Ch. 196 - Hell

"Hell?" As soon as Sam heard this word coming out from the other Sam's mouth, a flash of memories that is unknown to him suddenly struck his mind.

"This must be the original Lucifer's memories about Hell." After a few minutes of clutching his head and digesting the newly received memories in his mind, the sensation in his mind soon disappeared and he could finally view his new memories.

"....I didn't expect Lucifer to have this kind of power." Sam's mouth twitched slightly after seeing how the previous Lucifer could control the entirety of Hell and its inhabitants.

Hell is quite similar to Earth but the only difference is the race living inside along with their belief.

If humans believed in Gods, then the devils in Hell believe in Lucifer as their one and only God.

"Tigress will definitely like this place." After going through all of his new memories, Sam finally sighed. Everything Lucifer knows about Hell is now in Sam's possession. So, Sam is technically the new ruler of Hell and none of its inhabitants know of it yet. Though Sam doesn't intend to announce himself yet

Mainly because Sam discovered that Lucifer has several strong demons who can be regarded as the Generals in Hell, which is also the reason why he felt like this place would be suitable to Tigress who likes fighting the most.

And one of the reasons is because Sam wanted to assimilate the raging power inside him first. After absorbing every inch of Lucifer's being, Sam could feel a force raging inside him and if Sam doesn't control it in time, he might fall and Lucifer's personality might overtake him.

Obviously, Sam doesn't want that.

"That's good thinking. And here I thought you're thinking of facing Hell on your own when you don't even have control of yourself yet. By the time you do, I'll be gone by then." The other Sam then said, interrupting Sam in his thoughts.

"Would it take a long time to calm it down? What if a hundred years have passed and Tigress and the others have already grown old?" Sam then remembered about his women waiting for him at home. He felt guilty for not telling them about his current situation and that they shouldn't worry about him.

"If only you've brought them. In this small space around us is your personal dimension inside Hell, if you could retain your powers back, you could've detached this place from time so the time outside wouldn't pass no matter how many years you spent here."

"But since you're already here, then you have no choice but to make them wait for several years." After the other Sam finished his words, Sam then froze in shock and wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible to get back at his women.

When suddenly, Sam heard a familiar voice inside his head.

[Consider this as my Welcome Back gift for you.]

Before Sam could discern what God meant by those words, a flash of bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

When the light dims, Sam was suddenly brought down on the ground as four women suddenly collided themselves with him.

"Jin! You've been gone for a whole day! Where were you?" Rapunzel was the first one to express her worries and asked.

"I'm fine. Something unexpected just happened." Seeing the worries and relief looks on their faces, Sam could only sigh and reveal the truth to them.

"What?! Then why didn't you call us then! We could've helped!" Hearing that Sam fought such a strong opponent, Tigress immediately disguised her worry as an excuse for complaining that she didn't manage to fight a strong enemy.

"You won't stand a chance and besides, we mostly fought in our soul forms, so we only had some physical fight." Sam patted her shoulders, understanding her worries before remembering something and continued.

"How about this, I'll let you fight to your hearts content in this place."

"This place? Now that I remember, I was just about to ask you about this place. Where are we?" Tigress then remembered something and scratched her head.

"We're in a place called Hell. It's where sinful people end up after their deaths. And although I now have the full authority of this place, that doesn't mean the other demons especially Lucifer's Generals allow this situation." Sam explained. According to the memories he got from Lucifer, his Generals would definitely tear him into pieces once they discovered that their master is dead and a new one has replaced him.

So, Sam's plan is to keep beating them up until they surrender and change their loyalty from Lucifer to him.

Lucifer's Generals are his most loyal subordinates and followers after all, so it would be hard to influence them. So if things didn't go as Sam liked, he would have to resort to killing as much as he doesn't want to.

"How strong are they?" A gleam of excitement flashed within Tigress's eyes as she immediately asked the question.

Hearing Tigress's question, Sam's mind immediately wandered to one of his memories towards Hell, specifically on one of Lucifer's Generals, Beelzebub.

In this memory, Belphegor used planets as his snacks. Even going as far as eating almost dead universes just satisfy his cravings.

To Sam, that's enough to discern how strong each General of Lucifer is.

Aside from Belphegor, the rest are 5 devils and along with Belphegor and Lucifer, they're known as the 7 Demon Pillars in Hell.

Lucifer himself governs on the sin of Pride.

While Beelzebub governs the sin of Envy.

Satan, who lords over the sin of Wrath.

Abaddon, the sin of Sloth.

Mammon, governing over the sin of Greed.

Belphegor himself, the sin of Gluttony.

And finally, Asmodeus, the lord of the sin of Lust.

Combined, they're the seven devils that governs over the entirety of Hell.

And although Lucifer is among them and looks like he is the same as them but don''t be deceived by that as Lucifer is the one that the 6 devils follows.

"Is this really Hell? But where's the fire and demons? Also, isn't there supposed to be a place where sinners suffer?" Looking around and seeing only the dark, Rapunzel was curious and asked the question.

"We're indeed in Hell but not exactly in the center of Hell, we're inside a dimension inside Hell. It's kind of similar to a room inside a house." Sam explained to not only Rapunzel but also to the others that were confused.

While in the middle of explaining, Sam suddenly remembered the other Sam, so he quickly tried to introduce him to them.

But when he searched for him and noticed that he was gone, Sam stopped and sighed.

Why does it feel like he has some kind of multiple personality disorder combined with an imaginary friend.

"Is something wrong? Anyways, can we leave here?" Mavis noticed the look on Sam's face and quickly reacted.

"I'm fine. And I don't think we can leave here in the meantime, there's actually a reason why God brought you here." Sam then proceeded to explain the reason to them and why they were brought here.


"Then we'll stay here with you for as long as you want." Tigress smiled and kissed him on the lips.

'Maybe I should retain my full control over this small dimension first before anything else, so they could get out as they please and roam around Hell.' Sam could see that his women would definitely grow bored by being inside this dark dimension, and as their man, he doesn't want them to experience that. So he made a goal for himself.

After preparing and explaining everything, Sam sat on the ground and closed his eyes, starting his journey to self discovery.


The first thing that Sam did is to view everything in his new memories and soon, one by one, new memories worth trillion of years right from the moment Lucifer was born, Sam started to experience it all, as if he was living in another life except he can't control this life and can only view it like playing a character in a video game who is in a cutscene.

And so, Sam started to view everything in a different way. If he sees Lucifer as some kind of boss level in a video game, then now he sees him as a respectable person that deserves his respect.

Lucifer is not exactly a bad guy. It's just that his overthinking made him a bad guy and God didn't do anything to clear it up.

Lucifer started overthinking that he's dancing on God's palm when they last talked about the war between their sides.

Lucifer wanted to stop the war, mostly because he felt like the war is meaningless and also because he felt bored that he can't fight anyone on his level, not even his brother Michael, who used to be on the same level as him.

And so, Lucifer approached God and offered a truce with him. Expecting him to agree to his truce and stop the war. After all, Lucifer has already successfully convinced his side that the truce would be made but God's response shocked him instead.

"We must continue the war until the end of the Multiverse. It's what we're meant to do."

Those words shook Lucifer to the core, driving him to think that everything is according to God's plan.

The overthinking grew so much worse that he decided to kill himself and be reborn in order to defy God's plan.

Normally, this plan would've succeeded and Lucifer would stand as the winner but unfortunately for him, God also has his plan.

And that's Jin, or in his true name, Samael.


[The end of this fanfic is nearing and so is the rewrite, so there's no need to give this power Stones, and just give it to some deserving authors.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 197 - The Awakening]

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