Van Helsing was having the worst day of his life as he just recently received the news about the monsters and the President's death.

All of his plans including on eradicating the entire monster population are already gone down on the drain.

"Dad....maybe we should let them off this time. I mean, I'm sure the humans would bring them great trouble, right? You know how we humans are. We are afraid of the unknown so we tend to conquer and control them." His daughter, Ericka Can Helsing interrupted his thoughts and suggested.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You're still too soft, Ericka! Monsters should be eradicated! Their existence alone reeks the entire world with their filth!" Abraham lashed out violently, making Ericka quiet.

"Go to your room, Ericka and think about what you just said." Abraham mercilessly pointed his finger at the front door to his room.

"Yes dad." Ericka's shoulders slumped and she quietly and slowly walked out of the room with a sad face.

Even though Abraham has been brainwashing her, monsters especially Dracula are bad and must be erased off the face of the earth, but after discovering that they killed Thomas, the ex-president of America, her opinion on them shifted quite a bit as she never liked the man one bit. In her eyes he'd be better off dead.

She might not look like it but she hates men like Thomas the most.

'Sigh, when will Earth ever achieve the peace that she deserves.' She silently whispered to herself after leaving the room.

Before she completely left, she heard something from her father.

"Now that he's dead, maybe I could proceed with running for President instead? Now that the monsters are known by almost the entire world, surely they would have heard of me and my ancestor's works in protecting the humans from vampires, right? That alone is enough for me to secure enough votes to win."


It's been a whole hour and Jin grew bored counting the ants on the corner of the ceiling.

"I'm getting bored. Should we do something fun?" Jin looked at Tigress who was busy licking her paws and then to Elsa who has been practicing her ice powers, creating several complex shapes and items with her ice.

"I'm fine. No thank you." Tigress answered as she closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep when she suddenly felt something scratching her neck.

"Wha-!? Purrrrr..." Before she could react, her feline instincts quickly kicked in and before she knew it, she was already feeling heaven from the scratch that Jin is giving her.

"Who's a good kitty? Who's a good kitty? Yes you are! Yes you are!" Jin cackled to himself and continued to tease her for several minutes before she passed out due to intense euphoria.

'She looks like she just whiffed on some crack.' Jin joked to himself after seeing how Tigress's eyes rolled towards.

"Hehe..." Laughing beside her, Elsa also found Tigress's face funny until Jin's smirk greeted her eyes.

"No." Dread quickly spread on Elsa's face and stood up to run away from Jin, but before she could, Jin already had his arms around her waist and pulled her back towards him.

"Gotcha! This is for calling me an idiot earlier!" Jin grinned madly before tickling Elsa's sides, making her hold her laugh from coming out.

"Come on now, ice princess. There's no reason for you to hold it back. Just release it." Jin went close to her ear and whispered the last sentence to her.

Blush quickly consumed Elsa's face, which made her lose her grip over her face.

"Hahaha! S-stop itt~ haha!~" Elsa tried fighting back but to no avail, Jin was simply too strong for her to resist.

A few minutes later, Elsa was about to pass out and just when she was about to give up, a voice suddenly interrupted them both.

"Uhm, what are you guys doing?" Looking at the source of the voice, Jin and Elsa were surprised to see Mavis had entered the room and she was blushing slightly due to the position Jin and Elsa are currently in.

Elsa was facing Jin's throbbing crotch while the same can be said to Jin.

In layman's terms, they're in a 69 position!

Jin was silent for a few minutes before looking at Mavis's confused face and an unspeakable grin appeared on his face.

Seeing the grin on Jin's face while he looks at Mavis, Elsa suddenly had a bad premonition and she quickly shifted her head to Mavis in order to warn her future sister.

"Mavis run!"

"Huh?" Mavis was confused about Elsa's words but even if she understands it, it's already too late as Jin greeted her with a hug and wiggled his fingers on her sides.

"Wait what's happening! Hahaha!~ W-why am I laughing! Hahaha!~ What is this sorcery!" Mavis kicked her legs around as both of them fell on the ground and Mavis was trying her best to separate herself from Jin's wiggling embrace.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel finally opened her eyes and she softly sat up on the bed and stretched her limbs before the scene of Jin, Mavis, Elsa and Tigress, all sprawled on the floor greeted her.

"What's going on here?!"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 166 - Van Helsing Schemes]

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