Ch. 166 - Van Helsing Schemes

Rapunzel's yelling voice suddenly interrupted their tickling session, making Jin, Elsa and Mavis turn their attention to Rapunzel who was standing on the bed with her hands on her waist.

"Why are you guys having a tickle fight without me!?" Rapunzel pouted cutely with raised eye brows.

"....Wanna join?"

"Heck yes!" After getting the offer, Rapunzel didn't hesitate to jump in along with them and joined with the tickling.

And so, Jin rose as the winner in the end. Mainly because he doesn't have any ticklish parts on his body, giving him a huge advantage over the fight.


"Where is he now? Doesn't he know that there are hundreds of monsters here that want to give their gratitude." Dracula's eyes started to turn red from the amount of letters and messages that the monsters are giving him, asking him to pass these messages to their saviour, Jin.

"Just bear with it, what he did is beyond everyone's expectations. Not everyday you see someone who can revive a dead monster." Vlad who was beside him, simply shrugged his shoulders.

"You're only saying that because you're not the one being asked to pass the message." Dracula stared monotonously at Vlad who looked at anything but Dracula.

"Sigh, I wonder what he's doing." Dracula sighed at his father's antics and wondered to himself.

"Probably depleted his energy from reviving so many dead monsters all at once." Vlad made an assumption that is almost right, except that Jin's energy wasn't depleted because of the resurrection, but because of something else.


"Putting you all to sleep is quite a hard mission." Jin breathed heavily as he looked down on his 'masterpiece', which consists of four sweaty beauties passed out on the ground due to the tickle fight earlier.

"Now, I have some time alone. I didn't expect spilling secrets are like spilling cum inside them." Jin chuckled at his own senseless joke before walking outside, only to be met with Dracula's exhausted figure, holding several papers in his hands.

"Jin, do you know wha-." Dracula was about to complain right in front of Jin when his sharp eyes suddenly caught the figure of his daughter lying on the bed full of sweat. Although they're not naked as they only tickled each other but Dracula didn't know that! His mind gears started turning before it came to a worse conclusion.

Seeing the look on Dracula's face and where he was looking at, Jin was about to explain the truth when Dracula suddenly flashed away and disappeared, leaving the papers and letters to fly in the air and landed in front of Jin.

"Huh?" Jin could only scratch the back of his head before bending down and picking up the papers and letters.

"What's this?" Jin confusedly asked no one before bringing them inside the room before closing the door.

Unknown to him, Dracula has appeared outside the balcony of his room before yelling.



"I feel touched." Oblivious to what Dracula is feeling right now, Jin was reading each paper and letter one by one, feeling quite touched by the words and gratitude that the monsters are giving him.

"Though some of them are a bit unnecessary." Jin added in after taking out a wet small bone on one of the letters. Jin doesn't know why it is wet nor does he want to know the kind of bone it is, so he simply threw it outside the window where it collided with one of the wolves guarding outside.

"Ohh Breakfast!" The wolf said in delight before taking the bone from the ground and started licking it with happiness.

"And there's a flavour too!"


Walking on the hallways, Martha suddenly met Dracula whose shoulders were slumped and tears were threatening to blow out of his eyes.

"Drac?" Martha called out to him with worry.

"Martha?" Dracula weakly looked at Martha before looking back down on the ground with clear pain on his face.

"What happened?" Seeing her husband in such a state obviously made Martha worry very much!

"Sniff....Martha she's growing up too fast!" Dracula quickly hugged Martha as soon as she was on his arm reach.

"What? What do you mean? You know I'm not a fortune teller so explain everything." Martha pushed Dracula from her and said with a strict tone.

"Sniff... Earlier I was...." Dracula then proceeded to explain everything to Martha, including his assumptions on what happened in that room along with his daughter.

"Sigh, I knew this would happen. Drac, this might hurt you but you have to let go now, Mavis is a grown woman now, she could handle herself and make decisions for herself. As her parents, we should support and guide her." Martha massaged her temples after hearing the entire story from Dracula.

