Chapter 8: The Aftermath

When the black vigilante revealed who he was as the Ghost everyone began to do small research about the legend in Tsushima. Heroes who are injured are only All Might and Endeavor the chief then follow the Ghost's request as they investigate the contents of the flashdrive they play the edited voice recording of the hero who die from the Ghost's hand. The police and the heroes were pissed about the fellow hero who lied about his investigations and his fake achievements were stolen from the people

"Chief I got a question regarding about the Ghost" Kamui Asked the Chief who knew about the story "We already know what your going to say let me tell you his full story"

The chief then explains about the Ghost's story how he can slay many Mongols, Bandits, and traitors of Tsushima with ease and has many techniques about how he can be that fast to kill a group or even a small army if a hero tries to challenge the Ghost the hero will die in an insatant. The heroes who are present were shock of his abilities no matter if he was quirkless a being that existed many many years ago

"So... meaning he is somewhat impossible to beat down no matter how powerful our quirks are" Best Jeanist saidwith a concerned tone in his voice.

Many of the heroes began thinking about how to deal with him until Eraser Head who was in the corner listening about their thought but the Ghost explaining that he is quirkless and a being that has the ability to swiftly kills his targets without breaking a sweat. But also his revelation for the quirkless can't let it of his mind how he reminded everyone how power can easily corrupt us he then grab the bridge of his nose thinking 'This will be a long day hopefully I'll meet the Ghost once more'

Izuku is now in his last year in highschool after that incident many students were now minding Izuku's buisness and never bother or bully him again thanks to the ghost some who were asking Izuku about the legend of the Ghost. In which he answered telling the same story to them many asked him about his ancestry in which he comply saying that his family from his mother side are from Tsushima so he already knows the story. Then everything went to normal until his vigilante partol as the Ghost he jump from rooftop to rooftop until he encounter Eraser Head who was following he stop for a moment

"What do you want with me hero" he then looks at Eraser Head who is holding on to his scarf

"Your mass slaughter ends here Ghost!" Eraser Head stated out

then hurled his scarf towards the Ghost but was easily been cut off by the Ghost fast cutting technique using the water stance then switches to the winds stance to get closer to Eraser Head Eraser head was surprised about him having the ability to cut his scarf no matter how tough the material is he kept on huring more of his capture weapon. Then Izuku pointed his katana right at Eraser Head's neck which made him stop and raises his hands but then Izuku releases him and sheath his katana back at his saya.

"Why do you do this Ghost...Why do you prefer killing these villains instead of putting them behind bars huh at least they would have a better life!" He asked the Ghost with a bit of anger "Do many of them learned their lessons after that" He answers in a slightly deep tone

making Eraser head look at him "Do you remember how many innocent live lost because of this excuse any you say that they would learn their lessons but not many of them they would rather do this over and over and over again until someone will kill them" He then looks Eraser Head

with the same tone of his voice but with his eyes staring right at him then Eraser Head was taken it back about his answer

"You may tell me that killing is wrong and all but tell me can you stop a mongol killing many innocent lives pillaging for loot and stealing riches from them, then tell me if you can stop bandits and ronins who are doing similar things like the mongols just by capturing them and let them learn for what they have done". Eraser Head was now in a state of panic

what to counter back those words to him

"I know you heroes have a moral code you follow almost similar to the samurai code that my fellow samurai must follow or else they have failed the samurai honor" Izuku told Eraser head about the moral code

that many heroes follow in their own way

"There are moments like a innocent person is about to be killed by your enemies and you are occupied with the others. What yould you do to save him?" Izuku tells Eraser Head "I know we maybe different Ghost or Sakai please there is no need for this bloodshed plus us underground heroes have to deal with very worst villains that those that the heroes have to deal with" Eraser Head told Izuku about his line of work

"Remember Eraser there is no such things as good or bad or black and white in this world there are those people who stands in between and shades of grey"

then the ghost went to the ledge of the building and sat down in a Seiza position

"Come Sit with me Eraser Head" he ask Eraser Head then he comply and sat next to him with his feet hanging "Now then Eraser What do you see?" he asked him on what he can see "erm...The city of Mustafu but why?" he then asked the Ghost

"You may have to look at the city in a different way many poet writers always look outside and find those lines if they look at things differently" He then points into a few things in the city

"Lights, People, Groups, then us Heroes and people who want to help others no matter what now then there is my purpose and your purpose" Then Eraser look at the city and the small details about what the ghost then he ponder more and more now Eraser realize about why does the Ghost do this but when he look at where the ghost is but hes gone but left a not then Eraser Head then grab the note and read it saying

'You know why I exist and my purpose to do so' Eraser then smirked a bit about the Ghost's answer then in his mind 'So that is why you do this'.

-To be continue-