Ch. 191 - Pregnancy!

A few weeks have passed since the incident with Syndrome and it seems like his death has caused quite a stir in the underworld.

After all, despite having a crazy personality, he's still known as one of the most notorious arms dealers in the world, so his death is like a small single drop in a cup full of water, causing waves everywhere.

"I can't believe we actually inspired other heroes to come back out." Rapunzel was tiptoeing on the ground in fervor.

"Well, we kind of defied the only thing shackling them." Jin, who just got home after buying groceries with Tigress, managed to get back in time to witness this.

"He's right, though it got quite annoying as the government is now branding us as a group of terrorists. Though I don't think people will buy their lies anymore." Elsa also added in after Jin, stating her honest opinion on the matter.

"The government is probably thinking of changing their ways by now, I'm that they can see that the era of heroes is about to go back to the surface again." Jin said while putting down the groceries.

"Oh right, your phone's been ringing for the past 5 minutes earlier, Jin. I think it's someone important." Without deviating her eyes on the television, Rapunzel suddenly remembered something and quickly reminded Jin.

"I wonder who it is, thanks." Jin pondered to himself before walking towards the table where his Grapes phone resides.

Jin tried to find an Apple company in this world but only found a phone company called Grapes which is almost the exact same as Apple, so Jin guessed that Grapes is the counterpart of Apple from his previous world.

"Bob? Why's he calling me so early in the morning?" Jin scratched the back of his head before pressing the 'Call Back' function to call back Bob.



"Jin! I have good news!" As soon as the phone rang, Bob quickly answered and spoke first.

"Calm down, big guy. What's the deal?" Jin chuckled, it is rare for Bob to be this happy after all, so he's quite curious.

"I'm gonna be a father of three! Helen's pregnant!" Bob continued with a shocking reveal, excitement can be heard seeping through his voice.

However, unknown to Bob, Jin is more excited than he is.

'Fuck yes! JackJack is finally here!' Jin almost cried by himself just by this revelation, though it is soon replaced with sadness as he knows that what's about to happen next will absorb the joy Bob is feeling today.

He's about to take his third unborn child. A child that gave him happiness for the second time this year.

'Sigh, I should take the child already before Bob could grow attached to it.' Jin said with a sad shake of his head.

"Why are you sad? Shouldn't you be happy for you friend?" Mavis popped out behind his left shoulder and asked curiously after seeing the look on Jin's face.

As a vampire, her hearings are quite loud, which can also be said the same to Tigress who also casts a curious look to Jin.

"....Bob's third child my other half." Jin revealed, making Tigress and Mavis froze in realization.

Elsa and Rapunzel, who were curious about what they were talking about were alps shocked at the revelation, obviously they know the reason why they're in this world and now that Jin's other half is his friend's third child, they were surprised.

"....I suggest we go there as soon as possible and take my other half before Bob and Helen could grow attachment to it, the more we delay the more painful they'll feel once the baby is gone." Jin said to them. Even though he already expected it as he already placed a mental command on Bob'sind to tell him about it once he discovers that Helen is pregnant.

The girls nodded their heads, agreeing to his thoughts.

"Let's go to their house." Jin said, obviously they'll sneak in there instead of using the usual way.


"What should we name our baby? Shouldn't we think about it now?" Helen asked while softly caressing her stomach, even though there's no bulge yet, but the pregnancy test having two lines says otherwise.

"I'm thinking of something like mixing our names, what do you think?" Bob held his chin and pondered, his eyes never leaving Helen's stomach, clearly excited on having a third child.

This is all thanks to his friend, Lucius who taught him how to become the dominant one in the relationship.

Now, not only he's the dominant one but he also got a price at the end. It's a win-win situation if you ask him.

"Boblen? It doesn't sound good, Helob? No, that also doesn't sound right. Let's just pick a good name, mixing our names doesn't produce anything good." Helen also thought the same however the moment she tried mixing their names, she finally relented and chose to pick a common name.

"How about Jack? Sounds average, like how we should be, right?" Bob said, and after receiving a nod of approval from Helen, he made a victory pose. Only a husband knows how satisfying it is for his wife to have the same agreement. Sometimes, it's always the wife who's always right.

"We should go and see a doctor now and file our report to the government, after today's incidents of heroes going back out in public, they became more strict and required us former heroes to write a report to them every week." Bob continued before sighing in defeat after explaining about the misfortune they have to endure.

"Yes, and it is all thanks to you and your friend!" Helen also grew grim after hearing this and quickly pushed the blame to her husband.

"What did I do? Didn't I already turn my back on it just for you?" Bob exasperatedly replied after being blamed.

However, Helen simply ignored his complaints and walked towards their room.

"I'll just change. Start the car." Helen said before closing the door of their room.

"Sigh, how come it became my fault?" Bob sighed in defeat before walking towards the garage with slumped shoulders.

"Hey, dad. What's for dinner?" Dash then appeared in front of him with a blur before asking.

"Dash, didn't your mother tell you to not use your powers inside the house and no, your mother hasn't made dinner yet so stay put and wait for us until we get back home."

"Get back home? Where are you guys going?" Hearing Bob's words, Dash was confused and quickly raised a question.

"It will be a surprise, so just wait for us." Bob said no more and quickly approached the garage to start the car while grabbing the car keys at the same time.


Inside the room, Helen was changing her garments when someone peeked on their window. Since their house doesn't have a second floor, it became easy to peek inside through the window and even though Helen closed the blinds before changing, there's still a small gap enough for Jin to peek inside.

'She's inside.' Jin whispered to himself after not staring at Helen's bubbly ass for a good minute straight.

'Ehem, let's focus on our goal.' Jin shook his head and lightly slapped his cheeks. Thankfully, he's alone and his women are hiding in another neighborhood in front of Parr's residence.

Jin then proceeded to close his eyes and use chi to scan Helen's body.

'There!' It didn't take long for Jin to scan the soul residing on Helen's tummy, which means that JackJack is finally existing.

'But how do I take it? I have to get in contact with her to push the soul out of her stomach.' Jin was pondering to himself when he decided to risk it.

Quickly teleporting inside, Jin was surprised that Helen was reacting to his sudden presence inside her room, which means she still has some kind of danger sense alarming her.

'That's awesome.' Jin said to himself and decided to make a move now. He can't show his face to her or else he would have to erase her memory and replace it, which is quite trouble some.

So he simply used his telekinesis to lock herself in place.

"Wh-?!" Just as Helen wanted to scream for help after noticing that she can't move her body anymore, she sudnely stopped when she felt something pressing her lower back before disappearing.

At the same time, the restrain that she's feeling is also gone, so she quickly turned around just to see nothing. Even the curtains weren't moved as if she was alone all this time.

'...Weird, is it some kind of symptom when a child is a super like the parent? But I didn't feel this when I was carrying Violet or Dash.' Helen asked to herself before deciding to pursue this matter later.

She's excited and can't wait share the news of her pregnancy to her other children, friends and also her parents.


'That was close. Thankfully I reacted fast enough to lock her in place.' Jin wiped off the sweat on his forehead before raising his hand, where a darkish red orb floats above his palm.

The orb looks small like a tennis ball but it you're in Jin's position, you'll be able to clearly feel the incredible power residing inside the soul.

Jin even estimated that if JackJack is given time to grow, he'd become a Multiversal Being and now that he's going to merge with it, which means he'll become that Multiversal Being and possibly beyond.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 192 - The Lost Half]

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