Ch. 189 - Why hit a woman when you can hit a man?

At the same time as Mirage worried for the Blondie hero, Rapunzel also landed on the island but after she did, she suspiciously started looking around, as if she was cautious that someone was stalking her.

If someone were to see her like this, they might say that it is normal to be cautious when you're in an unfamiliar place but what she did next differs.

She suddenly took out a familiar creature out of her thick braided golden hair.

"Ahh! Why'd you take me out, woman! I was living the fantasy inside!" It turns out to be the Kraken who has grown large enough to fit inside a Spalding basketball.

"Shh! Don't attract attention! We're on vacation! Isn't that great?" Rapunzel quickly covered the Kraken's mouth and said excitedly.

"Hmm... Does this place look like a vacation to you? Isn't this just a isn't this just a normal forest?" The Kraken monotonously stared at her after looking around and noticing that they were just in a forest.

"Nope! We're on an island! An island that is infested with these cool robots that I'm supposed to defeat!" Rapunzel replied with fervour.

"Robots? What's that?" Unlike Rapunzel who has explored most of the human world, the Kraken has been living under the sea for hundreds of years, almost nearing a thousand, so he doesn't have any idea about what she was talking about.

"Okay, so robots are-." Just as Rapunzel was about to explain what robots are to the Kraken, a robot, much taller than her pushed the trees aside and showed itself up to her.

"-that." Rapunzel continued while the Kraken stared at the large robot with shocked eyes.


The Omnidroid then changed the tips of his tentacles to a spinning blade that is sharper than anything in this world.

"Did you bring me here to die with you, woman!? Get me out of here!" The Kraken started fumbling and waving his tentacles around while panicking, coincidentally slapping Rapunzel's face with his small tentacles.

*Slap!* x10

"Wait wait!" Rapunzel quickly stopped the Kraken's wavy tentacles before continuing.

"This will be the robot that we're defeating! Isn't that exciting! I thought you would feel the same too so I brought you along!" Rapunzel pouted.

"You're really crazy, woman! If it was before me, I might be excited but look at me, I'm smaller than you!"

"Really? So, if you're back in your prime, then can you handle that robot?" Rapunzel's eyes twinkled as she says this.

"..O-Of course, I can. Vikings and sailors feared me during their times! No matter how many cannons and ships they throw at me. I stood tall and showed them my might!" Although the Kraken was weirded out by Rapunzel's enthusiasm, he still displayed and told her about himself.

"Good! Then you'll fight the Omnidroid for me!" Rapunzel loudly declared and before the Kraken could speak out another complaint, he noticed that Rapunzel's hair turned black while wrapping it around him.

"What are you doi-?!"

"Shh! I'm taking your life force away! Which means you'll age and once you age, you'll be back to your previous self!" Rapunzel used her hair to wrap the Kraken's mouth before informing him, this is one of the things that she discovered she could do when using her powers and practicing them daily.

In no time, the Kraken slowly got larger and larger until Rapunzel couldn't carry him in her arms anymore.

"Hahaha! I'm back!" Soon, the Kraken is back to his previous large size that is a hundred times bigger than the Omnidroid that used to be a threat to him.

"Come here you!" The Kraken then turned his attention to the Omnidroid and picked the Omnidroid with his tentacle.

The poor droid tried its best to escape from the Kraken's clutches but to no avail, the Kraken didn't let go of it.

"Say hello to your creator!" The Kraken yelled before throwing the Omnidroid towards the volcano.

"Hahaha! I am the strongest! It feels good to be ba-!" Just as the Kraken was celebrating his victory and being back to his prime, he suddenly started getting smaller again before he fell right into Rapunzel's arms, his size being back to basketball size.

"W-woman, what did you do to me! Why am I back to this size?!" The Kraken immediately complained to Rapunzel.

"Why? If I brought you to that size with only my supervision, I'm afraid you might escape." Rapunzel replied.

"What!? No no! I won't escape, I promise!" The Kraken begged while using his tentacles to form a prayer sign.

However, Rapunzel stayed consistent and kept refusing his plea.


"At least let me feel the sea one more time!"




At the same time as Rapunzel enlarged the Kraken earlier, it gathered everyone's reaction on the island.

