Ch. 206 - The True Power of the First Devil (2)

After taking charge of the entire Hell and giving a specific order to his Sin Devils to find suitable devils to occupy the position of Sin of Wrath, Lust and Pride.

That's right, Jin has abandoned the idea of putting himself in an equal status as the other Sin Devils.

As the strongest among the entire Devils, why would he make himself have the same status as the other Sin Devils?

He must and should have the highest form of status in Hell, which is now known as Father of Devils or Father as he wants to be called by all the devils.

"Now that the matter in Hell is finished, it's time to establish my name as Samael, the new ruler of Hell and the Father of the Devils." Finishing up with those words, Jin finally used one of Lucifer's most powerful powers.


Although not as powerful as God's Omniscience that can see the past, present, and future of the entire Multiverse, at least, his omniscience could observe every nook and cranny of the Multiverse.

And this is what Jin just needed.

He used his Omniscience to spy on Tigress, Elsa, Rapunzel and Mavis.

After helping the world of The Incredibles and repelling the devils that tried to invade the universe, Jin then informed them of the invasion in their worlds, which prompted Jin to transfer them to their own worlds to protect.

Although it was a bit successful, the success is not without a cost.

'Master Shifu and Agnarr.' Jin solemnly looked at the crying face of Elsa and the sad look on Tigress's face.

One is his Master in Martial Arts while the other is a good friend of his.

Although Jin has already predicted that this would've happened, it still pains him to see this state of them.

'I guess this is the best time to fully use my true power.' Jin said to himself and quickly teleported into the Kung Fu Panda world first.


After repelling all of the devils, the Furious Five including Tigress were standing around in circle while in the middle was Master Shifu's corpse and Master Oogway's ethereal form floating above it.

"What are we still doing here? Should we go and bury Master Shifu's body and give our respects to him?" Monkey wiped off the small tears on the edge of his eyes and asked in confusion.

"We shall wait for his arrival." Master Oogway said while his eyes closed. Even Tigress was standing still and seems to be waiting for the person that Master Oogway was referring to.

"Who are we even waiting for?" Po whispered to himself, unlike the others, his head was bowed down, never having the courage to look at his Master's body.

"He's almost here."

At the same time, a gush of wind started to blow inside the Jade Palace.

"What's that?" Viper asked with raised eyebrows, looking around her as she searched for the cause of the anomaly.

"....Uhm, guys. Am I the only one seeing that tall Jin lookalike?" Mantis pointed his stick-like arms at a certain corner of the Jade Palace.

Listening to his words, everyone except for Tigress and Master Oogway turns to look at the said corner that Mantis was pointing at.

"Long time no see." Hearing the familiar voice combined with a face that looks like their friend, made everyone go wide-eyed.

"Jin?!" They all called out to him in unison.

Meanwhile, Po quickly wiped the small tear stains on his face, in fear of being 'lectured' by his Master for crying like a baby.

"How have you guys been." Jin greeted them with a smile.

"You've only been gone for a whole day, you speak as if you left for a year." Crane chuckled and joked, trying to lighten the somber mood.

"...." Jin didn't know whether to laugh along or tell the truth to them.

Though he preferred the former as telling them the truth might be a waste of time and won't yield any great results.

They might even get mad at him and Tigress for not telling them the truth despite being friends.

"Jin, Master Shifu...." Even though Crane managed to lift the mood slightly, it's still hard to ignore the fact that their master is now dead.

Upon hearing those words coming out from Mantis's mouth, everyone's faces turned solemn and they quickly looked away in shame.

Most of them have silently blamed themselves for being weak which caused their Master to die at the hands of a devil.

Especially Mantis, who was the first one to see Master Shifu's corpse. He was blaming himself not only for being weak but also for being slow. If only he was much faster, perhaps he could've arrived in time to save Master Shifu from his death.

But alas, death is inevitable and there's no going back to life after death, so they must move on and become stronger so the same tragedy won't happen in the future.

Or at least that's what is supposed to happen but fortunately, Jin is not a normal person.

"Everything is gonna be fine." Jin mysteriously smiled at them, which made them feel bad as they thought that Jin was also in pain like them and they had let him down.

