Ch. 195 - I Am Samael

"I am...Samael?" Sam spoke with unsureness in his voice, not quite believing what his Personification of Existence is telling him.

"Yes, yes you are Samael. You are not a half nor a clone, you are your own and you must be proud of it."


Suddenly, the entire space where they reside started to rumble as if an earthquake was occurring inside.

But how can an earthquake appear inside a soul space?

"That's Lucifer. He knows that you're now a separate being that uses half of his soul, so he intends to erase you and take over your body to resurrect himself." The other Sam looked at where the rumble was occurring before shifting his focus back on Sam.

"We both don't want that to happen. So make sure to turn the tables." The other Sam said for the last time before approaching Sam and touched his forehead.

"Now wake up!" With a gentle push, Sam found himself standing back in the desert where he absorbed Lucifer's soul.

In front of him is a pure purple ethereal being in the form of Lucifer, looking at him with desire and a couple other sins that exist.

"A fresh and untainted body, enough for me to become stronger than ever! And you just have to give it to me but instead, you want to resist you mere half!" Lucifer yelled as a huge pressure descended on Sam's figure. More like on his soul but his physical body is the one responding to the pressure.

"Kackkk!....I...Am Samael! Not your half!" Gritting his teeth, Sam unleashed his entire soul power back towards Lucifer, instilling the same amount of pressure back to him.

"You!" Lucifer gritted his and tried to input more pressure on, Sam when he suddenly felt a stab on his chest.

"Wha-." Normally, nothing should be capable of hurting Lucifer considering that he's in his soul form but the moment he stares at the large red blade sticking on his chest, Lucifer finally knows what despair feels.

"W-what is this?" Lucifer mustered the strength to speak while trying to remove the blade sludged on his chest.

"Don't bother removing it, because if you do. The more pain you'll feel." Sam said while throwing his other blade to stab Lucifer's left chest.


Followed by the rattle of the chains, Lucifer's left chest was stabbed with yet another red blade.

"How can such a weapon hurt me?" Lucifer muttered while using his hands to remove the blades, disregarding Sam's warning on him earlier.


"Aaarrrghhh!" True to Sam's warnings earlier, Lucifer felt more pain the moment he tried to release the blades.

"I just noticed earlier that you can't seem to use your powers. And I wonder why?" Sam slowly approached Lucifer and spoke, which prompted Lucifer to stare back at Sam.

"It turns out you have all those powers in yourself but you can't utilize it without a physical body or at least you need a complete soul along with a physical body to use your powers, right?" Sam stated his deduction, which made Lucifer gulp down very hard nervously, something that Sam caught in his eyes.

"So I was right." It turns out, it's just Sam's assumption and he's not entirely sure. Now, Lucifer's anxiousness just confirmed his suspicions.

Sam then coated his hand with soul energy, a thing that he just recently mastered during his encounter with Lucifer inside his soul.

"Urrrggh!" Lucifer breathed heavily while feeling Sam's grip on his neck.

"Any last words?" Sam said back to Lucifer.

"I-urrgh! I know about you being hunted by the gods and their alliance, I can help! As long as we merge together, we can have great power to overthrow everyone!" Lucifer tried to speak but due to the grip on his neck, he was unable to. Thankfully, Sam noticed this predicament of his and quickly loosened his grip on him, allowing him to speak freely.

"What do you mean 'We'?" However, Sam's next words went out of Lucifer's expectations. He was either expecting being accepted or straight out rejected with a 'No'.


"I said 'What do you mean We'? There's no We, only me. As for knowing my situation, so what? Do you think I can't handle it? Sure, I can't handle it in my current state but once I'm done with you, I'll be able to handle it just fine." Sam grinned while stabbing his blades more deeply inside Lucifer's ethereal body.

Noticing something wrong, Lucifer could feel his soul strength slowly diminishing from his soul.

Looking down, Lucifer finally noticed his purple ethereal soul slowly being seeped by the blades stabbed on his chest.

