Ch. 188 - A Traitor!

Just as Jin was wondering if Syndrome somehow forgot to send an Omnidroid on him, his senses suddenly picked up someone in the sky, guessing from how long this particular someone has been staying on the sky, Jin could guess that this guy is either flying or riding a plane or chopper.

But after looking up to get his answer, Jin was surprised to see a white armored robot flying in the sky like Iron Man from Marvel.

'Did I accidentally stumble in a Marvel Universe?' Jin asked himself with a scratch on the back of his head.

Before he could further wonder about the flying white robot, the said robot finally made it's move.

Suddenly somersaulting towards him, Jin quickly teleported away just in time for the white robot to land on the ground, smashing heavily on the dirt.

"Cough...Cough! Can't you land more softly?" Pretending as if he was affected by the dusts and pebbles, Jin coughed and waved his hand in front of him as if waving off the dust.

"Lock mode: Lucifer. Initiating Elimination Sequence!" As soon as the white robot stood from the ground and directed it's black eyes on him, the said eyes quickie turned red as if activating some kind of kill mode.

"Is that your other word for killing me?" Jin joked and before he could laugh at his own joke, the white robot raised his arm and pointed it at Jin.

The hand then transformed into a cannon before shooting red concentrated hot beams towards Jin with the full intention to kill.

*Fwoosh!* x10

Ten consecutive red beams of light flew out of the cannon and headed towards Jin, who dodged all of them with ease only to be met with a wide net with electric shocks just a few inches away from him soon after he dodged those beams.

'It seems like this is intended to be a surprise attack to prevent me from teleporting by constantly shocking me with electric.' Looking at the electric net trap and how it was thrown over him which contains a hint of surprise, Jin could already deduce Syndrome's plan to capture or kill him.

Too bad for Syndrome, he only knows that Lucifer has teleportion and strong constitution that allows him to tank several bullets and defeat his foes easily.

What Syndrome probably didn't know is that Jin's reaction time is almost near capable of seeing the future.

This is not because of a chi technique or something. This is all simply Jin's physical senses that allowed him to be capable of doing this. Jin speculated that it might be related to his pastself as Lucifer, considering that he's the other half of Lucifer and have the half of his powers.

Much to Syndrome and Mirage's shock, Jin disappeared in time just as the electric net trap was about to catch him.

"What?! How did he even react to that!?" Standing up from his seat, Syndrome was shocked that his first plan to deal with Lucifer has gone to waste.

Now, he can only rely on his plan B, which is to use the other Supers to threaten Lucifer to surrender himself.

Unfortunately for Syndrome, the moment he invited Jin, his entire life is already doomed to fail.


Putting Jin's fight aside, Elsa was also having her fun by fighting her own Omnidroid, albeit she's having a hard time due to the Omnidroid's resistance against her ice and the fact that all of its weapons contains anything related to flame and heat, making it hard for her to move around and fight the Omnidroid.


Using her ice to impede the Omnidroid's movement, Elsa was trying to give herself some time to think about how to defeat the Omnidroid in front of her.

Before she could even think for 10 seconds, the Omnidroid passively melted the ice on its body and started to move again, while its tentacles constantly releases flames out of the tip of its fingers.


Feeling the heat coming out of the flames, Elsa unknowingly wiped off the sweat that is accumulating on her forehead.

"It's getting hot." Elsa breathed heavily, due to the flames, even her surroundings are now caught on fire and if this goes on any longer, she might have to resort on using her full power to prevent the fire from spreading.

However, she doesn't want to do that yet. She wanted to improve in both her skills and power. She doesn't to rely on her pure raw power to solve all her problems.

If there's something she learned from Jin, it's how she must learn how to preserve her energy and not waste it.

"Focus Elsa, use your mind. Be creative!" Closing her eyes despite the heat and the incoming flame towards her, Elsa ignored them and focused. Perhaps being in the state of life and death, she would be able to comprehend what her powers truly meant to her.