Unknown to them, as soon as Jin has arrived, Master Oogway and Tigress now have relief smiles on their faces, contrary to what they should bear on their faces considering that someone close to them had just died.

"Jin?" Po was confused why Jin was getting closer and closer to Master Shifu's corpse.

At first, he thought that Jin just wanted to get a closer look as the other Furious Five also thought so but their thoughts were changed the moment Jin kneeled in front of the corpse and placed his hand on Master Shifu's chest.

Bright light seeped through the gaps between Jin's palm and Master Shifu's chest, giving them an idea that Jin was doing something.

"Jin what are you do-." Finally cannot handle the curiosity as it was already killing him, Crane approached Jin and was about to ask something when everyone's eyes widened when Master Shifu's supposedly dead body started twitching and moved soon after.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Master Shifu!!"


"Papa. Sniff Sniff." Laying here head on Agnarr's chest, Elsa kept crying and crying as she knows that his father is dead due to being unable to hear a heart beat anymore.

"Elsa." Catching her off guard, Elsa quickly turned around when she felt someone touching her shoulder.

"Jin!" Jumping out from her position, Elsa hugged Jin and engulfed him in her arms.

"Jin, papa is..." After having her hug reciprocated, she looked back on her father's corpse before shifting her gaze back to Jin, this time, having a hopeful look in her eyes.

She knew that if there's someone who can do the impossible, then that would only be the love of her life, Jin.

"Don't worry, Elsa. Everything will be fine." Elsa patted Elsa's shoulders and kissed her on the lips.

Only this time she noticed Tigress standing behind Elsa with a calming smile.

"He'll do the impossible, Elsa. Just like he always does." Hearing Tigress's word just added fuel to the burning hope in her heart.

And now, Jin can be seen crouching down on the ground and similar to what he did to Master Shifu, bright light escaped from the gaps between his palm and Agnarr's chest giving it a magical look.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!....Elsa?" After coughing several times, Agnarr finally opened his eyes once again and the first word that came out of his mouth is the name of the last person he saw before he died.

"Jin?" However, once his eyes fully adjusted on his sight, he was surprised to see his previous benefactor, Jin.

"Did you also die too? Are we dead?" The first thing that came up on Agnarr's mind was that he was dead and so is Jin.

"Yes, Agnarr. We are now on our way to Heaven. It's time for your judgement." Deciding to play with his friend, Jin made a calm look and seemed as if he was here to guide Agnarr to the next life.

"Heaven? So, I'm really dead?" Agnarr was shocked at first, which was easy to tell considering his widened eyes. However, he soon sighed.

He knew there was no point in denying his death.

'At least I died protecting the people I love.' Agnarr smiled and for the first time in life, he felt proud of himself. Proud that he protected the people and things he loved and lastly, he's proud that he died an honorable death.

Getting up from the ground, Agnarr was about up when his eyes suddenly caught Elsa in his vision.

'No.' Widening his eyes once again from shock, Agnarr's blood ran cold as he knew the only reason he could be seeing his daughter Elsa right now is because of one thing.

"Elsa....Y-You also died." Slightly tearing up, Agnarr was choking on his saliva when he suddenly started hearing Jin's laugh along with Elsa.

"Papa, don't be so shocked. Jin is just playing with you. Welcome back to the world of living." Placing the blame on Jin, Elsa chuckled while helping Agnarr to stand up.

"World of living? That means I didn't die?" Touching his chest where a huge hole that the devil stabbed his claws in was now gone, Agnarr was greatly surprised. How come he's still alive?

"Well, technically you died. But I just brought you back to life." Jin then came forward and cleared Agnarr's confusion.

"I...died and was brought back to life?" Despite explaining it clearly, Agnarr's face still bears the same confused expression.

"I know it's quite hard to take it in, so how about you rest first and Elsa, don't you think it's time to put a stop to putting the world back into the Ice Age?" Hearing Jin's words, Elsa's eyes widened in surprise.

She completely forgot that she had just covered the entire world with her ice!





[Next Chapter: Ch. 207 - The True Power of The First Devil (3)]

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