Ch. 190 - Down Syndrome

Seeing the large back in front of her, Mirage's eyes widened in surprise after seeing that Syndrome was frozen in his tracks, his eyes containing the fear that only a despaired human should have.


"What? Cat got your tongue? You didn't expect I'd find you here, didn't you?" Jin said with a large grin on his face, clearly finding joy in seeing the fear look on Syndrome's face.

"You're asking yourself, how did I find this place, right?" Jin continued while casually walking across the office while all the special soldiers that are under Syndrome's command are all frozen like a statue as if something or someone is holding them in their place.

"You know, your inventions are quite fascinating. If only we weren't in different paths, I would've recrui-." Jin sat on Syndrome's office chair before stopping right after mentioning about recruitment.

"....I could do that." Jin muttered to himself before looking at Syndrome with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Now I know what to do with you." Jin smiled before standing up and slowly approaching Syndrome, who started backing away out of fear while yelling at his soldiers.

"What are you idiots doing!? Protect me!" Syndrome said when he received no response, Syndrome realized that this is something that must be related to Jin.

Whatever Jin does to his people, then it is fully effective as Syndrome can't protect himself from Jin with just his cool gadgets. Because unlike the others, Syndrome didn't undergo harsh training on his body or mind.

Mainly because Syndrome thought that his mind is enough for him to conquer the world and get what he wants. In his eyes, his inventions could make people worship him. He can make this world a better world with nothing but his intelligence.

Something that no Supers can do, only him.

Unfortunately for Syndrome, he met Lucifer.

"No one's gonna save you." Jin spoke while slowly approaching Syndrome with heavy steps.

"G-get away from me!" Gulping his saliva hard, each step he hears from Jin, adds more fear to Syndrome.

"...M-Mirage! Help me!" Syndrome then saw that Mirage was behind Jin, looking at them with shock in her eyes.

Thinking about those years they were working together, Syndrome hopes that Mirage still harbors some good feelings for him and stops Lucifer from killing him.

Unfortunately for Syndrome, when Mirage heard Syndrome's plea, she quickly looked away, not wanting it to be associated with him out of fear that it would put a target on her back that would prompt for the devilish hero to make a move against her.

"....You..." Despair soon covered Syndrome's face after realizing that no one was there to help him.

"W-what do you want? Do you want money! I'll give all of them to you! I'm rich! I could give you anything! Including my inventions!" While Syndrome was desperately offering everything he had to Jin, the said person never once stopped in his tracks.

"Y-you're a hero, right? A hero never kills, just bring me to a prison! I'll obediently come with you!" Syndrome seemed to have made a realization and tried to use this against Jin, using psychology to save his own skin.

But did Jin stop?


"A hero that never kills? I'm sorry but do you see me wearing an all black bat suit?" Jin chuckled at Syndrome's thinking.

"Huh?" Although Syndrome was in despair, he could still understand what Jin was saying, so he was quite confused about what he was talking about?

"Tsk, can't you have some humor?" Jin shook his head in disappointment before grabbing Syndrome's shoulders and teleporting away from the office, leaving Mirage alone.

"....Should I run away now?" Mirage whispered to herself before standing up and facing the door.

She then looked back at the frozen soldiers who are probably still under Jin's control before running away.



"Stop stop stop! Please, spare me!" Meanwhile, Syndrome was panicking as he looked down on the mouth of the volcano, the heat of the lava slowly crawling on his skin.

"Don't move or I might accidentally drop you." Jin warned while holding on Syndrome's collar.

"...P-please." Syndrome gulped his saliva in fear, adhering to Jin's words and stopped moving, in hopes that he would be spared.

"You know, at first I thought about sparing you since you were betrayed by your own idol which led to you being this kind of guy but I noticed that in your mind, you thought that being a hero is just being cool, wearing capes, beating bad guys and stuff." Jin started monologuing, something he shouldn't do but who cares? It's not like he's in some kind of movie where he's portrayed as a villain.