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Lucifer stared back to his half counterpart and fearfully asked.

"Oh this? It's nothing much. I'm just taking back what's supposed to be mine." After Sam said those words, he noticed that Lucifer quickly tried to merge his soul back inside Sam, in order to escape and hide back inside Sam's soul.

However, would Sam allow him to do that? Once Lucifer went inside him, it would become hard for him to dispel him back out and would have to resort to fighting him back inside his soul.

And unlike Sam, Lucifer obviously has more experience in controlling the soul energy, so Sam would be at a disadvantage once he allowed Lucifer to fight him inside his soul.

So, before Lucifer could get in and proceed with his devious plan, Sam quickly grabbed the handles of both his blades and spun them inside Lucifer's chest, causing him great pain and stopping him from entering inside Sam.

Sam then coated both his hands with his familiar red chi to intensify the absorption rate of the blades.

"No! No! You can't do this to me!" Feeling his strength losing much more faster, Lucifer knew that his doom is nearing and he can't do anything to it.

If only he could use his powers despite being a soul but unfortunately, he was an idiot and thought that he would be able to fight Sam more effectively outside his soul space.

He was wrong. So wrong.

He just doomed himself by thinking and proceeding with that idea without thinking of the consequence.

'Was this also part of his plan?' Lucifer then felt his strength finally losing more and more until he couldn't raise his limbs anymore.

So he could only look up in the sky and surrender to his fate. It's quite ironic that a being like him who values freedom and hates being controlled the most is now suffering due to his fate, a concept that was created by none other than God himself, the person he doesn't want to be controlled by.

Everything is falling back into place. His second death and replacement. It's like God planned all of this.

"I curse you, God. I CURSE YOU!" Mustering his remaining strength, Lucifer yelled on the top of his lungs, full of anger and wrath coming out of his voice.


Following that was the sound of a thunder, as if fate had acknowledged his anger and curse. Although that's a story for another.

At the same time, the Blades of Havoc glowed intensely that if someone were to look at them, they might think that the sun has appeared in the desert.

The glow was so intense that it immediately caught the attention of the Governments through their satellites.

Before the light could further intensify, the light suddenly disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place.

All that's left are pieces of glass on the ground, which used to be sand but were turned to glass due to the heat.


"They just disappeared like that?" Back in God's space, Aeloria and Caulius who have been watching the fight between Sam and Lucifer from the start, were suddenly left blue-balled when Sam disappeared after completely absorbing Lucifer's entire being.

"Father, do you know where he is?" Seeing as both of them have no idea where Sam has gone to, they decided to ask the only person present with Omniscience.

"....If I'm not wrong, then perhaps he has travelled to the place where Samael died and Lucifer was born." God said before closing his eyes.

"...You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?" Looking at each other after hearing God's answer, Caulius said to Aeloria.



Meanwhile, back to the real world, Tigress and the rest of Jin's women were pacing back and forth in the room with worry stricken faces.

"It's been a few hours and he's not coming back yet. What happened to him?" Rapunzel bit her nails while stating her worries.

Elsa and Mavis share the same worry as her and regret not forcing to go with Jin.

Out of all of them, Tigress was the only one with less worry on her face. Not because she's not very worried even though she's probably more worried than the three of them combined but she knew herself that she needed to stay strong.

Stay strong to maintain stability among their relationship, especially now that Jin is gone and his whereabouts are unknown.

If she also panicked like them, then they all might start to crumble.


"Where am I?" Waking up from a seemingly deep slumber, Sam noticed that he was floating once again in a deep dark space.

His Blades of Havoc is nowhere to be seen along with his clothes.

He was buck naked.

"You are in a place where the dead go after their death." Hearing the familiar voice, Sam quickly turned around and saw his Personification of Existence once again.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that you're in the world of the dead, Hell. A place where you died and where Lucifer was born. In short, this is your home."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 196 - Hell]

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