"And besides, you just ASSUMED based on what you just saw, am I right?" Martha asked Dracula for confirmation and as soon as he nodded his head, Martha crossed her arms.

"Drac. We don't know what happened inside but don't just assume things. Mavis is a grown up now, she's not a kid anymore."

"But she's my Baby Mavy...." Dracula softly retorted but was quickly shut down by Martha.

"No buts. Now come with me, the others can't see you in this state, they might assume that something bad happened to you." Dracula was then dragged by Martha back to their room to 'fix' himself.

Meanwhile, Jin just finished reading all the messages and letters and he almost cried after reading some of the stories and how grateful they are for giving their loved ones another chance in life.


"Are you crying?" Jin suddenly jumped in surprise only to see Tigress looking at him after waking up groggily.

"Uhm, no?" Jin smiled awkwardly and responded as a retort.

"Really? Why is your face wet then?" Tigress smirked and pointed at Jin's face that was indeed wet due to his tears of being touched earlier.

"Oh this? It's just my sweat." Jin lied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Are you sure about that?" Tigress smirked and slowly approached Jin.

"Yeah...." Jin watched as Tigress arrived in front of him before leaning towards his face.

Just as Jin thought Tigress was looking for a kiss, she then suddenly licked his face, specifically the tears on his face.

"Hmm~ I know what your sweat tastes like and this is not a sweat." Tigress said with a grin on her face.

"Ok fine it's just that th- wait, you said you know what my sweat tastes like? When did you..." Jin was about to surrender peacefully when he fully registered what Tigress just exclaimed.

"Hehe." Tigress smiled and before Jin could further ask more questions regarding what she said, she quickly pushed him down on the bed, right beside Mavis, Elsa and Rapunzel who were still fast asleep on the bed.

"Let's do it here." Tigress breathed heavily as she slowly unveiled her robe, showing her pale dark skin full of muscles that looked compact and heavy.

"What? But Mavis is-" Jin was about to refuse due to the risk of being exposed to Mavis when Tigress covered his mouth with her finger and answered.

"Just a quickie." Tigress whispered before sealing her lips with his.


"You're going crazy, Abraham! How do you think I will give you my support!?" In the human world, Abraham was having a talk with one of America's great Army Generals, Jason.

Jason was one of the Generals that became famous due to his tactics and strategies that were used during World War 3.

"Are you sure? Maybe, you won't but you will be once this gets out, right?" Abraham grinned evilly before throwing a bunch of photos towards Jason who quickly picked them up and looked at them.

As soon as he did, his face suddenly showed dread and horror as the photos that were thrown on him contained the pictures of the children that he hid in his basement for his sadistic desires.

"H-H-How did you get this?!" Jason's hand shivered in fear as he asked Abraham.

"Let's just say, I have my ways. Now, don't think about escaping this by either burning the photos or threatening me, I'm sure you get what I mean, right?"

"T-This is just a copy." As an experienced General, Jason obviously knew who Abraham is and he would not be an idiot to throw these photos at him without any contingencies.

"....You just want my support, right?" Jason could only grit his teeth and agree.

"To be honest, I'll add another one." Abraham cackled and chimed in, making Jason clench his fist and glare at him.


"I want access to the U.S Navy." As someone who dares to confront the monsters and eradicate their race, Abraham would still stick to his plan of controlling the Kraken to kill them.

And by having access to the U.S Navy, it would be easy for him to find where the Kraken is and make further plans.

"That's impossible! I don't have enough influence to give you access to the Navy!" Jason shook his head and quickly refused.

"Then make it possible! Or else this goes out!" Abraham glared angrily at Jason before using the blackmail materials to threaten him.

"....Fine, I'll see what I can do." Jason looked very lost as he answered. No matter what, the photos must not get out or else his wife and daughter would know about it and his reputation that he built with his own sweat and blood would go down the drain!

"Good. I'll be expecting good news from you then." Abraham then turned to leave Jason's office, while still maintaining his evil smile.

'Everything is falling according to my plan!'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 167 - Invitation]

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