"W-what are you talking about?" Hearing Jin talking about his painful past, Syndrome thought that Jin would somehow spare him out of pity, but such hopes were dashed when he heard the last sentence.

Jin is indeed right, back even when Syndrome was a child, he just thought that being a hero is about beating bad guys and wearing cool costumes while at it, not caring about saving lives and contributing to society.

"I'm talking about whether you're worthy of being spared or not. But from what I can see, your path to being an arms dealer is enough to judge your fate." Jin said and just as Syndrome was confused and about to ask about it, he felt Jin's fingers slipping on his collar.

"No! No! No!" Syndrome yelled out in fear as he tried to reach out to Jin to save himself but to no avail, as if his fingers were limp, he couldn't clutch on Jin's clothes or even his skin, as if something was blocking him from making contact with Jin.

"Nooo!" Before he knew it, Syndrome started free-falling towards the mouth of the active volcano.

Staying still, Jin watched as Syndrome fell into the lava which started burning him from inside-out.

"AHHH! HAAAAHH!! HOT! HOT! IT BURNS!" Syndrome starts madly thrashing around the lava as he tries to escape but to no avail, it seems like God has abandoned him.

"From today onward, there'll be no more Syndrome." Jin smiled to himself. You might be asking why he killed Syndrome instead of using him as a bridge that will cover the gap between the Government and the Supers but what's the use of following the plot? In Jin's eyes, both Syndrome and the Government held no value.

Especially since Supers aren't exactly supposed to ask permission from the Government just to save someone, right?

Only idiots follow such idiocy.

Right now, Jin's problem is the threat of the universal gods and the angels. As the Lucifer Morningstar, he bears such heavy responsibilty and he must recover his full strength as soon as possible.

"Now, what to do with this island?" Jin then eyed the large island that used to serve as Syndrome's secret base.

"...I know what to do." Jin smiled, however this smile doesn't contain happiness, instead it has a bit of sadism in it.


[We are now live here at Mount Hass, where a less than a hectare island fell on for some unknown reason. We don't know how this happened nor do we know who did it. But one thing for sure, this is the doing of a supervillain.]

Watching the news, Bob sighed and massaged his forehead. Thankfully, his wife is outside, buying some groceries or else he might receive another wave of discussion with her for watching the news about Supers again.

Ever since Bob was caught doing hero work behind her back, she became more strict on him to the point that Helen suggested to become the breadwinner instead of him.

Thankfully, Bob managed to talk some sense into her and retained his role as the family's breadwinner.

God knows how embarrassing it is for a man to rely on his wife in today's society. People would look down on him.


"Coming!" Hearing the sound of the doorbell, Bob assumed that it must be the mailman.

However, when he opened the door, he was greeted by an old friend instead of the mailman.

"Lucius? What are you doing here? What if Helen sees you? And how did you even get out of your house? I thought you were in some kind of quarantine." Upon seeing Lucius, Bob quickly searched outside before sighing in relief after seeing no sign of his wife.

"I'm just here to catch up with a friend. It's been a month since we last saw each other." Lucius said before showing the plastic bag he's holding that contains several cans of beer.

"And besides, Helen wouldn't mind us as long as we're within her sight. Surely, she wouldn't restrict you for having a lil' bit of fun with a friend, right?" Lucius said and Bob finally gave up before letting him enter.

"So, mind telling me how you got here? Is your wife also not at home?" Bob asked curiously, wondering if Lucius used some kind of technique to convince his wife or she's just not at home at the moment.

"Nope. She kinda allowed me." Lucius replied with a smirk on his face, as if prompting Bob to ask him how he did it.

"How?" It didn't take long before Bob fell to his trap and asked.

"It's really simple." Lucius smiled and got closer to Bob's ear and whispered.

"I just showed her who's boss."


"I made her realize that I'm the man of the house during the night. You know what I'm talking about." Lucius said with a teasing smirk on his face.

"...Really?" Bob muttered to himself, understanding Lucius's words and pondered if he should do the same.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 191 - Pregnancy!]

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