In Syndrome's office, Syndrome was jumping in excitement, thinking that once he captured Snow, he would be able to use her to make Lucifer and the other surrender to him.

Unknown to him, his most trusted assistant behind him was feeling sympathy towards Snow, someone who has just appeared in the public to use her powers for good and because of that, she became the target of Syndrome and about to die at such an early age.

Something that Mirage can't bear to see.

So she sneakily glanced at her boss, Syndrome and after seeing that he's too focused on watching the screen before taking out her tablet.

Syndrome might not know this because he was drunk at that time but, Mirage manage to gain access of the codes and passwords that Syndrome controls on his project Kronos.

Don't ask her how she did it, just know that she went to great lengths just to have it. Almost risking exposing her secret identity as the Government spy, who is tasked to spy on Syndrome and monitor his moves something that she has been doing for almost 5 years since Syndrome first went famous on the underworld where he slowly climbed and became known as one of the most notorious arms dealer in the world.

'This should at least help Snow.' Mirage muttered to herself before typing several commands on her tablet before closing it and watching back on the screen.


Back to Snow's fight, just as the Omnidroid was about to successfully burn Elsa alive, the Omnidroid suddenly stopped in his tracks before turning around to leave, much to everyone's shock including Snow herself who was just about to defend herself after finally realizing what she was missing all this time!

"What the? What's happening!!?" Seeing how the Omnidroid who was about to kill Elsa earlier turned around and left, Syndrome quickly accesses his computer and typed in his code of Project Kronos, which holds that data of the Omnidroids, their purpose, their designs, their abilities, their systems and finally, the control over them.

"Damn it! Someone messed with the system!" After a look a realization, Syndrome grew angry before fixing the malfunction of the Omnidroid.


Just as Elsa was confused and about to have some space to breath, she saw that the Omnidroid turned back towards her again and resumed its fire assault towards her.

This time, Elsa is now more confident as she could finally use her powers more effectively without wasting too much energy.

Moving her feet, Elsa stomped on the ground very hard, causing the entire floor to freeze, which also coated the tentacles feet of the Omnidroid.

Sure, this might not be effective as the tentacles soon melted the ice and stepped forward and just as it did so, the tentacles froze once.

This gave enough time for Elsa to get close to the Omnidroid and touched its ball-like body.

"Freeze!" Elsa shouted before coating the part of where her hand is touching with ice.

It might seem useless at first glance but if you look at the inside, you'll see that it is frozen and the core of the Omnidroid itself has stopped pulsating.


Similar to an ice, the Omnidroid froze in it's tracks before slowly falling backward.

"Fwoooo~ that was a bit intense." Wiping the remaining sweat on her forehead, Elsa sighed in relief before turning around and realizing that the fire is spreading quickly!

"Oh!" And so, she immediately used her ice powers to put them out.


"How? HOW?! How can this be possible?! If it wasn't for that stupid malfunction, this wouldn't have happened!" Syndrome smashed the keyboard in front of him out of pure anger before turning around and pointed his finger at Mirage, who silently gasped in shock.


'...Did I get caught?' Saying this to herself, Mirage gulped saliva nervously before responding to Syndrome. She knows what happened to spies and why they're one of the most dangerous jobs affiliated by the government.

"Yes, sir?"

"...I need you to find the traitor! I can't trust anyone else here except you, so catch that traitor for me!" Syndrome continued before turning around and sat back down.

"And bring me another keyboard!"

Seeing that she wasn't caught, Mirage sighed in relief before turning around to do what Syndrome ordered.

Thankfully, she has worked under Syndrome for 5 years, which is enough time for her to get his trust, something that wasn't easy to get considering her beauty.

'Now, all that's left is Blondie, right? Hopefully, she's just fine because the Omnidroid sent to her is just a normal one with a few more blades than average.' Mirage said to herself before exiting Syndrome's office.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 189 - Why hit a woman when you can hit a man?]

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