"Did Rapunzel free the Kraken?" Elsa's response.

"Why does it feel like this is something Rapunzel will do." Tigress sighed and said after seeing the large Kraken covering the sky.

"That's Rapunzel, alright." Mavis said with a wry smile.

"...That's my girl, I guess." Jin shook his head after seeing how Rapunzel dealt with her Omnidroid.

He then looked down on the ground where his white robot opponent was smashed into pieces. To be honest, Jin never had any struggles in fighting the white robot, he was just having fun.

"Now, let's see what Syndrome is up to." Jin said before using his senses underground. In the movie, Syndrome's secret hideout slash base is hidden underground. What makes it more early to find is because in the movie, Syndrome's base is actually under the volcano.

Who in their right mind hides their secret base under the volcano?

Out of all Disney, DreamWorks and Pixar animation movie villains, perhaps Syndrome is the only villain who has an underground volcano hideout.

It is quite clever if you think about it. Others might put their base on a mountain or underground or even under the sea but only Syndrome thought of hiding it under the volcano, an active one at that.


"...How is this possible...." Syndrome muttered to himself, his previously collected expression with a happy smile is now gone.

All that's left is an unkept hair and scratches on his face, due to constantly scratching his face out of despair earlier.

"Haha~ how can a Kraken hide under that hair and how did no one scan their bodies before entering the island!" Syndrome yelled in anger before smashing his fist on the table.


"....It was you, who said not to scan them because it'll make them suspicious, sir." Mirage said who walked behind him.

"...Did you find the traitor? Any news about that?" Hearing Mirage's response, Syndrome was stunned before embarrassingly changing the subject, diverting the topic away from him.

"We didn't. I suspect that the mole has escaped." Mirage lied through her teeth without changing her expression, showcasing her professionalism and her expertise in being a secret undercover.

"Tsk....even if there's a mole, there's no way they'll be able to access my Omnidroids since only my computer has the password." Syndrome clicked his tongue before his mind gears started running as a realization slowly dawned upon him.

"What are you thinking, sir?" Curious at what Syndrome is thinking, Mirage wanted to know about it while a small part of her is afraid that she has been discovered.

"...No one is supposed to know what my password is except for me. Unless I gave it to someone." Syndrome kept muttering to himself as he looked at his blacked out computer, showing the reflection of his face.

"Only a drunk person would give such an important- !!!" Just as Syndrome was muttering to himself, he just accidentally gave himself the answer.

"I gave it to someone when I was drunk....and when I was drunk, only Mirage was with me...." Syndrome's eyes widened in surprise before slowly turning around to face Mirage, wanting to give her a surprise as he has finally discovered her secret undercover identity.

However, what surprised him is that Mirage is no longer behind him, and all he last saw was her running figure before the automatic doors closed shut.

"Traitor!" Syndrome yelled in anger before standing up and clicking several buttons on his glove.

"Send the Goons and the special team!" Syndrome was hyperventilating, surprised by the betrayal of his closest assistant.

"Huff...Huff, this can't be happening! First, my Omnidroids failed in their tasks and now my assistant betrayed me!" Syndrome kept muttering to himself before anger adorned in his eyes.


Just in time, the automatic doors opened and several of his personal soldiers grabbed Mirage by her arms before throwing her on the ground in front of Syndrome.

"You weren't expecting me to catch you, didn't you?" Syndrome kneeled and said while using his finger on Mirage's chin to raise her head to meet his eyes.

"...You weren't me to betray you, didn't you?" Mirage smirked and said in return, wiping off the victory smirk on Syndrome's face

"You whore!" Standing up, Syndrome quickly cocked back his left hand, preparing to smack Mirage's beautiful face.

Meanwhile, Mirage closed her eyes and prepared for the impact of Syndrome's slap, she knows that what's coming for her after the slap is much worse after all, no spy came back to their country alive after being discovered.

however three seconds gas passed and she felt nothing on her cheek yet.

Slowly opening her eyes, Mirage was surprised to see an unfamiliar back in front of her, protecting her from Syndrome's slap.

"Why hit a woman when you can hit a man?"


[Sorry for you all in advance but Mirage won't be in the harem because I decided to make Mavis the last one.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 190 - Down Syndrome]

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