Ch. 205 - The True Power of the First Devil

"And who gave you the confidence to do such a thing?" Hearing those words from behind, Satan quickly turned around to face the source of the voice.

The other Sin Devils also shifted their attention to a human-looking figure who was staring at them with cold eyes, something that made Satan angry.

"Human, the last time I was stared at by those same eyes got their eyes plucked." As Satan was speaking those words, he picked up the sharp knife on the table and pointed them at Jin, specifically towards his eyes, clearly gesturing his intention to pluck out or stab Jin's eyes.

"How can a human even get to your territory this deep, Satan? I heard you keep several human delicacies inside your home. Did this one escape?" The sin of Gluttony, licked his lips and stared at Jin as if he had some kind of food while commenting.

"Hmm...I don't remember a face like him. But something around him tells me that he's somehow familiar." Satan squinted his eyes at the 'human' in front of him and after several seconds had passed, he clicked his tongue and continued.

"You, kill this human and serve his fresh body on the table. He asked for it." Satan pointed at one of his nearby subordinates before giving an order.

After the said subordinate nodded his head, Satan had already considered the job done, so he turned around to face his fellow Sin Devils, only to see them sweating profusely.

"What's with the five of you? Did the flames of Hell finally get into you?" Satan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"....S-Satan, t-take a look at his aura." The sin of sloth, Abaddon gulped his saliva hard which was loud enough to be heard by the others.

"Hm?" Not removing his raised eyebrows, Satan turned around to face the 'human' once again only to see the subordinate he ordered to kill the 'human' have his head in hold by the 'human' he's about to kill.

"You still never changed, Satan." Jin flashes a cold smile while throwing the head of the poor devil subordinate away from them.

At the same time, Satan finally realized who he was facing at the moment.

"L-Lord L-Lucifer." Satan quickly fell to his knees and bowed his head, in fear of being killed by Jin.

"There's no more Lucifer in this world. Only Samael." Jin slowly approached the kneeling Satan before placing his foot on top of his head.

"And I heard you caused quite a ruckus in the world of humans." Jin crouched and grabbed Satan by his long and sturdy horns that were known to be an indestructible part of Satan's body, before forcing him to face him.

"I-It was supposed to be my gift for you, m-my lord." Satan tried to answer despite feeling the painful grip on his horns, even hearing it cracking slightly.

"Normally, I would appreciate it, but your choice of worlds just paved yourself your doom."

Before Satan could respond and the other Sin Devils could react, Satan's entire body shriveled and turned into ashes, leaving only his two indestructible horns.

"Now, for the rest of you." Jin transported the horns back to his private space, Genesis before patting his hands as he stood back up.

Hearing Jin's words made the rest of the devils freeze and straighten their backs.

You can see their throats gulping their saliva and sweats rolling down on their cheeks.

'Thankfully, we haven't our moves yet like this idiot.' They all said to their minds in unison while mocking Satan inside their minds. They have long harbored resentment towards the aforementioned individual due to the fact of his unfavourable personality mixed in with his uncontrolled behavior of doing things whatever he wants and once he didn't get what he wanted, he would turn his anger to other devils.

Sure they're devils and they're the most evil FL creature in the entire multiverse, but unlike Satan, they view other devils as part of their race, only killing them if necessary, not for personal preferences.

'So Satan is the worst of them all?' Jin whispered in his mind, while staring at his soon to be subordinates of Hell, being oblivious to the fact that their minds are completely open for Jin to read.

"Your real leader, Lucifer has died and I killed him. From now on, I'll be the new Ruler of Hell, Samael Morningstar. Any objections, step forward." Jin loudly yelled, not only for the five of them to hear but the entire Hell, shocking those in power.

"...." Feeling the stare that Jin is giving them, the 5 Sin Devils could only bow their heads, no one stepping forward to raise objections. Who would be an idiot to do such stupidity? They're just evil, not dumb, specially when their eyes are darting towards the ashes on the ground that used to be Satan from time to time.

After looking at their expressions and hearing the voices in their heads, Jin smiled to himself in delight.

Looks like there won't be any bloodshed happening today!

At the same time, the blood red skies of Hell suddenly started having gaps, followed by millions of Angels who were slowly turning into devils, the more they reached the grounds of Hell.

The five Sin Devils who saw this were shocked and excited.

Seeing how the arrogant Angels who have been suppressing and stepping all over them are now falling and turning into the very same beings they despised, puts a smile on their faces.

'This is it! It's time for Devils to take their rightful place in the Multiverse!' Thinking of this, the 5 Sin Devils all looked at their new Ruler in reverie and worship.

Seeing the looks that they're giving him, Jin was pleasantly surprised.

'Getting their loyalty won't be that hard then. Just the fall of the Angels is enough for them to put me in the same place as Lucifer in their eyes.' Jin said to himself before staring back up at the sky, watching the Angels continuously fall from the holes and become devils themselves.

'Speaking of falling angels.' Jin then closed hai eyes and could feel the power emerging inside him.

The power might be little compared to the Multiversal power he holds, but as more and more angels start to fall, the so-called little power starts to enlarge and become stronger.The Morphic Shifter is not an artifact made from an idea that formed on Lucifer's mind.

Instead, he actually got the idea from God's Heaven. Which continuously gives birth to Angels and in return, gives more power to God himself.

Although Lucifer can make Hell do the same and give birth to Devils, he wanted to weaken God, so he devised the idea and made it so the created Angels would fall and become devils once they make a single sin.

'I wonder what he feels now that I'm effectively stealing his strength from him? Although I'm grateful for giving me this chance in life, I can't turn a blind eye to him being manipulative.' Jin said to himself and almost felt guilty for doing such a thing to the person who gave him a second chance in life.

Unfortunately, Jin doesn't have the power to peek on God and even if he does, he will be discovered as soon as he peeks even a little bit.


For the first time since Lucifer's death a million years ago, God has finally appeared back on Heaven once again, much to the Angel's cheers and praises.

"The Almighty God is back! It's time to punish those devils back to their places!" Among the crowd of billions of angels, a voice yelled, which was quickly followed by roars and cheers from the rest of the devils.

Even Michael himself felt happy as excited now that God is back in Heaven.

Looking at his sons and daughters, God felt sympathy for them. The Angels didn't know that he was the main reason why the devils become arrogant again.

And now, he would become the cause for the upcoming resume of war between Angels and Devils.

All of these because of a chain reaction that God foresaw in the future.

God created Heaven and Angels to maintain the order on the Multiverse but too much order would restrain the relationship between Universal Gods and Angels, and also cause the Angels to become arrogant, especially since God values free will towards his own creations.

So, he created the Devils by starting with Samael, his most favourite child. The Devils exists to keep the Angel's arrogance in check and also to prevent the Universal Gods from having displeasures against the Angels.

And in order to keep each other in check, the Devils and Angels have no choice but to spend trillions of years being at each other's throat.

Now, one must think that erasing both Angels and Devils would result into a good outcome.

If so, then you're wrong. The Universal Gods would then take charge into the Multiverse and cause chaos.

And if he removes the Universal Gods, no one would keep in check with the Universes, and the entire chain of Multiverse would collapse without anyone tending to them.

There's no need for him to explain the rest of it, right?

This is why, God calls this the Destined Chain Reaction. Something that God himself must maintain for the rest of his life.

Thankfully, someone now shares the burden with him.


With Samael taking charge of the side of Devils, God finally saw a stable future of the Multiverse for another eons upon eons to come.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 206 - The True Power of The First Devil (2)]

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